February 02, 2005

Spider-Man 3 with Venom?

Spidey-Venom.jpgOk, I'm all buzzing right now. Apparently the villain for Spier-Man 3 has been selected by the powers that be. However, they're not officially letting anyone know who that villain will be.

Having said that, director Sam Raimi had a little chat with Now Playing Magazine and let the following little nugget escape his lips. Here's what Sam had to say about the next villain:

“Absolutely we wanted to have a villain not only who would fulfill the character needs but somebody who could entertain the audience on a visceral level and provide great visuals, something we haven’t seen before, and create a real challenge and great foe for Spider-Man and his unique spidery, spider-like powers,” says Raimi.

Spider-Man 3 is currently targeted for a May 2007 release.

Venom MUST be the villain for Spider-Man 3. At least I hope so. I've never been a huge fan of the comic book, but Venom has easily been my favorite chracter in the Spider-Man world. The character would present some fantastic challenges to any special effects house. Bringing this big guy to life will take some very talented CG artists... but wow the payoff would be sweet!

Posted by John Campea at February 2, 2005 07:39 AM


I've been wondering if they'd find a way to work Venom into the series. On the one hand, I think he might be the most popular villain in the Spidey-verse. But this also goes back to a previous post of yours about the faithfulness of comic book movies to the source material.

In my mind, there's three possible ways they could treat a Venom story arc.

1. They could rush through the whole intro (Spidey's new costume gone awry, etc).
2. They could make up a whole new intro.
3. They could work the intro into one movie and then have the conflict be in the next.

I had really hoped that they would go with the third choice. You know, have the villain in 3 be Electro or Sandman or even Hobgoblin, and have a sub-plot be that Spidey has a new costume that sometimes doesn't do what he wants it to. It would take more patience than I can really give Hollywood credit for having, but I really think it would have been the best option.

As it stands, I'll see as many Spider-man movies as they make, but I think Spider-man has the kind of fanbase that really defies what I think was an otherwise accurate stereotype that you outlined in your comic movie post. I mean, people who never read comic books grew up reading Spider-man. If they mis-handle Venom, they could ruin the franchise beyond repair. I know, I know, if they mishandle anything they could ruin the franchise. What I mean is that if they're going to significantly alter the storyline, it had better be amazing, or they'll permanently turn off the hordes of Spider-man COMIC fans. And it's a large enough group that I don't think they'd recover from that.

Posted by: Mojo at February 2, 2005 08:47 AM

Reading the interview you so get the impression it would be Venom. Here's hoping!

Posted by: Richard at February 2, 2005 10:00 AM

i am hoping for thiss so hard.

come on hollywood...do somehting special for little miles...yes something special indeed.

Posted by: miles at February 2, 2005 10:12 AM

There's a lot of backstory to the Symbiote/Venom in the comics, but here's what I would do to bring Venom into Spider-Man 3 - make John Jameson Venom. He could discover the Symbiote on one of his space missions and inadvertantly bring it back to earth. He's got to hate Peter Parker for stealing MJ from him, so he's go that going for him.
A variation of this was done in the Spider-Man cartoon that ran on FOX in the 90s. Jameson brought the Symbiote back to earth, but it bonded with Eddie Brock, as it did in the comics.

Alter Ego Comics

Posted by: Marc at February 2, 2005 10:24 AM

Marc, you are absolutly correct. I remember that episode, but they did not fail to leave out the Symbiote Spiderman parts. They could do it quickly -within the first 30 min- have peter find it and experiment with the new suit, but show how is was too unperdictible and damaging him. Then he leaves the suit, later to be found by Brock, or who ever they choose. But it has to be attached to spiderman at some point. That was how the Symbiote created its original spiderman-esc appearance. Who knows, they could do multiple vilians, they certainly paved the way for that in the sequel. hobgoblin, and of course Lizard Man. The point is, I don't think they should rush into anything. The Spiderman series has such a vast count of interesting characters, and I would like to see some of them on the big screen. For example I was always a fan of Shocker, Carnage of course, and to top it off, I don't want them to run out of steam before we can see Black Cat. I just think they should be carful.

Posted by: Brad at February 2, 2005 11:43 AM

If it's not Venom, then it going to be a weaker character. Plus I don't think Sam Raimi needs to focus on Mary Jane being saved in every Spidey Flick. It gets old quick. She needs to have a smaller part and focus more on the real things at hand.

Posted by: Darnell at February 2, 2005 11:45 AM

And in the process, could Vernom not just kill Mary Jane Watson in the first 20 minutes. I am not a big fan of Kirsten Dunst and this would be just fine with me.


Posted by: Darko at February 2, 2005 12:39 PM

I'd rather see Sandman or Electro (more "classic" Spidey villains) too. But Venom would be fun to see on screen. And, as was previously mentioned in this thread, they could fold Venom into the John Jameson character pretty well.

Posted by: Ian at February 2, 2005 01:03 PM




ooohhh...god i don;t feel good....

*puking everywhere*

Posted by: miles at February 2, 2005 01:16 PM

How can it not be the Lizard or Green Goblin II? Given that both were foreshadowed in the latest Spidey flick, my money is on them (particularly the Lizard).

Be nice to see him up against two bad guys this time round...

Posted by: George at February 2, 2005 01:32 PM

I was thinking about this the other day actually. Specifically, I was trying to figure out who could play Eddie Brock, if that is who they end up using. I remember somebody mentioned Henry Rollins somewhere (it might have even been on here). I think he certainly looks like Eddie, but I haven't seen enough of him to make a full judgement. Besides, it violates John's "no singer-actors" rule (I know he's done a lot more than just sing though)

I think Edward Norton could handle the part too. He could pull of the sort of personality one would need for the role, and he hasn't really been in much lately (part of the reason I want him to do it, the guy's had a disgraceful lack of screentime lately).

Of course, it'll all be a moot point if they just make it John Jameson.

Posted by: It's Seitz at February 2, 2005 04:24 PM

It is Spider-Man 3 - perhaps they will have three villains? With the MJ thing pretty much resolved she could take a smaller role and give time for more criminal masterplans and kickass action.

I don't have any preference as to which bad guy(s) they choose since I have faith in the team to produce another great film whoever it is. Having said that I agree with George and think that the foreshadowing suggests Lizard/Hobgoblin.

Posted by: Tricky at February 2, 2005 04:26 PM

Venom won't be in Spider-Man 3. I'd love to see him bring a real dark spin (no pun intended) to the films, but it won't happen. Dimension owns the rights to the Venom character. Why, I dunno. But I've heard this multiple times from avid comic fans. So there's a really good chance it's true, eitherwise wouldn't they have introduced him in the sequel? Still though, I may be wrong.

Posted by: Weav at February 2, 2005 05:05 PM

Venom is what most are waiting for, but I hope they don't rush it. Using Jameson as the link to Vemon is something my brother and I have talked about. He and I would like to see the Hobgoblin make his appearance and then have the movie lead into bringing Venom into the picture. It would be kind of lame not to have the hobgoblin in 3 considering how they ended 2. To just pretend it didn't mean anything would be a total let down.

I also agree that MJ can take a smaller role which could leave more room for 2 villians.

Posted by: Meli at February 2, 2005 09:31 PM

I'm crossing my fingers starting... now.

Posted by: evergreen at February 2, 2005 09:59 PM

They should not stick Venom in there. Venom himself as a villain could easily occupy two to three movies. The Green Goblin & Venom practically define different and fairly long eras in the Spidey comics, stuffing them into the same "series" of movies is just a bad idea.

Personally, I'd like to see more Harry. I thought we never truly saw Pete and Harry's friendship much, it spiralled too quickly into the more negative aspects for the sake of the Green Goblin story.

I'd like to see the Lizard since we've actually seen Doc Conners. Perhaps it'd give us a chance to see Pete working at the laboratory.

Another thing I wish they'd done is have more involvement of the Daily Bugle. Have the villain tie into an investigative news story that the staff work on while Peter as Spidey helps out.

Hobgoblin wouldn't be bad as it does connect to the Green Goblin but I think that Harry as the Green Goblin is more likely to come about considering how unnecessarily heavy handed the ending of Spidey 2 was in that implication.

My best bet would actually be mainly the Lizard and maybe some small behind the scenes involvement of Harry as the Green Goblin. Ideally it'd involve the Daily Bugle but that's highly unlikely as we haven't seen any reporters there. Of course, they could just say Betty Brant got promoted then she and Robbie go out investigating stuff.

Posted by: shadopup at February 3, 2005 02:08 AM

How about Hobgoblin for the first act, then the Lizard takes over as the main villain for the movie?

It's been suggested that Sam Raimi, Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst won't return for a fourth movie.

So, ideally, the studio should get another director and other set of actors to continue Spider-Man with a new trilogy -- this one would take place when Spider-Man is older. For example, maybe Laura Prepon could take over the Mary Jane role. In this second trilogy, Venon could then be factored in.

Posted by: Mark at February 3, 2005 06:46 AM

ive heard that it will be the hob goblin, (green goblins son Harry osborne, even tho he is peters friend)

Posted by: Tony Cairnes at February 5, 2005 12:07 PM

Spider man 3 ---- PATTA!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: MAnju at February 9, 2005 11:46 PM

Personally I'm crossing my fingers the film gets cancelled. After the craptastic film that was spiderman 2 (the first was no treat either) can we really expect anything worth waiting for no matter whom the villians may be?

Posted by: c c at February 10, 2005 07:11 PM

Venom and Carnage are my favorite characters i really want Venom and Carnage to be in a movie i personally like Venom the best, Carnage is crazy literally crazy i would like to see Spider-Man get out of that fight

Posted by: stephen at February 13, 2005 08:55 PM

but who do you really like, stephen?

Posted by: c c at February 14, 2005 12:44 AM

I think Venom is the best choice as the main villan, but I think the The Lizard and hobgoblin would work good as the conflict at the begining.I am Probably the biggest Venom Fan there is and I would love to see him in the third movie.I think the idea of John jameson bringing the symbiote to earth on accident is a great idea from the cartoon and would be the best way to go, since they cant use the way symbiote got to spiderman in the comics since there is no secret wars movie or mention of it.Spiderman would get the symbiote by saving john jameson from the shuttle after it crashed, then after fighting say the lizard, sandman,or hobgoblin while spidermans wearing the sybiote, the sybiote would then after being rejected by spiderman find Eddie Brock and become Venom.Only Eddie Brock can be Venom, Some of the people above suggested it should be john jameson,there is no way any one else could be venom only brock has the reason and the hatred to create Venom.The choices on who would play venom are very diffucult ,he would have to be a very large guy almost body bulder like becouse Eddie Brock could lift more than 700 pounds even before he became venom.Hopefully this movie will have more than one villan to apease all the fans

Posted by: Venom at February 14, 2005 01:28 AM

HI THERE i was in a chat room the other day and over heard that the hobbit is going to be made in co killarney ireland,, becasue of its idelic beuaty,, wow i was there on holidays , and it was a lovely little county, down in southern ireland ,,oh i cant wait to see pete jackosn and crew there, wow i supose colin farrel, leiam nesson, and, the guy out of star track the guy who plays obrian and was in the commitments will be in it well i hear that it coudl be on, wow i cant wait oh it would be excelent , absalutly ,, yeah i heard this,, wow this is good ,, lepracons and hobbits ,, hmm

Posted by: eamsyericasnasholessy at February 14, 2005 07:38 PM


Posted by: none at February 15, 2005 03:44 PM

To the person whos name is Venom you are not the #1 Venom fan I AM!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Venom at February 15, 2005 03:50 PM

agreed venom would be a great villain, however with the clues about a villain with similar abilities to spidey im worried it might be the scorpion, remember him.. not the most enjoyable character but one of the easiest for a quick transition into the movie with very little back story. I reiterate i am not a fan off this idea but having seen the previous two and no love for the second movie it would fit the style of character introductions please God don't let it be.

Posted by: TALIESIANKAL at February 16, 2005 07:28 AM

O.k 1st Venom has no place in Spiderman 3, Why so very early in the series??? I hate it when the good villians get killed in the 1st movie of a franchise... And dont return etc. etc... this isnt Friday the 13th guys.
There are many more interesting characters than Venom in the Spiderman world, and they are being forgotten, which makes Spideys movie world empty and super villians non existant... which is a mistake and make the movies a bore too watch, not to mention they make Mary Jane out to be a complete WHORE, Spidey could do better with Gwen Stacy, or Black Cat... as for villians what about Rhyno and Mysterio, how about the Sinister 6??? Trapster, Shocker, Electro, Vulture, Hydro Man,
THE LIZARD!!! KINGPIN!!! The non Dare Devil KINGPIN!!! How about all of them interacting at once, doing their evil deeds in NY, driving Spidey nuts!!! How about the BEYONDER and Secret Wars 2 where Venom is truly born!!!??? HUH? Venom comes later from SW 2, what happened to Human super villians??? Why do we need Venom all of a sudden? Nothing even happened yet, whoopty doo Doc Ock comes too be, then they kill him, like stupid ass hollywood assed do... why? Doc Ock, busts Spideys balls a long time... And he never allied himself with Spidey, he hates Spidey... I dislike the direction this franchise is going from the start, the lack of vision, a cheezy love story that is transparent, reason: Mary Jane dont love Peter cause she is a traitor SLUT, and they just know how to take a movie and show how truly ignorant the writer and director is to the true story of Spiderman... and Mr. Fantastic of the Fantastic 4 helps Peter rid himself of the symbiote before it bonds to him creating SPIDERVENOM... just in case the hired writer didnt know... GO BUY SOME COMIC BOOKS FROM THE 70's and early 80's and READ THEM... cause you guys dont know a damn thing.

Posted by: Alex Pusz at February 16, 2005 08:50 AM

For those that want HARRY to become the Hobgoblin:

This wont work because Harry is NOT the Hobgoblin. He *IS* the Green Goblin II, if you follow the comics.

Harry is insane, as proven at the end of Spiderman 2. If it is to follow the comics, he either has to become Green Goblin II and die or go into a mental institution for the entire movie and not to be heard from.

Hobgoblin is a COMPLETELY seperate entity from the Green Goblin. They don't even like each other.

The Lizard is set up for Spidey 3, IF Conners decides to attempt to regrow his arm.

"Eddie" or "eddie Brock" was mentioned in Spiderman 1 as one of the guys who couldn't get a clear shot of spiderman. That's why Peter was hired.

And let's not forget - setting up characters really doesn't mean much - we didn't know Doc Ock existed until 2.

I hope the plot is as follows:

Major Conflict - Protecting Mary Jane and Aunt May from those who know that Peter Parker is Spiderman. right now it's Harry. Noone else knows except the deceased Doc Ock and Green Goblin I.

Villian - Venom

How is he introduced? John Jameson, son of Jonah, who lost MJ to Peter Parker has no hard feelings towards MJ leaving him. Why? He's a boyscout and only wants MJ to be happy, so he lets it be.

He makes a trip to Mars. Finds an interesting material that changes shape easily. Brings it back (Note - in the comic book he goes to mars and finds a gem. He brings it back and this Gem causes him to become Man-Wolf when he sees the moon, with super human strength, agility, blah blah blah. It'd be a great twist to have him find a symbiote / alien instead of a gemstone. I don't want a warewolf in my Spiderman movie, thank you very much.)

So he brings this shape shifting material back to earth and has it analyzed. Who analyzes it? Why only the most wealthy businessman in town - Oscorp. Oscorp discovers it's really an Alien, and conducts experiments on it. It somehow escapes and touches Harry, clinging to his skin, turning it black. He manages to get it off. FInds a way to 'blast' it off of himself, but loses it.

Cross over to the introduction to Eddie Brock, photographer for the Daily Planet. He's doing a story on Sin Eater (this follows the comic story) who is commiting crimes around town. He finds someone who confesses to be the Sin Eater. Turns out, it's NOT the Sin-Eater, just a fake who is a compulsive liar. Spiderman captures the real Sin Eater and subsequently and inadvertently causes the firing of Eddie brock from the Daily Planet. This sets up Brocks Hatred of Spiderman.

Spiderman flying around town, has his outfit really torn to peices and says to himself what a pain it is to keep having to get a new outfit made. In his half destroyed outfit, but not revealing his face, he gets a tingly spidersense around oscorp, finds black symbiote. Doesn't know what to make of this ball just sitting there doing nothing, and why his sense is going off. Touches it.. and viola - instant black spidey outfit. He doesn't want it on him, and just "thinks" he wants it off of him and viola - it's off of him. He realizes he can control this thing with his brain. Cool.

Fights a bit with black costume. Does all types of cool sh!t. :)

Harry tells the cops he can prove that spiderman is really Peter Parker and the reason he's now in a black costume is because Spiderman 'STOLE' his 'alien' from mars. Martians? Harry must be CRAZY! Let's institutionalize him. Boom he's in jail, out of the way, set up for Spiderman 4 if you want, but please, no more goblins. He's in an insane institution, now.

Peter visits Harry in the institution. Harry tells him he is going to kill him when he comes out and that he shouldn't have come there. Harry asks peter why he stole his 'alien'. Peter puts two and two together and comes up with "oh shit". Peter now realizes that the black costume is really "alive". Walks out of institution, and "thinks" he wants it on, has it on.

Then he says to himself that he wants it off. Forever.

Alien disagrees, attaches to peter when he doesn't want it to, clings to him even though peter is "thinking" he wants it off. Brings symbiote to church tower (ala comic book) ooozes off of him and nearly kills both him and the alien.

Oozes down the side of the church tower, and into an alleyway. Gee, who happens to be walking by .. mr. Eddie Brock.

The union is formed, Venom is born. Alein teaches Eddie that peter parker is spiderman. Venom terrorizes Aunt May, MJ. Peter finds out, Eddie visits him (all coming straight out of Amazing Spiderman, by the way, not my creation) and alarms Peter.

Blah blah they fight, Harry is in the institution and now doesnt know what the hell is going on. Doesn't know who is spiderman and who isn't anymore. Going more isane. Great.

They eventually fight in the beach (like the comic) and Peter rips off his outfit and challenges the alien to "come back to him". Venom begins to lose control of the Alien .. alien is torn between two "lovers" (comic book says the alien fell in love with Peter and Bonded with Brock as well. One for love, one for hatred.)

End movie.


of course, the details of the love story and all that crap will be added so it's palatable for a wider audience, but I think this synopsis is pretty awesome.

Written by [email protected] so if anyone is interested in discussing this with me (like the movie producers!!) please email me. :)

Posted by: Spidey Fan at February 18, 2005 02:36 PM

Hey spidey Fan, i agree with you. That story plot you wrote out for the third movie is awesome. I think they would have a really hard time with the special effects of venom though. Then again i think they could handle it. They just have to make sure they do everything they can think of to make it look real and cool and not to cut any corners.

Posted by: MGS3rules at February 18, 2005 07:11 PM

ok, I'll try again!

My post got deleted, but here it is again. Please don't delete!!

Everyone seems to think that Harry is going be be the "Hobgoblin".

This wont work because Harry is NOT the Hobgoblin. He *IS* the Green Goblin II, if you follow the comics.

Why would harry have to hunt The Kraven? That's more like Lex Luthor than it is Harry. Harry is insane, as proven

at the end of Spiderman 2. If it is to follow the comics, he either has to become Green Goblin II and die or go into a

mental institution for the entire movie and not to be heard from.

Hobgoblin is a COMPLETELY seperate entity from the Green Goblin. They don't even like each other.

The Lizard is set up for Spidey 3, IF Conners decides to attempt to regrow his arm.

"Eddie" or "eddie Brock" was mentioned in Spiderman 1 as one of the guys who couldn't get a clear shot of

spiderman. That's why Peter was hired.

And let's not forget - setting up characters really doesn't mean much - we didn't know Doc Ock existed until 2. So for

those that say there are hints to other characters for 3, that's what the franchise WANTS you to think. For two movies

in a row Harry was set up as the next villian because of his hatred of Spiderman first, and now of Spiderman AND

Peter Parker.

For those that say that Venom COULD occupy 2 or 3 movies, well, that's the point: You have to first introduce him and

have him defeated. Then have Carnage appear, then Venom REappear. That's a trilogy in itself and the story could

easily last 6 or 8 hours spread over 3 or even 4 movies if done properly. But that's not the point. The point is if you

continue to introduce characters based on Experiments Gone Wrong - Both Goblin and Doc Ock were bad

experiments - it gets old and boring. Time for a new twist, and the following is MY twist, with themes from both the

comic book series, the animated cartoon and my own twist to resolve or put on hold storylines.

I hope the plot is as follows:

Major Conflict - Protecting Mary Jane and Aunt May from those who know that Peter Parker is Spiderman. right now

it's Harry. Noone else knows except the deceased Doc Ock and Green Goblin I.

Villian - Venom

How is he introduced? John Jameson, son of Jonah, who lost MJ to Peter Parker has no hard feelings towards MJ

leaving him. Why? He's a boyscout and only wants MJ to be happy, so he lets it be.

He makes a trip to Mars. Finds an interesting material that changes shape easily. Brings it back (Note - in the comic

book he goes to mars and finds a gem. He brings it back and this Gem causes him to become Man-Wolf when he

sees the moon, with super human strength, agility, blah blah blah. It'd be a great twist to have him find a symbiote /

alien instead of a gemstone. I don't want a warewolf in my Spiderman movie, thank you very much.)

So he brings this shape shifting material back to earth and has it analyzed. Who analyzes it? Why only the most

wealthy businessman in town - Oscorp. Oscorp discovers it's really an Alien, and conducts experiments on it. It

somehow escapes and touches Harry, clinging to his skin, turning it black. He manages to get it off. FInds a way to

'blast' it off of himself, but loses it.

Cross over to the introduction to Eddie Brock, photographer for the Daily Planet. He's doing a story on Sin Eater (this

follows the comic story) who is commiting crimes around town. He finds someone who confesses to be the Sin Eater.

Turns out, it's NOT the Sin-Eater, just a fake who is a compulsive liar. Spiderman captures the real Sin Eater and

subsequently and inadvertently causes the firing of Eddie brock from the Daily Planet. This sets up Brocks Hatred of


Spiderman flying around town, has his outfit really torn to peices and says to himself what a pain it is to keep having to

get a new outfit made. In his half destroyed outfit, but not revealing his face, he gets a tingly spidersense around

oscorp, finds black symbiote. Doesn't know what to make of this ball just sitting there doing nothing, and why his sense

is going off. Touches it.. and viola - instant black spidey outfit. He doesn't want it on him, and just "thinks" he wants it off

of him and viola - it's off of him. He realizes he can control this thing with his brain. Cool.

Fights a bit with black costume. Does all types of cool sh!t. :)

Harry tells the cops he can prove that spiderman is really Peter Parker and the reason he's now in a black costume is

because Spiderman 'STOLE' his 'alien' from mars. Martians? Harry must be CRAZY! Let's institutionalize him. Boom

he's in jail, out of the way, set up for Spiderman 4 if you want, but please, no more goblins. He's in an insane

institution, now.

Peter visits Harry in the institution. Harry tells him he is going to kill him when he comes out and that he shouldn't have

come there. Harry asks peter why he stole his 'alien'. Peter puts two and two together and comes up with "oh shit".

Peter now realizes that the black costume is really "alive". Walks out of institution, and "thinks" he wants it on, has it on.

Then he says to himself that he wants it off. Forever.

Alien disagrees, attaches to peter when he doesn't want it to, clings to him even though peter is "thinking" he wants it

off. Brings symbiote to church tower (ala comic book) ooozes off of him and nearly kills both him and the alien.

Oozes down the side of the church tower, and into an alleyway. Gee, who happens to be walking by .. mr. Eddie


The union is formed, Venom is born. Alein teaches Eddie that peter parker is spiderman. Venom terrorizes Aunt May,

MJ. Peter finds out, Eddie visits him (all coming straight out of Amazing Spiderman, by the way, not my creation) and

alarms Peter.

Blah blah they fight, Harry is in the institution and now doesnt know what the hell is going on. Doesn't know who is

spiderman and who isn't anymore. Going more isane. Great.

They eventually fight in the beach (like the comic) and Peter rips off his outfit and challenges the alien to "come back to

him". Venom begins to lose control of the Alien .. alien is torn between two "lovers" (comic book says the alien fell in

love with Peter and Bonded with Brock as well. One for love, one for hatred.)

End movie.


You could even have as a scene Dr. Conners experiment with trying to regrow the limbs of animals that were

decapitated and suceeding, and end the movie with him injecting himself with his creation, only to grow a green arm.

Whatever. The main issue is how we handle Harry and his anger and introduce a new villian while putting Harry on

hold, OR, putting every other villian on hold and just allowing Harry to be the goblin, which I beg Sony NOT to accept.

of course, the details of the love story and all that crap will be added so it's palatable for a wider audience, but I think

this synopsis is pretty awesome.

Posted by: SpideyFan at February 19, 2005 03:05 AM

Go vemon go

Posted by: grim at February 19, 2005 08:26 AM

what about carnage, it could be bether whit him, this villan is crazyer than venom, sur venom is really impressing, but carnage can transforme his outfit in wapon. so think about it!

Posted by: somebodywhoknowalot at February 19, 2005 11:25 PM

"what about carnage, it could be bether whit him, this villan is crazyer than venom, sur venom is really impressing, but carnage can transforme his outfit in wapon. so think about it!"

I agree! I'd LOVE to see Carnage, but in order to see Carnage we need to have venom exist in the universe first, as he comes after Venom. Actually, the comic series has an eventual battle between Carnage vs. Venom & Spiderman ...

Carnage is very violent too, more so than even Venom who doesn't want to kill anyone except spiderman ... but the combination of Venom's hatred of Spidey and Carnage's desires to murder could set up Spiderman 4 or 5 very nicely.

Posted by: SpideyFan at February 20, 2005 08:57 PM

Ur all a bunch of fags.... with no life e z

Posted by: 2cool4u at February 21, 2005 07:40 AM

Henry Rollins seems good for the Venom part, but isn't he a lil too short!

I think Edward Norton could play Carnage better than Venom, he seems that he can play a kind of psychopathic person!

They shud put the Lizard first, then Hobgoblin and Green Goblin

Posted by: Dan at February 22, 2005 12:50 AM

Now ths is all some good stuff about a spidey-3, but this is how I think it should go:
start off with a good beggining of a nice day, early, explosions, chaos, panick, the whole shtick...and inside a warehouse is tadaa, spidey and a sub-villain or whateva ya wanna call it, shocker(please god yessss!!)sandman, maybe even the lizard, but that has to be underground obviously. and then goes into the plot, want a good plot story, then look at oll pal "spideyfan", except I think the love thing...uh, after I PUKE, please at least agree that that isn't an emotion you get when lookin at venom!but anyway...and I have a DEFINITE hope for a 4th, but not spider-man 4, ya gotta admit, if ya say that to yourself a couple of times, it sounds cheesy, maybe the return o something or wateva,but, I have to add somethin,

I know now venom has got to be this villain, ( and NO Green Gob Harry!!BOOOOOOOO!)ya Know how he temporrarily lost his powas in 2? well I think that should tie in with, if anyone has seen this in da comics, how he gets told by doc coccers that...dadadaduuuuuu... after he was bit by the spider and got da powas and all?guess what?he is still changing!!!into that human spider hairy cool thing, or maybe, that and venom could be in 3...na. But its a good idea, do or not, not like I make a difference!so either that for3, just venom... or canage for an origanally titled 4th( No"Spider-man 4...dat a baaaaad title!!)

Posted by: Max at February 25, 2005 09:47 PM

I hate it when ya have to retype but, here we go again.

Now ths is all some good stuff about a spidey-3, but this is how I think it should go:
start off with a good beggining of a nice day, early, explosions, chaos, panick, the whole shtick...and inside a warehouse is tadaa, spidey and a sub-villain or whateva ya wanna call it, shocker(please god yessss!!)sandman, maybe even the lizard, but that has to be underground obviously. and then goes into the plot, want a good plot story, then look at oll pal "spideyfan", except I think the love thing...uh, after I PUKE, please at least agree that that isn't an emotion you get when lookin at venom!but anyway...and I have a DEFINITE hope for a 4th, but not spider-man 4, ya gotta admit, if ya say that to yourself a couple of times, it sounds cheesy, maybe the return o something or wateva,but, I have to add somethin,

I know now venom has got to be this villain, ( and NO Green Gob Harry!!BOOOOOOOO!)ya Know how he temporrarily lost his powas in 2? well I think that should tie in with, if anyone has seen this in da comics, how he gets told by doc coccers that...dadadaduuuuuu... after he was bit by the spider and got da powas and all?guess what?he is still changing!!!into that human spider hairy cool thing, or maybe, that and venom could be in 3...na. But its a good idea, do or not, not like I make a difference!so either that for3, just venom... or canage for an origanally titled 4th( No"Spider-man 4...dat a baaaaad title!!)

Posted by: Max at February 26, 2005 07:20 AM

I do wish that venom makes the cut for spiderman 3. I don't think jameson will be the one who brings back venom as I heard rumors that he won't be appearing in spiderman 3. Idon't think harry will be Green Goblin 2 because that the green goblin suit would be destroyed and with harry running Oscorp I think he could create a new identityon the other hand by following the spiderman saga comics he could be Green Goblin 2.Getting back to venom. If sam raimi adds venom to spiderman 3 the flim would be be way longer since he would have to add in how the symbiote comes to earth and how peter gets a new suit and learns how to control it and in the end he can't control it and the symbiote finds someone else which or may not be eddie brock. With this it will screw up the whole the movie because there was a cliffhanger in spiderman 2 that harry finds his father's lair whre he keeps his green goblin equipment. Which means spiderman 3's plot should be about harry's revenge on spiderman aka peter parker since he already knows.

Posted by: TheOne at February 26, 2005 06:36 PM

I don't think that just because he found that room lair thing he will be GG2, he may be and he may not be, but all we can really tell is that he knows his dad was a baddy and MIGHT, just MIGHT reolize that it was't Pete's fault, that will save a bunch o time on the movie. But lets all cross our fingers that he still gets thrown in the looneybin!!!

Posted by: Max at February 27, 2005 08:55 AM

I read in a magazine article that James Franco is going to play the hobgoblin for Spiderman 3 Which would be a big challenge for spiderman facing his best freind. What upsets me is that Jason was the hobgoblin not Harry. Harry was the third Green Goblin and any true spidey fan knows that.

Posted by: Peter Murdock at February 28, 2005 09:33 PM

To be honest, I think they should put back in the goblin as the villian in Spider-Man 3. But since Harry doesn't want to kill his best friend, Harry should hire a villian( shocker,scorpion, etc.)to find MJ to get Peter's attention. then spider-man beats them up and then harry would have to kill Peter himself. I think it would be cool to have 2 villians in Spider-Man 3

Posted by: Eric Johnsen at March 1, 2005 03:35 PM

It was Jameson who hired the Scorpion to get Spiderman. It would be cool to have two villians in Spiderman 3. That way they could use the symbiote suit and set up Spiderman 4 with Venom.

Posted by: Peter Murdock at March 1, 2005 04:42 PM

You guys have really put some thought into this, im impressed. Im a die hard Venom fan and would like nothing and I do mean NOTHING more than to see the V-Man in a spidey flick. The only problem is setting it up.

Thank god they at least mentioned Eddie Brock lol. I think having Jameson involved at all is a very bad idea. Obviously the secret wars route is out for it would take up a ton of films and all the charectors would be rediculous.

I think that the easiest way to cover Venom and the most realistic would be to take the "Ultimate" route.

Now im not the biggest fan of the Ultimate version of venom, but this would be SO SO easy to do.


Some time has passed since the last film and Peter and MJ are past any further stupid story lines involving there relationship lol. Their together so lets leave it at that.

Peter is at Aunt Mays picking up some of his stuff and moving some old boxes. He finds an old video tape and old research material. On the tape is a picnic with his parents and another couple and there son, peter is playing with the boy.

Aunt May enters and Peter asks about the tape, she tells him about the unfortunate passing of his parents and the other couple. She tells him that the other boy and Pete were best friends and played together all the time. Peter is still shook up from his ordeal with the osborns and the loss of his friend, and decides to look up Eddie to talk about there parents.

BLAH BLAH BLAH (they get together and talk about old times the are friends again)

Eddie and Pete get on the subject of the research material and Eddie reveals that he HIS fathers copies and has been trying to further the research using the the campuses lab. Its for a medical "suit" that can diagnose and treat disease.

Story moves along blah blah blah.

Pete screws with the research, and accidently finds that it is tuned to the DNA of the original creators (petes and eddies fathers) so it reacts to his and BOOM we have Black Spider-man.

He goes out, fights some crime, almost kills a guy......... OH NO !! THE SUIT HAS A MEAN STREAK! Peter kills off the suite.

Eddie sees the suit on the news and relizes that sombody has F'ed with his research and knows Pete is the only other person with access.

He confronts peter and peter feels so bad that he he reveals his secret as Spider-Man in a scence that could go like this...

Pete: "You did see me... theres somthing you need to know. (cool way to tell him hes spidey)

Eddie: (look of awe)

Pete: "thats right... i havent told anyone else about this... not even Aunt May.. that how much this means to me"

(just a few random ideas, the real scene would kick im sure)

Eddie gets jealous even though he knows pete is sorry. He goes to the lab and gets whats left of the suite.... bada bing bada boom we have the V-Man...

Pete goes to the lab to destroy the rest of the suite only to find it gone. He goes to confront Eddie, finds him gone and his roomate could say somthing like....

" I know hes your friend and all but hes a real nut.."(theyd find somthing good to say)

BOOM feeling of dread as pete relizes whats going on...

Elsewhere the "suit" makes eddies insecurities even more powerful and puts him in a state of rage... or somthing lol

blah blah blah

venom causes trouble...

blah blah blah

sweet fight scenes...

blah blah blah


then venom is beaten and the symbiote escapes...

movie finishes up as eddie is sent to ravencroft, have a scene where he is walked by a cell containing Cletus...

Angry Eddie talks of his "other" and that kind of thing.

Finish up with Peter and whatever they want to convey.

At the beginning of whatever movie comes after.. they can have the symbiote come for brock... leave behind the "spawn" it bonds with the already introduced "Cletus" and Carnage is born...

Venom comes back teams up with Spidey and sends Carnage on a all expences payed trip to Hell !!

What ya think??? lol

Posted by: Knightmare13 at March 10, 2005 03:04 AM

TheOne wrote:

"With this it will screw up the whole the movie because there was a cliffhanger in spiderman 2 that harry finds his father's lair whre he keeps his green goblin equipment. Which means spiderman 3's plot should be about harry's revenge on spiderman aka peter parker since he already knows."

Actually, it's not screwed up at all: Harry for two movies (Spiderman 1 and Spiderman 2) has been set up to be the major villian. It didn't happen in 2, but now he knows that Peter is Spiderman. So how he handles it is the major issue.

I don't think the audience wants to see the Green Goblin again. And if you make him hobgoblin you're altering the storyline too much from the comics, and the first two movies have been as loyal as possible to the comic book series without deviating too much.

The way to handle Harry is to have him put in a mental institution (ala the comic books) but in a creative way. See my post up above, I don't want to bore everyone with the details again.

Peter Murdock Wrote:

"I read in a magazine article that James Franco is going to play the hobgoblin for Spiderman 3 Which would be a big challenge for spiderman facing his best freind. What upsets me is that Jason was the hobgoblin not Harry. Harry was the third Green Goblin and any true spidey fan knows that."

What magazine was that? I never read anything like that.

Harry was the SECOND green goblin, not the third. I'll make it simple for everyone:

In the comics, Harry witnessed the battle where Spiderman defeated Green Goblin. He also discovers Spiderman's costume in Peter's room. The movie did a good job of making it easy for the audience to see how he can hate Spiderman for killing his father. In 2, we see a creative way of him discovering that Peter is Spiderman.

In the comics, Harry attacks Peter (who is his roomate in college) and the cops arrive. Harry is telling the cops that he is the green goblin (Who of course, died from the cops point of view) and that Peter is spiderman who killed his father. The cops think he's crazy and hand him over to a psychiatrist named Dr. Hamilton. Hamilton learns everything that Harry knows about both his father and peter / spiderman and became the Green Goblin III.

My plot makes it very interesting and creative in that the cops will come and put him away in an asylum after Harry tries to tell the cops that Spiderman is peter and peter stole his alien symbiote ... (see my plot above)

In the comics HOBGOBLIN convinces Harry that his father was really the green goblin. (How's that for an insane twist?). So suffice it to say that Hobgoblin will never exist in any spiderman movie.

By the way Jason Macendale is not the original hobgoblin. That would be Roderick Kingsley. (I think I qualify as a "true" spidey fan, eh??


A few posters have suggested having this awesome fight in the beginning and then going on to the main plot. That'd be cool. But I don't want them to waste great characters. I'd love to see sandman on screen, a well as scorpion, even hobgoblin! Hell, I would be very satisfied if The Lizard made it on the big screen. Do you realize how insane it would be to see the lizard done correctly in a spiderman movie??! It'd be great.

HOWEVER ... if they want to appease spiderman fans - and let's face it, you'd have to be a major fan to want to see part III anyway, and even if you're a casual fan Spiderman II brought in more new fans to the franchise than even the first one - I say give the fans what they want (what I want) - show me VENOM on the big screen!

But I will settle for the Lizard. :) I'd be very pissed off if it's Green Goblin II; I'd also be angered if it was Man-Wolf. I just don't want to see John Jameson on screen howling at the moon. Sure, Raimi would make it interesting but there has been enough Warewolf movies already and reincarnations of such a genre and I don't wnat it infecting my prescious spiderman movie. It worked well in the 60's when he was introduced because that was what was hot at that time... but Venom on screen.. I don't think most of you realize what Raimi could do with such an Evil looking figure..

Posted by: SpideyFan at March 12, 2005 04:56 AM

In the first hour, John Jameson is in space, Symbiote costume controls ship, ship crashes, (in NYC. Duh), costume gets on Spider-Man, Harry becomes Hobgoblin, Spidey fights and defeats him. In the second hour, symbiote gets off Spidey, on Eddie Brock, Spidey defeats him. MJ needs to fight. That would be cool.

Posted by: Andres Zambrano at March 12, 2005 12:19 PM

SpideyFan I stand corrected. You are right. I wasn't thinking. If I remeber correctly didn't Jason kill the original Hobgoblin and take his stuff. Please if I wrong about that let me know. As for the order of the Green goblins I was reading in a book and it stated Dr. Hamilton as the second and Harry as the third but who is more reliable a true spidey fan or a book. They haven't offically announced the villain for 3 yet but any movie buff can see that it will be Harry he was set up as the villain and with an option for Spidey 4 they can set up a story line with Venom.

Posted by: Peter Murdock at March 12, 2005 01:38 PM

Don't forget boys... acording to Sony Pictures and Sam Raimi himself... there isn't going to be a Spider-Man 4.

Posted by: John Campea at March 12, 2005 01:48 PM

thank you also spidey fan,

but let me make sure nobody wants hob goblin as a main villain!!?? Sure, maybe 2 main vil;lains, but GG2 can't be overdone if ya know what I mean, it has to have venom as a main guy if you want a good story to it. The ultimate path, or the from space path or sommit new are the only choices for that. but if GG2 is in it, it might turn out a little to long. So again, he can't take up like an hour of the movie if he is in it.so with that down, if and only if GG2 is small or not at all, and venom is a main guy, I think their is a good chance for an opening 20 minute or so sub-villain.

lov the idea for a simple intro to carny also nightmare13, that could be a good part to an ending to.

Posted by: Max at March 17, 2005 10:15 PM

hey, did anyone happen to see "wizards mega movie issue"?it has raimi many times saying villains instead of the villain,i do not know if its just a speech thing or if it means something, but he does not say just plain villain once as far as i have read...plus it says that the fans want the villains to be
how did electro make it ahead of lizard??!!at least conners is MENTIONED in 2, but...and black cat was#6??! first of all she should be a good guy, not a villain, at first at least, but i guess it would be cool to have her in.i am votin for venom, lizard, black cat and maybe a glimpse at cletus as the best options, what da ya think?

Posted by: Max at March 27, 2005 10:52 AM

I would like for everyone to remember that, at the end of the seocnd movie, Harry found his father's chamber as Green goblin. For all the fellow comic book fans, i would like for them to remember Green Goblin II(Harry Osbourn). Not Venom, and not Hobgoblin. If sam raimi is a comic book fan or at least would like to be then he should stick to the actual storie line. Or Lizard would make a really cool villain. i agree with someone from above I do think Mary Jane should be killed in teh first twenty minutes. Also I think Spidey should go into a deep depression over this. And then eventually ocme out of it because of Prof. Conners(lizard). Then the accident with the lizard happens and theres your new villain. Just like in the Comics. By the way. IF you would like to argue your point u got my emial address.

Posted by: Sal at March 27, 2005 06:29 PM

I would like to take back what i said before. I think that there are going to be two villains in the next movie:
2.Green Goblin II
Because Eddie Brock is Venom. Jon the son of j jonah jameosn, went to space, and in the comic went to space. And brought down the alien symbiote Venom. which infected Eddie at the bugle. It only makes sense. And then in th comci Harry Osbourne became an alcoholic and was messed up with drugs and stuff. Found his fathers chamber as green goblin, Hobgoblin convinces harry who his father erally was, harry becomes geen Goblin II. and has two things on spiderman, who to defeat him and who his real identitiy is, Peter Parker. So there i think i qualified as stories intersecting. P.S. this is the last Spiderman movie, and Peter Parker will probably get killed off.

Posted by: Sal at March 27, 2005 06:36 PM


well, as you will know, at the end of Spiderman 2, Harry, broke the mirror and found the green goblins lab,,

now you think in Spiderman 3, that Harry will just forget about all that?
i think not...
it seems that the Green Goblin 2 will make an apperance..

allthough i agree, Venom would be the fantastic choice.

i must admit that the first 2 spidey films have been done fantastically, and at this rate i would happily watch 10 SM movies..

but to wait till 2007 for SM 3??
that sucks ;(

Posted by: Cyber_Ninja at March 29, 2005 04:03 PM

Max wrote:

"sandman, maybe even the lizard, but that has to be underground obviously. and then goes into the plot, want a good plot story, then look at oll pal "spideyfan", except I think the love thing...uh, after I PUKE, please at least agree that that isn't an emotion you get when lookin at venom!but anyway"

I think you may have guessed Sandman pretty good - that seems to be the newest rumor since Thomas Haden Church was cast, but I still think he could be done as Venom. I mean, Mary Jane isn't exactly looking like the MJ from the comics... no offense to Kirsten Dunst and her acting, but I was expecting a much more voluptous female to play that role. Same could be said here about Haden Church, who could pull off a great brock. And plus, he has some time to pump up. If Will Smith could do it, Haden could do it. :)

As for looking at venom and feeling love - I never said that. Reread my story - it's based on the comic story where the Alien fell in love with Peter, not the other way around. I never said Peter has 'love' for the symbiote. C'mon. That's cheese. :)

I understand alot of people still don't realize a fact: It does NOT matter who seems to be the next villian, he probably WONT be the next villian! What do I mean?

Spiderman 1's cliffhanger: Harry's pissed, wants revenge.

Spiderman 2's cliffhanger: Harry's pissed still and even more, wants revenge.

If you all think that Harry is going to become Green Goblin II, you're falling into the trap that is the genius of Raimi.

If you also think that it's impossible to bring Venom to the big screen in a little over 2 hours of movie time, you're not giving Raimi enough credit. Venom is a very deep storyline involving Eddie's emotions. Venom is also not an "experient gone wrong" villian, whereas both Green Goblin and Doc Ock were. (Actually, so is Sandman in a way, who turns into his villianous state due to a nuclear leak of some sort).

Sandman's storyline is rather boring: He's a badguy who escapes from prison and lives on a beach near a nuclear plant. Nuclear plant explodes or overreacts or WHATEVER, mixes with sand, mixes with him, creates "Sandman". That should be good for about 30 minutes.

Venom needs to be developed from the inside out. Eddie Brock's life is dependent on the symbiote to live - he has cancer. The Symbiote keeps him alive. He's also a stronger spiderman with most of the same powers, with his only weakness being how much web he can spin. Too much web, he gets weak. (This is how Spiderman outsmarts venom, but not how he defeats him). In order for spiderman to defeat this villain he needs to be more tactful and look within, which is why he virtually sacrfices himself to destroy venom, without killing Brock.

Much more interesting.

And if it IS announced that Sandman is the villian, I'm going to puke myself. I'd rather see Hobgobglin or Green Goblin II than the sandman. Actually, the LIZARD would be better than any of those. Maybe Haden Church will be the Lizard replacing the old character, who knows?! It's all speculation till Sony decides to release the vicegrip on Raimi's voice.

Posted by: SpideyFan at March 30, 2005 05:46 AM

sorry spideyfan, misread...
I am a nobody, nobody is perfect, therefore I am perfect!

hehehe, well any way, I have a hobby to draw, and I like to make movie previews in "comic" form. If anyone wants to hear what I am thinking for a preview, just ask, I would like to here what your little spidey heads can come up with!

Posted by: Max at April 3, 2005 09:51 AM

sorry dude, misread,

I am a nobody, nobody is perfect, therefore I am perfect

but anyway, yeah, I don't think the new guy, at least from the picture I saw could play brock, but I am sure they are doin whatava they need to do for whoever he will play...
also, I am workin on a script for SM3 preview, I f you would like to read what I have so far, just ask, but I would also like to hear what all of yo little web-heads can come up with!

Posted by: Max at April 3, 2005 09:58 AM

GOD!!!!! why does it keep double printing/loading/posting/wateva!!!!


Posted by: Max at April 3, 2005 10:00 AM

Hey, I'm far from perfect myself. :)

Ok, well, after some very mild and moderate digging, I findally discovered where AICN got their supposed "Sandman confirmation" from.

Go to the main movie site for Spiderman - http://spiderman.sonypictures.com/

And click on the Daily Bugle. There's a press release referencing the magazine "Wizard" titled: "WEB OF MYSTERY - In his first Spider-Man 2 interview, Tobey Maquire reveals why Doc Ock is a cooler villain than the Green Goblin and how the Sandman would work in the sequel.
(Wizard #150, April 2004)
Friday, May 14, 2004"

Here's the excerpt where Tobey mentions Sandman:

"Q: Do you have any villains you'd particularly like to see in a third film?

Tobey: I really like Sandman. Some of the villains I enjoy reading in the comic books, but some of them I don't know if they translate to movies. But I think Sandman's a pretty cool villain. I have no idea what they're thinking; this is like an Avi [Arad, producer] and Sam specialty, since they both know this stuff so well. I'm trying to think of all the villains. I'd say Sandman's gotta be my favorite, along with Doc Ock. Those two are probably my favorite villains. I think that the Lizard is kind of a weird villain, cinematically. Kraven the Hunter is kind of cool, but what's his purpose in a movie? A guy who's like the big hunting guy and he's evil? If somebody did that, I just don't know how it would translate. But you know, sometimes you kind of change them for a movie. But I think Doc Ock is probably the coolest villain."

Aha! So thusly it is revealed that Tobey is a fan of having Sandman as the next character, but this doesn't confirm that Sandman is definitely that character. It's interesting that noone else has caught this! (Hey, I didn't either, so I'm guilty as charged.)

But please let it be known that I was the first - Spideyfan, from THE MOVIE BLOG dot COM.

And please, AICN, if you reference this article, give credit to TheMovieBlog and myself, Spideyfan, for at least catching this first.

Posted by: SpideyFan at April 4, 2005 03:33 AM

no offence dude but I already read that in Wizard a while ago, but all I think is that that means toby likes sandman.

Posted by: Max at April 9, 2005 06:05 PM

"no offence dude but I already read that in Wizard a while ago, but all I think is that that means toby likes sandman.

Posted by: Max at April 9, 2005 06:05 PM"

No offense taken Max - reread my post, please:

"(Wizard #150, April 2004)
Friday, May 14, 2004"

That's pretty clearly listed in my post. My point isn't that it's breaking news, nor did I ever imply that. What I am saying is first we hear from AIC-rumor-ville that Sandman conceptual art is all over the Sony studios. (Which I find very hard to believe, since he mentions 'several sources'... stop it. IF he had those sources he would have known definitively that Black Cat and Lizard weren't even remote considerations for Spiderman 3) Second if we go back and pay attention to clues given us from the Spiderman 1 DVD, Stan Lee's favorite character is the Sandman, and he states why.

Then we combine that with the OFFICIAL spiderman site, for some strange reason, using an exerpted interview done with Tobey Mguire where he specifically states that he likes the sandman in it ...

This can only mean one of two this:

-Sony is trying to make us believe that it is Sandman so we'll be even more surprised when they make thier announcement that it isn't


-Sony is dumb enough to throw all of these clues into our faces, leak information about the villain while simultaneously telling us, "Well tell you we cast Thomas Haden Church, but we wont tell you who he'll play" (unprecedented that a person is cast an the antagonist and we don't even know his character's first name... i say if you're going to mention THC, just say who he'll play so we can speculate on how cool it'll look, rather than who he'll play)

Anyway, Thomas Haden Church's stats:

Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes.

Sandman stats: Black hair, Brown eyes.

Venom's stats: Blonde Hair, Blue eyes.


I wonder who he's being cast as?

And for those who need more proof that he's bulking up, please do a search on his most recent interview where he's hitting the gym hard and is specifically strictly dieting for the Spiderman movie.

Posted by: SpideyFan at April 15, 2005 10:09 AM

I need to reread more, I just guess I'm having a little confusion with everyones veiws,

I can see it now...
a classic pic of brock doing sit ups with weights in his hands, throwing to punches as he comes up, ahead of him, a wall layered with pictures of spidey and peter, and a knife in the middle pic.

but anyway, here is da unfinished preview I have so far:

pic of daily bugle from the side
soft music from sm2 preview
the bridge:
daytime & sunny
zoom in on a silver C-RV
pete's voice:
women in the C-RV
radio playing in background
women looks up confused
a twinkle in the sky

music speeds and becomes intense

camara moves to veiw of a bridge hundreds
of miles above it and zooms in speed increasing
until it reaches the womens face, pale with

soft music starts agian

veiw moving across the bridge demolished by a plane with the NASA inscripture
"you have to be prepared for the unexpected..."
zoom in on NASA plane
a black purple goo oozes out onto cracked ground
"because you never know..."
veiw of pete in bed, black goo sinking in from a window, closet open showing the spidey suit.
"whats heading your way"
spidey sitting on the edge of a building, watching the city, everything behind him is shadow
"becuase if your not expecting it..."
thunder lights up the shadow showing Venom standing above spidey, then the light leaves and he is shadow again
"it will find you."
lightning flashes again, lighting where venom was, standing above spidey, only to reveal that he is gone.
"you know that feeling you get when you wake up..."

no music
teen in an apartmentsitting on a leather sofa, pool table and a 16 inch wide screen t,v. a hallway next to that blocks the rest of the room
thump thump CRASH kkkkk...
"and you think to yourself,'today is gonna be a great day?"

teen looks up and slowly looks around
opens window and sticks head out
turns head and sees venom standing on the wall next to his window staring at him 2 inches from his face
"funny how wrong you can be"
intense band and choir
-spidey swinging from venom
-fighting in mid-air
-venom choking jameson pinned againt wall in his office
-brock looking at wall full of pictures of spidey, smiles and venom comes over his face and growls
-harry with hands over his face
- venom and spidey fighting on t.v.
-harry yelling at an officer and yells
"I know who he is!!!"
-venom and spidey fighting on lady libertys head
zooming out
- pete with badly torn costume on, mask off
venom in his face saying(two voices, one brocks the other sounds like a 7 foot guy thats been smoking since childhood, simply put, a deeper voice)" I will hunt them down, everyone you love will suffer as I have, they...will...PAY!"
- harry watching venom drag spidey accross the blacktop by a black web around his neck from a rooftop, harry wispers and then yells,"get ofFA MY FRIEND!!" and throws a pumpkin bomb, the explosion causing the screen to go white.

well thats a basic idea of what I haven't finished, but plenty of time to change and finish...comments? great? change summit?

Posted by: Max at April 16, 2005 11:08 AM

i know you're all going to be very dissapointed and PETER MURDOCK you're just plain stupid was the mag you read by any chance called loser weekly.
the villain for spiderman 3 IS the sandman and in your own words any true spidey fan knows that

Posted by: jon at April 29, 2005 06:45 AM

don't be TOOOOO sure jon

Posted by: max at April 29, 2005 07:46 PM


Posted by: Twisty Yayo at April 29, 2005 08:14 PM

I still think that harry is gonna be gg2, but you could be right when you said that that is a trap set by the director, he would easily make you think that from the cliffy. but... lets see who this Thomas Haden Church's character is

Posted by: trevor at May 16, 2005 04:59 PM

twisty yayo, HOW CAN YOU THINK IT WILL BE DEMOGOBLIN!!!??? he is like, the least popular guy of the villains. there are 2 many other villains that want attention, it doesn't matter if it makes sense because it aint gonna happen!


Posted by: max at May 16, 2005 05:06 PM

max you need proof that it will not be Demogoblin, all it sounds like your saying is something like this:


Please back it up with facts...

Posted by: Larry at May 17, 2005 08:39 AM

come on larry, I just disagreed, but...

hold everything, who else is freaked out about ULTIMATE SPIDER MAN the game!!!???

you can play as spidey, or...wait for it,

that will be awesome

Posted by: max at May 21, 2005 09:27 AM

I got this from superherohype

Topher Grace Joins Spider-Man 3!
Source: Columbia Pictures May 19, 2005

Topher Grace has joined the cast of Spider-Man 3, it was announced by director Sam Raimi and producers Laura Ziskin and Marvel Studio's Avi Arad.

Grace will join Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, and Thomas Haden Church in the blockbuster franchise.

Spider-Man 3 is scheduled for release on May 4, 2007, and will reunite returning cast members with director Sam Raimi and producers Ziskin and Arad, the successful filmmaking team responsible for the first two films.

The "Spider-Man" film franchise has grossed more than $1.5 billion in worldwide ticket sales to date. Production on Spider-Man 3, which was written by Alvin Sargent, is scheduled to begin early next year.

"I couldn't be more excited about the direction we are taking the continuing adventures of Peter Parker," said Raimi. "Topher Grace is an extraordinarily talented actor and will be perfect for the complexities of the role we are developing."

While speculation continues about which characters will be called into action, the studio will not comment on the new roles beyond confirming the casting of Grace and Church.

Posted by: max at May 21, 2005 09:34 AM

Hmmm just sounds like they are exited, I could not find much any info, but whatever. look at my other posts.

Posted by: Larry at May 21, 2005 11:42 AM

Someone like Griddlecake Troutwater, whom's eyes are all over Stage 20 on the Sony lot. According to him that Stage is finishing up construction on the areas to house Costume & Wardrobe Department... but not just for SPIDER-MAN 3... the current rumor on the lot is Raimi is going to be shooting 3 & 4 together. Now, amongst the tests Spidey crew have been shooting during the last few weeks, well they've used alot of SAND I hear. Sand being blown around.
-super hero hype

oh god...not sandman!!!PLEASE NO

Posted by: max at June 3, 2005 06:20 PM

Thomas Haden Church (Sideways) will play a new as-yet-unidentified villain who is appropriate to that emotional journey, Raimi added. "We had to choose a villain that represented a proper obstacle in the path of that growth," Raimi said. "And so, though I'd rather not say who Thomas Haden Church is playing just yet—because Sony likes to make a proper presentation to the fans along with Avi Arad from Marvel Comic books—he was chosen because he represented that proper obstacle to ... Peter Parker's growth." Spider-Man 3 is in preproduction now.
-super hero hype
Sam Raimi

if it is sandman, be a mini villain or somethin' PLEASE!!!

Posted by: max at June 3, 2005 06:27 PM

"I like to keep my private stuff pretty vague," said Church, who owns up to being single, having a girlfriend and having a daughter, whose name he won't divulge. He will say he owns a home in Dallas (COOL!!) that he's leased out, and he prefers beer to wine.

Which beer? He won't say, only that "given my physical training for
Spider-Man, they only want me to drink light beer."

Church has been in Los Angeles lately for wardrobe fittings and "being
in the mud all day. They did plaster casts of my body for prosthetics.
They also wanted to cut my hair to get an idea for (computer) animators (to determine) what my look will be."

He's also mum on whom he'll play when director Sam Raimi starts shooting near year's end. Rumors swirl that Church will be Venom, a classic villain from Spidey comics, or perhaps a new baddie.

He's been training at a gym in Kerrville, and he may make two more movies before Spider-Man 3 starts to roll. He also just did voice work for an animated Charlotte's Web with Julia Roberts and Jennifer (Elektra & Alias) Garner. But Spider-Man 3 is "my biggest commitment so far in budgetary terms. It's pretty huge."

Though the intimate, offbeat Sideways is the opposite of an action film, Church said its writer-director, Alexander Payne, told him his favorite film of last year was Spider-Man 2. Church feels Alfredolina, who played villain Doc Ock, was robbed of an Oscar nod.

read this 2...

It appears there could be a possibility that there will be more than one villain in Spider-Man 3, according to a new rumor at Latino Review:

A while back Ain't-It-Cool-News broke the story that Thomas Hayden Church will indeed be playing SANDMAN and that here's a ton of Sandman conceptual art all over the Spidey-offices.

Well today 'Anonymous' tells us the following: "Yes the Sandman will be in Spider-Man 3 but he's not the only villain. And no it isn't Black Cat like some people were suggesting. It will be SANDMAN AND HOBGOBLIN"

all from shh

somebody shoot me

Posted by: max at June 3, 2005 06:39 PM

Yes he lives in Dallas must find his house...

But Max I agree Im dissapointed too.

Posted by: Larry at June 3, 2005 08:40 PM

OK, I guess I i could live wit sandy as a mini, but hobgoblin is being held over in favor to venom as a second villain!!?? i hope this changes soon.

Posted by: max at June 4, 2005 08:43 AM

mabey these "sony spies" are people who are sent by sony to lie to confuse us? just a thought.

Posted by: Larry at June 4, 2005 10:07 AM

considering that 'anonymous' dude...god I hope so.

Posted by: max at June 4, 2005 09:28 PM

i had a vision. tomas haden church will be venom/eddie brock in spiderman 3 and topher grace will be cletus kasady/carnage. it will start out withpeter parker and the alien costume then eddie brock will turn into venom and he will lose his symbiote from spiderman and will be thrown in jail. then cletus kasady ends up coming to jail too. and he has the cell right next to eddie brock. then the symbiote will return and free eddie brock and the spawn of venom will come and go with cletus kasady and he will become carnage at the endof the movie. then venom and spiderman and venom will team up and have one last fight with carnage and carnage willdie and so will venom and thats the end. i dont know why so many other people are saying that it will be sandman or chameleon. sam rami would ruin the movie if he had those two grade D villains. VENOM WILL BE IN SPIDERMAN 3!!!!

Posted by: Luke at September 1, 2005 03:01 AM

my money is on lizard being a minor villain and venom being main while harry gets to grips with his goblin past. spidey will get the suit, use it to try and save connors from fully transformin into lizard, and almost kill him. it will dawn on him the suit is dangerous and he will discard it (all while this is going on the eddie/peter fued at the bugle takes place and eddie is fired)thus giving birth to venom. venom will obviously hunt down spidey into a final showdown etc etc. at the end hobgoblin/green goblin II will strike leading into the 4th film.
thats my hypothesis anyway...

Posted by: Mothman at October 21, 2005 02:49 PM

Better than all the other plots iv'e read in these posts.

Posted by: Brian at October 21, 2005 03:28 PM

at this point with all this stuff that I have heard Kirsten Dunst "accidentally saying Venom and sandman will be the villains off of super hero hype, I think I'm goin' with them now. Now that I think about Cletus, like I said before, its cool if he has a small roll, maybe a glance in Eddie's cell at most, but now that I think about it, with Cletus being an insane murder and all without the symbiote, if he ever showed up, wouldn't you think he would be a handful for spidey already? A hostage and bombs strapped all around his chest and a tazer or some thing like that aimed at spidey... he can;t just web him up and walk away, right, Cletus would be smart enough to, like, handle spidey pretty well.

I don't know much about old sandy boy, but I'm sure Raimi will do a good job with em' I think if you look at the succes of the last 2 you may see its all good because Raimi made not so...comic-ish, I mean, ya can't assume all these villains will be in the next movie "because they are yer favorite, or because they did this one cool thing in the comics that would look so cool on the big screen" He has to make it look like a movie you think would be cool to see even if you had no idea who spidey is. he did the best there with spidey 2, dontcha think?

Posted by: max at October 27, 2005 07:30 PM

I think Brad Durif would make a good Cletus Casidy. Also, I remember from the animated series that while Parker was bonding with the symbiote his personality started to turn darker and more sinister. I recon that SM3, after introducing the symbiote (various ways to do it), should concentrate on deleloping the Parker/symbiote power struggle, especially at the beginning where we could see the gradual change in Parkers personality without him being aware of it, and the effects this has on his relationship with his MJ, May and his friends. I'am not saying he should turn bad--just moodier. During which in the main plot we could see a whole 2 hours or so of a bad-ass Spidey kicking the shit out of Lizard, or GGII or sandman or whoever, in the shit-cool black and white threads and changing the symbiote into all kinds of disguises and other cool shit . Then at the end Peter realises the true nature of the costume and breaks the bond withit. Setting up SM4 nicely for SPider-man Vs Venom. Finally what does Parker see in MJ anyway, he should have stuck with Felicia Hardy. I would stroke her cat anyday.

Posted by: php1al at October 28, 2005 06:04 AM