February 14, 2005

Snippets galore - Indy 4, Talisman, Transformers, Iron Man...

SteveSpielberg.jpgThere's a whole heap of information in this on set update from War of the Worlds, so excuse the non-all-encompassing-headline.

According to Freeze Dried Movies through Coming Soon who visited the WOTW set and talked with various people. So, mini headlines here we go.

Indiana Jones 4 script and Sean Connery:

Kathleen Kennedy [WOTW Producer], said that Jeff Nathanson is still writing the new script for Indiana Jones 4. Kennedy said she doesn't know for sure if the latest draft will have a part for Sean Connery. She'll should know more in a month.

Cruise and Spielberg's next movie:

Director Steven Spielberg and star Tom Cruise mentioned that their next film together might be a Western.

Cruise announces The Eye remake:
Hey, we knew this already Tom, good sales technique though. I'm still not sure this is such a good move, another Asian remake, at least the Ring has been a good attempt so there's promise here.

Cruise added that his remake of the Asian horror flick The Eye is now in production.

Cruise not in Iron Man:
This is going all round the Net, to be honest I even missed the rumour that he was going to be doing it! SciFi Wire got it out of Cruise.

Sci Fi Wire says Cruise was asked if he would be doing Iron Man at New Line for director Nick Cassavetes and producer Don Murphy, but he said "It's not happening. Not with me."

Transformers Director due:

Spielberg also revealed that a director for DreamWorks/Paramount's Transformers movie should be announced in three weeks.

Hurry up with The Talisman:
Awww, come on and hurry up. This is probably King's best work, next to the Gunslinger. It's an excellent book and deserves a good treatment. IGN FilmForce also got some much needed information on Talisman.

Kennedy assured the press that David Fincher's Benjamin Button is moving forward this summer. She said they will eventually get around to making Stephen King's The Talisman, but right now there's no director or start date for production.

Wow...that's a whole heap of stories, and all about hot topics. That reminds me, must get John to make a hot topics logo.

Posted by Richard Brunton at February 14, 2005 04:46 AM


Cruise control, that's what it looks like eh?

Tom Cruise doing another Western? Well, he already sort of was in one, remember "Far and Away"?

Posted by: Simone at February 14, 2005 05:12 AM

"must get John to make a hot topics logo."

Create an icon out of Tom Cruise's head...or Jennifer Garner's.

Posted by: Franklin at February 14, 2005 06:59 AM

I'm not Trolling...seriously...But The Talisman is an overwritten mess. For that matter, so is the gunslinger series.

I would be very afraid of how a film version of either of those two projects would turn out...Regardless of Director or Screenwriter.

Posted by: Triflic at February 14, 2005 12:38 PM

Well having read The Talisman, and the entire Gunslinger series I would totally disagree with you. There are some failings in the series but overall it's excellent. As for the Talisman, it's a wonderfully enthralling read, far better than its sequel.

Having abandoned King a long time ago, these are the only two stories to have taken me back. Even reading books since I find I'm not interested in any of his stock tales. These two definitely stand out.

Posted by: Richard at February 14, 2005 01:05 PM

Man I hope they do get Zemeckis for transfomers. Holy gee whiz that would be tight.

Posted by: mattoly at February 18, 2005 06:54 PM