March 07, 2005

Another Sin City trailer online

Sin_City_Poster.jpgHuge thanks for Coming Soon alerting my eye to the Moviefone site which contains another Sin City trailer.

I just watched it and it really does rock. This movie is going to have more style than most of Hollywood can pull together. It looks wonderful and sounds great, and I love the delivery of some of the lines, check out the cast list just flying up at the end. I cannot wait. This looks set to draw a line in the sand for graphic novel adaptations.

Posted by at March 7, 2005 05:23 PM


Thanks Richard!!! :) Looks great.

Now let's hope that trailers are not the best of this movie. :D

Posted by: Raven at March 7, 2005 06:12 PM

I have to agree, I like both trailers so far. But it sure does look very promising!

I like the way the theme music plays in the background.

Posted by: Simone at March 7, 2005 06:26 PM

All my life, I had wondered what Elijah Wood kicking Mickey Rourke in the face would look like. Now I know. I can die, well, maybe not happy, but at least with my Wood/Rourke/face questions answered.

They recently pushed the UK release date of this back to June 3rd (same day as the League of Gentlemen movie, damn them)... Two months after America gets it? Too long. Far to long. Grrrr.

Posted by: tom at March 7, 2005 07:17 PM