March 14, 2005

Bruce Willis talks of Solace, his acting and a Moonlighting movie?!

BruceWillisHostage.jpgA couple of Bruce Willis related news items on Solace and would you believe it, Moonlighting.

MovieWeb have the blurb of Solace from Variety:

Willis will play a doctor with psychic powers who's enlisted by the police to help catch a serial killer. It turns out the killer has similar gifts.

New Line's Toby Emmerich and Richard Brener are steering the pic and are expected to set a director this week.

The thriller has been a high priority since the studio paid seven figures four years ago for the script by Ocean's Eleven scribe Griffin and Bailey.

Now that doesn't surprise me, I've heard that plot before and it's ringing bells like a mad bell ringer. I just can't place it as strikes me as though this plot been through a few movies before. Let's just hope they can bring something new to this one. Seven figures for the script and that was four years ago? It has to be good doesn't it?

Any guesses at the film I'm thinking of?

Now, onto the real news. This really does say to me, the DVD's are coming out so let's get the show back in the press. Well it's working, and who am I not to assist. Mainly because the show is so good, but also that I'm not sure if this would be a good idea or not, and that's where your comments come in.

According to ExpressandStar through MovieHole, Cybil Shepherd has been talking about a reunion movie, and that Willis was up for it. Well, not in so many words it seems:

...I just don't think it is going to happen, but the good news is the DVDs will be out... ...It was a pretty good show for its time. I think I would rather leave it alone and let it retire...

Well fair play to the man, that's pretty strong to say that about a movie which I think would have a fair chance of getting the greenlight. Still though, it could be press bashing for the DVD's or even for a movie that may come in the future.

However he does go on to talk quite genuinely about himself and his acting.

"The days I jump off the towers are gone," he says... ..."I think I am really starting to learn how to act," he says. "I always thought my best work would come in these years - 40 to 60. "How do you do something different? Make it fresh? Keep it interesting? "I am also doing a bunch of little films. I really enjoy not having to work three-and-a-half to four months.

I like Bruce Willis, and I make no apologies for it. I do agree that his acting is getting better and I really did like his roles for Shyamalan really did help bring him forward. His acting is better, his screen presence is really good. He's definitely raised his level. Far from the days of Die Hard.

Posted by Richard Brunton at March 14, 2005 02:10 PM


Did you just say "Moonlighting"? I loved that tv series! I loved Willis and Shepherd there but yes, he is right better to just leave it alone. I dont think Brosnan would want to revive "Remington Steele" to prove something.

I liked him in "Twelve Monkeys", "The Sixth Sense ", "Unbreakable" and of course the "Die Hard" series. And in "Sin City" it looks like he will again deliver.

Posted by: Simone at March 14, 2005 06:31 PM

I thought his best days were on "Friends".

Posted by: JODSTER at March 15, 2005 09:08 AM