February 08, 2005

Site updates

Megaphone.jpgQuick site update everyone. We're tidying up the site pages and finally getting all the little glitches sorted out in the site. We've all been too busy posting and researching (and some of us becoming famous authors) to get round to it, but we are now.

So, if you find any issues or problems with pages, please drop me a note and I'll look into them. That's [email protected].

Many thanks, and if you see weird things happening while you're looking through pages, it might be me updating something. Thanks for your patience. Normal service shouldn't be interrupted.

Posted by at February 8, 2005 08:17 AM


Te he he on the "some of us becoming authors remark" there Rich. *winks*

The site does look really neat. This is what you get from climbing up whatever ladder we have here at TMB! LOL

Posted by: Simone at February 8, 2005 01:42 PM

Richard!!! Where is my side bar on the main page?!?!?! Fix it or I'll get all Donald Trump on your ass!!!


Posted by: John "The Boss" Campea at February 8, 2005 01:52 PM

You know, I do all these nice things like the many, many posts and no thanks. Try to make the site look nice and one small problem and he goes mad...I don't know.

Yeah, just noticed a problem on the front page with IE...and some weird dotted line rubbish. I am investigating.

Posted by: Richard at February 8, 2005 02:03 PM

I only have one concern.. a major one... WHERE THE HECK HAS MY BELOVED AUDIO EDITION GONE? lol.. i do miss it.

are you taking a week off or has it gone the way of the 'good Eddie Murphy flick?'

Posted by: mogulus at February 8, 2005 02:06 PM

Okay...comments page fixed. Working on that damned sidebar on the homepage.

Posted by: Richard at February 8, 2005 02:46 PM

Here's a glitch: Where's my backlink? ;-)


Posted by: Screen Rant at February 8, 2005 03:25 PM

I know you are really busy richard...but I was wondering if you knew how to make that really nifty search the movie blog button...is it HTML or no? IS it possible to find out the coding for that?

A begging fan...please, please, please...


Posted by: Justin at February 8, 2005 03:43 PM

Right, right. I think it's sorted now. Let me know if it isn't.

Next time I'll test in Opera, Firefox AND IE! Stupidly I thought two was enough.

Posted by: Richard at February 8, 2005 04:07 PM

Vic - Will do!

Justin - I think the button is generated by Movabletype...however, let me send you the code.

Posted by: Richard at February 8, 2005 04:10 PM

Very nice...thanks a bunch!

Posted by: Justin at February 8, 2005 04:43 PM

YAY! We have a Search feature now too???

Oh and John, about the "Big Boss" thingy, is that because youre also a Springsteen fan or just because you ARE the boss?

See, John, with features like these, you ought to put that Paypal donation thingy, it will stop Rich here from complaining! *grins*

Thank you guys for making all these nice improvements to make our blogging experience a cracking one.


Posted by: Simone at February 8, 2005 05:37 PM