February 03, 2005

The Rock looking for a Superhero role?

TheRock.jpgThe Rock has been credited in Playboy through IMDB today as saying he doesn't think Toby Maguire is too convincing a Superhero, in fact IMDB suggests that he said he doesn't think much of the Superhero actors at all right now. Step up Michael Chiklis please!

"Men find an action hero believable if they say, 'Wow, I believe this guy can really kick some [bleeping] ass, mine included.' ... I loved Spider-Man, but I'm not too sure Tobey Maguire could kick a lot of people's asses."

I think IMDB have hit it on the head when they said he's possibly courting for a Superhero role himself, and why the hell not? I agree with him, a Superhero does have to be convincing, and you do have to believe that they could kick someone's butt. However, people like Spidey don't have to be that big, they have their amazing superpowers, and looking to the original comic and Maguire himself, you just have to admit it's a really, really good fit. So no dice with that one Rock.

Still, for an earthly Superhero with no powers, someone like the Rock is fantastic, he would be...hold on, wait a minute, I've just made a connection in my head. Anyone else got it right about now?

I just heard Paul Greengrass on BBC Radio the other day talking about Watchmen. They are superheroes and earthly based (apart from one of course). So what role could he possibly be pushing himself for? The Comedian?

For those of you who don't know, the Comedian is an older, rougher guy. Muscular and fit beyond his years and a combat vet. Weapons expert and just all out hard ass with no feelings at all, he cares for himself and no others. Just thinking about him and remembering the character in the book...could it be? Would Rock make a good Comedian?

Posted by at February 3, 2005 07:25 AM


Um, I don´t know. I haven´t followed the Rock career. The issue is that the Comedian is a character with lots of charisma, and very very cynical. It all depends on the director.

Posted by: Peter at February 3, 2005 09:10 AM

um, how about a real actor?

Posted by: jung at February 3, 2005 10:56 AM

Please don't give anyone an idea.

Personally, I'll bet the family farm that Stevie Sommers injects FLASH GORDON with a lil of what The Rock is cookin', although I'm still pulling for Andre 3000 in that role myself.

Posted by: Wook at February 3, 2005 11:23 AM

%syn(Cool|Nice|Rulezz)% %syn(blog,|portal| site ! I)% hope to make %syn(my own|own weblog|my diary)%, not worse than yours ;)

Posted by: Leslie Kim at February 3, 2005 12:00 PM

Yeah. Iron Man. He'd be perfect.

Posted by: Joshua Doss at February 3, 2005 12:07 PM

"The Rock" as Iron Man? Please God... no.

As to his comments about Tobey/Spiderman, can anyone more obviously NOT get the point of the character?



Posted by: Screen Rant at February 3, 2005 12:25 PM

I think he's angling for a role as 'Venom' in Spiderman 3. I'd buy it.

Posted by: Chris Arrant at February 3, 2005 03:36 PM

Isn't that point in Spiderman? Peter Parker is just a scrawny kid that gets bit by a genetically altered spider. He's not supposed to fit the superhero mold.

Posted by: adam at February 3, 2005 04:31 PM

Vic, Simone here. I'd like to comment on your Oy remark just there.


Posted by: Simone at February 3, 2005 06:43 PM

Action heros are occasionally believable, but Superheroes are seldom, if ever, believable in flesh and bone. Watchmen would be best served in a less organic environment than live action film.

Posted by: Joules at February 3, 2005 07:50 PM

Post something reasonably debate worthy...Is this one petite excerpt from some interview taken from another sight? Does that really need to be posted here? I think it was obvious from the start that the Rock was going for super hero/villain roles...hence the scene in The Run Down that passed the torch from Arnold to the Rock...Hmmmm...Very symbolic, man come on, this is not really worthy of the Movie Blog...It's obvious as Arnold slips into politics slowly the Rock is eclipsing Arnold’s once mammoth stature as the "BIG" guy in Hollywood. Yada…Yada…Yada…Is there something to discuss here...this sight is awe-inspiring but I guess everyone runs out of super high-quality substance sometimes...just at least don't be “trigger” happy and type every thought that comes to you...lets get some really good discussion material in here, as the Movie Blog frequently has!

Please... : )

Posted by: Justin at February 4, 2005 02:54 AM

The Rock should stick to what he's good at. Simple action movies..

He's at best a second rate actor - I measure that by the fact that's been ok in the few movies that he's been in - but he doesn't have the ability to hold the entire script together -

My examples are The Rundown - funny enough but would've been awful without comic relief provided by Stiffler (Sean William Scott) and again in the Take Down... umm not sure that's the correct name - movie about him taking on casino in small backwater town? I think he would've been too dull without the support from Johnny Knoxville.

In terms of superhero movies - I think the best he could do is a super villain - they always have to appear bigger and meaner then the villain...

perhaps he could be the rhino dude from spiderman :) get his butt kicked in 5 seconds and be out of the movie to make way for Venom...

Posted by: Hans at February 4, 2005 05:06 AM

Thanks for your comments Justin. Seems like it is a debate worthy post as you've posted and so far 11 others have too.

Arnie has never played a superhero, the closest would be his one film as Mr Freeze, and he's a villian. Rock is the same, although his latest two game adaptation movies bring him close. So no Superheroes there.

As for the quality of the post, well I am very sorry you weren't pleased with this post, however we shall try our best with the next one.

There are a few people out there that read the site Justin, and some of them are joining in with this post, so let them. If you don't like it, or aren't interested, read another post and reply to that one.

Posted by: Richard at February 4, 2005 06:09 AM

Simone, thanks. :-)

Hans, dude, I gotta disagree with you in regards to "The Rundown". As far as I'm concerned, remove Stiffler from the flick and you're actually left with a decent action movie.


Posted by: Screen Rant at February 4, 2005 02:38 PM

Didn't the Rock play Superman/Clark Kent in a skit when he hosted SNL?

Posted by: nick botulism at February 5, 2005 01:38 AM

Rock, you did alright in the rundown and the mummy, and you could make a passable spidey when suited up, but begorra, what a gawdawful peter parker you would be. Give it a rest, Rocky.

Posted by: screed at February 5, 2005 01:48 AM

wasn't "rocky horror" (lol) rumored to play venom once?

when it comes to acting he is not even in tobey maguire's league. so, know your role and shut your mouth rock!! :)

i mean add some more credible films to your slate (instead of dumb popcorn flicks like rundown, scorpion king, walking tall etc.) and then your words might actually hold some weight.

Posted by: B_A_T_M_A_N at February 5, 2005 05:54 AM

Log onto www.hsx.com and search for The Rock under "Starbonds". Universal Studios loves this guy and they have loads of projects in development for him. They'll make up a new superhero if they have to.

Warning! You may become VERY ADDICTED to www.hsx.com. Very.

Posted by: Crystal at February 6, 2005 09:30 PM