February 02, 2005

Terminator 4 will have no T3 cast

T3.jpgShock horror news from Coming Soon that Terminator 4 will be held in the future and that none of the cast of T3 is coming back, give me a second will you?


Sorry, just had to get that out. I thought it was pants with a capital bum. The female Terminator was awful with her stilted movements and difficulty walking, and the talking to camera just invalidated her killing machine image. Oh dear. Then there was the opening scene which set the whole tone of the movie "Hey all Terminator fans, this is not a Terminator film, it's a joke of a Terminator film", and Arnie walks out with pink silly shades on. 'Fraid not, the character should have been introduced strong, not with a joke!

Anyway, it was a shame because the story was a really good one, especially the payoff at the end. It was just treated as a series of action scenes with incredibly contrived links between scenes, very jokingly filmed - just remember the General ordering SkyNet on, didn't that seem like an Airplane sketch with Lloyd Bridges in charge? - and with no understanding of what makes the Terminator and what makes decent dialogue.

Okay, breath. Anyway, I think it's great news. However, reporting what we all knew straight from the big man's mouth, is echoed by Stahl - Arnie isn't included.


As I've said before, and John, he's older and lost loads of mass and just isn't suited to play his original role, Around the World in 80 days really started to show that. Unless he got back to that gym and went for it big style. Mind you, the way his political career is heading at the moment perhaps he'll do just that! Perhaps we'll see a new bodybuilder enter the role?

Posted by at February 2, 2005 04:40 AM


well it's about time we got to the "future". i've been waiting for the post-judgment day movie for the longest time. i hope the resistance is in full swing, and those flying robots fill the sky, and skeletal terminators are walking all over the surface, and the humans are driving around in pick-ups with mounted m-60's. this movie could really rock!

Posted by: joeybrash at February 2, 2005 06:58 AM

When you say "none of the cast of T3 is coming back" do you mean Nick Stahl and Clair Danes as well? So we'll get yet another John Conner? I think this would be the fourth, if you include those flashbacks in T2.

Posted by: David at February 2, 2005 10:13 AM

People act like Arnold can carry this film on his back. Dude never had any acting skills, he was just big for image.

I think seeing another Term. film it should follow the other characters in the Term. comic book series( example Terminator: End Game)

Posted by: Darnell at February 2, 2005 11:40 AM

OH - this is good news! With this news I feel a little more excited about the flim.

Posted by: Meli at February 2, 2005 09:45 PM

John Conner should be played by Will Smith (ya got a problem with that? The timeline is already messed up anyway!). They should introduce a new Terminator model, played by 50 Cent.

Posted by: Franklin at February 3, 2005 12:28 AM

What's sad is that it does make sense, 50 Cent has been shot several times and is still walking about.

Will there be a Smith hip-hop video? God no.

Posted by: JohnIan at February 3, 2005 01:11 AM

That idea is so bad that James Cameron will die just so he can spin in his grave.

Posted by: Mark at February 3, 2005 01:15 AM

It's not a toumor, Jonathan Mostow, Should not be directing, I should. I would make the movie action packed, with a John Conner, that can actually use a fucking gun, c'mon man, savior of the future, this guy couldn't save his own ass...

Posted by: fenn at February 4, 2005 07:49 PM

Terminator 4, starring:
Rowan Atkinson,
Bill Cosby(get me the jello puddin'),
Ron Jeremy,
and The entire cast and Crew of H.R.Puff&Stuff.;

Posted by: fenn at February 4, 2005 07:55 PM

None of the T3 cast will be in T4?! Erm, most of them shouldn't be there in the first place. It will be a bit odd having yet another John Connor, (no wonder the terminators can't kill him as he changes in every film!).
I felt Arnie wouldn't make it as he is "governing". However as its set in the future, break out all the endo-s and cause canage. I hope it will be a long film with hows the humans were caputured and used as slaves and carrying on in T5, with the return of Arnie!
P.S. whoevers making T4 don't end the story short, T5 has to happen as the story is too big for 1.5 hours!

Posted by: Peter B at February 10, 2005 05:01 PM

I thought it was great that Arnie laughed at the serious buffs by wearing the glasses. Come on guys, get a life its just amovie. I think it was designed to help you cut through the illusion that theres more to it than this. Escape - sure - but remember to laugh along the way.....apopogies to all you SERIOUS T fans.

Posted by: Craig simek at February 16, 2005 08:38 PM

Well well well... T4? I think some things are best left to the imagination! really... how far can they take it... i think we all know what will happen in the T... Its been hinted to us MANY times before that the future is unwritten... so we can take out own point of view from the end of T3... just remember guys and (dare i say) girls, Terminator should have ended by T2... cos no real idea could have formed for T3... and lets face it, what REAL idea can be found for yet another Terminator flop!

I love the T-Serise... but let that be enough, most people will be laughing at it, not enjoying it!

Posted by: Shaun Oldfield at February 16, 2005 10:02 PM

Arnold HAS to come back! He said so in T3. Remember just before John Connor crawls through the closing hangar door as Arnold is holding it open, he goes to John "We'll meet again. GO!!" just before he slams the hydrogen fuel cell into T-X's mouth and blows up.

If not Arnold, get that buffed Austrian Arnold-wannabe (Robert something I forget his last name) from that reality show "Cupid". Supposedly he was Arnold's body double in T3 in the scene when he comes out of the mortuary carrying the casket. You can always superimpose Arnold's head and do voiceovers just like they did in Matrix Reloaded. Wouldn't it be cool if they had a few dozen Arnolds in one shot? I mean his models do come out of an assembly line so why not?

Posted by: Albert at February 18, 2005 01:28 PM

Why don't they make it so their is o judgement day they should have more sex and drama set in the year 55555

Posted by: J-JO at February 19, 2005 05:17 AM

Hi i rekon that the cast of Pokemon should go and say hi and they should hav things in T4 with pokemon. And arnold swachsjhldsfakhd? should say hi

Posted by: GRANT RAWLINGS at February 19, 2005 05:19 AM

just in response to Alberts message, i understand the arnie terminator who adeptly says "we shall meet again" refers to arnie killing mr conner in the future before travelling back in time to save him? travelling back in time to save the future in time for arnie to kill mr conner in the future is well confusing. Sounds like a jerry springer issue to me.

Posted by: Andy at February 24, 2005 03:45 PM

bring back sarah conner!! she didn't die of cancer, (but pretended) and comes back to kick ass! I'm sure Linda Hamilton could do with the cash

Posted by: gulfam at February 24, 2005 05:43 PM

i think that Arnold can not be replaced by any other actor as terminator .he should play the major role if terminator series has to do well.

Posted by: Parveen kumaar at March 9, 2005 03:35 AM

If you can't beat'em, join'em!
In Terminator 4 SkyNet rolls out yet another new model of Terminator that looks just like Sarah Conner...
Mission: Kill John Conner.

Posted by: Some Guy at March 10, 2005 12:49 PM

Then Austin Powers goes forward in time to stop her before she fires her stealth-jumblers and Dr Evil becomes a cyborg. Groovy baby, yeah!

Posted by: Mr Bigglesworth at March 10, 2005 12:52 PM

T4 is comeing.
I hope in it John C. is rough and looks 18 Years
And the T-1000 and the T-X is Back.
I bet theres going to be a lot of violence.

I just can't wait.

Posted by: Angus Maxim at March 27, 2005 01:35 AM

I think John Connor should be played by Edward Furlong again. He was really good in T2 and I cant believe they used someone else in T3.

Posted by: Ashley James at April 1, 2005 08:45 AM

It's really interesting that this is almost an identical issue to the one on Harry Potter - should the actors be changed to reflect the correct timescales in the stories.

Harry Potter obviously isn't, and Terminator is, and I think the change of actors has raised the most negative comments. MB readers are saying that they can cope more with the physical differences in an actor and the age they're supposed to be than they can with the continual change of actors to match the correct timelines.

Mute point though in this case, the Terminator films are just getting worse and worse and the next might be bitterly poor.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at April 1, 2005 03:57 PM


oh btw.......no!

Posted by: Steve at April 4, 2005 06:06 AM

I think Warner Brothers should keep using the T3 movie stars such as Nick Stahl and Claire Danes so that audience will come to see. Please do not select other stars, otherwise, I will not come to see T4. As you know, when T3 was out. I had seen this for over 17 times because I like the casts on T3. If you really change them, I will give up seeing T4. Thank for your consideration on this.

Posted by: Cyril A. Luis at April 11, 2005 03:58 PM

Althougt T3 should have been the after apocalypse movie, it wasn't. So it's kind of time that they bring total war on. Quoting Aliens tagline: "This time it's war". Oh man, that movie can be huge. I don't know what kind of story would be good to not include to many heroes, but lets hope they can play it all out.

In the other hand, movie can suck. Big time. "Yeah it was good looking action movie, but there wasn't really a plot an it was bit of amusing sometimes". I really hope that I don't have to say those words after seeing Terminator 4. It surely will be good looking, just hope that they make it as dirty as in T1&T2.; The feeling should be like there's no hope at all, just death that is waiting in every corner. Epic film in small scale, maybe?

I'm not that sure is good or bad decision to fire all T3 cast. First of all, T3 cast mostly sucked. Arnold is too old already, the idea of female terminator sucked from the beginning and Stahl lacked charisma. I'm sorry for Edward Furlong had so hard teen years, he could have been somebody.

The most important role of the movie is of course John Connor - the greatest action hero that hasn't been seen in true action in his real battlefield. The Actor should have good acting skillis and lot's and lot's of charisma. I mean, this guy became leader out of nowhere, he have to be charismatic guy. Stahl ain't correct answer for that actor, it should be someone else. The rest of the cast? Don't know, doesn't really matter.

Posted by: Jorse at April 11, 2005 04:19 PM

Considering they'll need a new John Conner, I think it would be fitting to cast an older (but still kickin') Michael Biehn, that way we keep it in the family.

Posted by: sara at April 13, 2005 12:05 PM

Robots are the human races future to cure all illness and to save suffering thru robotic human parts,it is our destiny and terminator 4 must be produced to further this even greater than the previous films have done.

Posted by: future at May 6, 2005 08:33 PM

A T4 and T5 movie will be excellent, especially since there is nothing coming out in the next year or so that will really make me want to spend 10 bucks at the movies. I would like to see them use someone like Vin Desil but not as a main character maby a grunt, that would be cool. And I think tom Cruise could add something also. But the biggest thing will be to have James Cameron Direct it, this si his bhaby anyway and he is great at coming up with cool action sequences.

Posted by: dion at May 6, 2005 08:39 PM


Posted by: DION at May 6, 2005 08:42 PM

hey i know da plot of da story listen the nuclear blasts blow up and it pickes up from ther skynet has found a huge multiplier machine and new fuel sells which will make new skynet robots the best. den "arnold" gets ubgraded with cool stuff and new vaporising things. in da moddle of itt all "arnold gets captured by skynet again and is on their side.. somehow sarah connor(which later is half android) hacks in to skynet and brings"arnold back which makes arnold destroy skynet(arlod was right in the middle of skynet. 3 years pass and arnold has a corryption and a system failure, a virus and deploys a virus into sarah and da reat i don know (some stuff might change)

Posted by: Igor at May 6, 2005 09:47 PM

who ever wrote that should be shot and hung t3 was a gd flim maybe not as gd as t1 and t2 who gives a fuck a flim is a flim well done who ever made that movie and who ever wrote that stupid fool deserves to be shot tbh btw come on arnie we want u to make t4. Not The Rock. Even thow arnie is 59 i think he can still do that movie hey every1 Rocky6 is comin out that will be gd same main character slvester stallione cya all

Posted by: G!3nn at May 9, 2005 10:12 AM

Shaun Odfield shut the fuck up

Posted by: The T-101 at May 21, 2005 03:46 AM

I have to say T2 was the best of all. T3 needed more of a plot and suspense. The only thing that was the same in T1, T2 and T3 was the beginning when the terminators arrived. I can't believed they replaced John Conner and took Sarah Conner completely out of the movie. I can't even believe they used a terminatrix. I have to say it took the brute force out of the movie that i seen in T2. Nothing against females or maybe it was the fact there really wasn't anything to show how much power these machines have. In T2 it was more planned out, more humanized instead of computer animation. If you watch the making of T2 and T3 you'll know what i mean. Of course there is alot of animations on T2, but they only used it to make the Terminators to look bad ass and not stop at anything until the mission is complete. And another thing, when Arnie was reprogrammed by the terminatrix, there is no way he could have not have remembered he had to protect John Conner. I don't know folks, if they Take Arnie out of T5 I'm not going to watch it. Hell they might as well replace him with a hermaphrodite model, atleast it will be funny. I know, they can replace the whole cast with queer eye for the straight guy crew and after the "big war" they can clean everything up and put curtains everywhere. Oh yeah, screw putting violence in it and make rate "PG" because it might teach our kids to fight and maybe someday they might defend their selves.

Posted by: woofy at May 27, 2005 11:57 PM

Yeah well, I'm hoping it will show alot of humans getting killed to emphasize how big this war is. Most wars don't start in a search and destroy mode but only a bombardment strategy. I think it will be awesome if they go this route instead of Arnie and John running from a new and improved model as in the previous 2. I'm just wanting to say that this movies must start in when the terminators turn against humans and start the slaughter. LMAO kinda brings back that scene from short circuit "No disassemble Johnny 5".

Posted by: woofy at June 3, 2005 08:46 PM

I think it will be better if Terminator 4 moves from an action thriler to a family story or something like that. That is John conoors & his wife, children etc.. are living happily. Suddenly there are family problems. Husband beating wife, childrens crying etc.. like those films shown in HALLMARK channel yeah..... In the midst Terminator 4 comes in. His job is to eliminate john. But his wife & children plead to the terminator not to kill john. Suddenly some crying scenes. Some sad songs!!! Terminator 4 keeps thinking whether to kill john or not. HIGH drama!! Atlast the climaxx. The terminator bcomes moved by the wealth of love & peace. He does not kill john. He tells bye bye to all & go away doing farming in the wetlands of South America!!!!. Every one are happy. THE END>

Posted by: Appu at June 12, 2005 01:34 PM

I was watching Alien Resurrection the other day, wich Segourney Weaver played an outsatnding role in all Alien movies. I was wondering why noone thought of making her the terminatrix. I think she would've made an excellent terminatrix just because the way she looks. I can see it now Arnie and Segourney. Wouldn't that have been better?

Posted by: woofy at June 14, 2005 07:58 PM

Echoing what Joeybrash said above, finally a post-judgement day sequel is coming....lets be honest the best parts of all the films was the flashbacks/dreams etc of the HKs and the resistance. This one should show the rise of the resistance (although not that as a title..that would suck), so no T-1000, no T-X, no prototypes, except maybe the T-800 (possible cameo for Arnie then). The movie has to focus on John Conner's struggle to keep humanity alive and teach people to "smash those metal mothers into junk". How ever they do it though I know for sure it won't meet my ultrahigh expectations. Ho Hum.

Posted by: Evil Hypnotist at July 23, 2005 08:39 AM

First of all, Appu, no offense but your storyline sucks. It's an action movie, not a corny lovey-dubby movie. In response to one of woofy's previous comments, I felt the same way about them replacing John Connor and killing off Sarah Connor. But I did some research and found out that Linda Hamilton, who plays Sarah Connor, is suffering from some kind of depression or mental/emotional issues of some sort, so that may be why they had to kill her off. I don't know how excited about T4 I will be if Arnold isn't in it. I mean, he's the one who made the Terminator films famous and even though he is older, I think he still gots it. In a way, I hope he doesn't get reelected for governor so that he can star in the next Terminator films. Of course, I know that the upcoming films will probably focus more on John Connor, and I will still watch the movie even if Arnold is in it, but it just won't be the same without Arnold. One more thing, I can't picture The Rock as the Terminator.

Posted by: DJ at August 23, 2005 05:18 AM

i saw T3 n i was kinda disappointed coz it wasnt as i xpected specially with Arnie`s role and more specifically with his entrance..man------that was crap....it should b strong like it was in T2.
He was kinda funny mroe than a sadistic n vicious Terminator.i luv terminator series n i`m really looking 4ward 2 a T4 but T3 overall disappointed me.talk of T3`s cast not involved is gr8 .John Conner should get older should know how to use weapons after all he is the saviour of the world.I have heard news of arnie not involved in T4 n i also heard abt a rumour of replacement....The ROCK....I think its gr8 2 have Rock in 4 a takin over arnold,even arnie has suggested him as his replacement.but as we all can see the way hollywood is going even Orlando Bloom can play terminator.
i think if they want 2 make a good terminator movie they should throw out Jonathan Mostow n bring back Cameron in...
I mean Cum on man its His brain Child .let him deal with it.plz dont kill the terminator with funny things like arnie`s entrance in T3.
Still i look froward 4 a T4 with The Rock and even a T5 too.
i`ve also heard tht arnie`s work in T4 is of almost 1 Day but he hasnt have time for tht 1 day.i think t4 should b set in future n wid a lot heavy action ,flying n walkin` robots n a vicious and tough John Conner.He is the lead character of the movie but hasnt bin taken up to tht level plus put a male terminator as a villain i really dint like the idea of a woman playing a T-X badly (or worlsly if i get more precised).

Posted by: Nisar at September 8, 2005 09:43 AM

I had bocked T3 out of my mind but now the nightmares will start again thanks everone. T4? Is there a God? Good news that they won't use Arnie. A machine would not age. So silly. The only two comments above I thought decent: Bring back Michael Biehn. I always thought he was one of the most underated actors. Sure he won't win any oscars but he is always entertaining. It has been twenty years since the first and he will naturaly look older but screw it.
The other comment I liked. Short Circuit, Johnny five is Alive. I would sooner go see a third Short Circuit than a fourth Terminator. That's right Guttenberg and all.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 8, 2005 02:01 PM