March 08, 2005

Benicio Can't Remember If He Had Sex With Scarlett Johansson

There are some things in life you always remember. Your first kiss. When you were told you got the job of your dreams. When you win the lottery. Maybe when you lost a loved one. Significant things burn themselves into our memories. So personally, I don't think I would forget this. The good folks over at Ananova spill this to us:

Benicio Del Toro says he honestly cannot recall if he had sex with Scarlett Johansson in a lift or not. His "I don't know" comment in a new Esquire interview is bound to re-open debate about the pair's rumored liaison in a lift after last year's Academy Awards.

The Lost In Translation actress later denied the reports, but Del Toro appears content to keep his fans guessing. The 38-year-old Puerto Rican actor tells Esquire, "Did I ever have sex in an elevator with Scarlett Johansson after an awards show?.

"I kind of like . . . you know, I . . . well . . . I don't know. Let's leave that to somebody's imagination. Let's not promote it. I'm sure it has happened before. It might not be the last time either."

I will never, ever take the stairs again!

Posted by John Campea at March 8, 2005 07:51 PM


Ah stairs, I think I should say goodbye to them.. Elevator seems to be better. :)

OT: SW Episode III poster is out. Yay! (Didn't know where else to spread "love"... :D)

Posted by: Raven at March 8, 2005 10:56 PM

Anyone who can't recall having sex with a woman you have never dated or had sex with before a year ago, in a lift, after an awards show is either a liar or a slut. Either way, I'm not buying it. And any tiny bit of respect I had for him has just flown out the window. What a cheap, tacky stunt for him to pull. The man has talent, so why does he need the taudry PR? He's as gross as all the other attention whores in Hollywood. Yuck.

Posted by: Lilly at March 8, 2005 11:59 PM

Plus lifts are very quick...stairs take much longer. I'm a stair man.

Posted by: Richard at March 9, 2005 02:42 AM

"I will never, ever take the stairs again!" - John

"Plus lifts are very quick...stairs take much longer. I'm a stair man." - Richard

Simone is ROTFL!

These side comments is what truly makes this site special. I can imagine how it would be like if the 3 of you, John, Doug and Rich hosts the Audio Edition, it will be chaos!

Going back to this report, EWWWW, EWWWW, EWWWWW!!!??? I share Lilly's sentiments.

Posted by: Simone at March 9, 2005 04:39 AM

People people,

He knows, he is just giving you guys something to talk about. How does that make him a slut if he doesnt remember? Its not like Scarlett Johannson is all that anyway. Take off that makeup on her, and she looks like donkey kong's sister.

Simone, it seems to me like you have a thing for John!

Posted by: bescono at March 9, 2005 02:53 PM


Posted by: adam at March 9, 2005 06:04 PM

"Simone, it seems to me like you have a thing for John!"

LOL @ Bescono

Bescono: No I dont, I also treat Richard the same way, doesnt mean I have a thing for him either. I am just really naturally sweet. *winks*

Posted by: Simone at March 9, 2005 08:01 PM

Just because he's famous and she's famous they should remember if they had sex with each or anyone else and/or admit it? And if they don't remember and/or admit they're a lair or a slut? Harsh words. This reserved attitude towards sex seems a little short sided to me. Everyone should freely live their sexual lives without judgement. It's part of living people! Just be safe while you're at it.

Also - This "rumor" is so old and Scarlett played it up at one time. I remember my favorite morning radio show talking about the story.

Celebs lives are like your office water cooler - inquiring minds want to know and the more "rumor" there is, the longer it remains a hot topic.

Posted by: Meli at March 10, 2005 02:13 AM

I think disclaimers are needed world wide!

Posted by: Jay at May 19, 2005 05:06 AM


It must have been hell for Benicio being cornered in that lift with Scarlett Johansson's WEIRD LIPS! He must have fought like a tiger to get away from those weird osculators of hers! The only thing worse would have been if he'd been cornered in there with Angelina Jolie's weird osculators, also! Two sets of weird osculators in one small lift would be my very worst nightmare!

Loose Stool

Posted by: Loose Stool at September 6, 2005 02:21 PM