February 16, 2005

Spielberg pushing forward with 1972 Munich Olympics movie

Now this could be an interesting project. The documentary I saw on the 1972 Munich Olympics hostage crisis was gripping and totally eye opening, for many reasons, none of which I will go into here and leave you to see the documentary and\or movie for yourself. It may well have been One Day in September, I don't rightly remember the title.

Steven Spielberg was set to make this movie before War of the Worlds, but instead asked for another script rewrite. However the recent news seems to suggest that it will be pushed forward to begin this summer and a release date of December 23rd. Coming Soon has the story from the Hollywood Reporter:

The Hollywood Reporter says the Universal/DreamWorks project had been set to go before the cameras last year. Casting was under way when Spielberg decided to have Angels in America playwright Tony Kushner do a rewrite on the project, on which writers Eric Roth (Forrest Gump) and Charles Randolph (The Interpreter) also had worked.

With the project postponed, Spielberg moved quickly to begin filming his adaptation of H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds, starring Tom Cruise.

The title? Vengeance. Currently starring Eric Bana and Daniel Craig, two fine actors.

Spielberg is definitely the one to make this movie, and will do so with compassion to all parties, but at the same time portraying the events clearly and without too much Hollywood bias, and should produce a piece of work which doesn't quite lay the blame, but gives you enough to make your own judgements of blame and fault. It has potential for another Spielberg harrowing and emotional movie.

Posted by at February 16, 2005 02:52 PM


It would indeed have been One Day In September.

As for Spielberg's film, I find it interesting that, prior to announcing the rewrite, he announced it was actually being put on hold because of terrorist fears. Terrorism obviously sounded like a more attention-grabbing excuse for shutting the film down than "needing rewrites" did...

Posted by: James Russell at February 17, 2005 01:29 AM

I am astonished with Spielberg´s ability to make excellent films so quickly. This man is the cinema itself, man!

Posted by: Peter at February 17, 2005 09:51 AM

Is "Hollywood bias" a euphemism for "Jewish-American bias"? Is an accurate, straight up depiction of a historical event laying blame?

Posted by: Pete at March 20, 2005 02:07 PM

When it was first announced, I got excited about it because of Eric Bana being cast in it but now it also has Daniel Craig?

Oh boy.

Posted by: Simone at March 20, 2005 02:16 PM

Pete - that's a no. Since I wrote "Hollywood bias" that's exactly what I meant. The Hollywood desire to jazz things up, make it bigger and better than the actual facts for a nice screen version.

Second point, no. It shouldn't be laying the blame but it could so easily and we've seen it before in Hollywood.

James - perhaps the re-write is for the better, Spielberg wouldn't be letting a lame script go too far you would think.

Simone - What's so bad about Craig?

Posted by: Richard Brunton at March 20, 2005 03:43 PM

No Rich, I actually LOVE him! I guess I should have made the tone less disagreeable, look how it came across. *winks* I just discovered the man and I like him, he reminds me of a rougher looking Damian Lewis. Man, what's wrong with me with all these English and Scottish actors?

I missed "Layer Cake" *sigh* but I was watching "Archangel", Robert Harris novel adapted to tv, and he was great there. So yes, I am so looking forward to him in this movie now. There, I hope that's a lot clearer Rich! *winks*

Posted by: Simone at March 20, 2005 05:15 PM