February 14, 2005

Silent Hill storyline is revealed

silentHill.jpgThe storyline is out for Silent Hill, via Coming Soon from the official website of the Producer Don Carmody.

A woman desperate to save her dying child finds herself trapped in an alternate reality as she searches for her daughter in a dangerous world of demons.

Rose cannot accept the knowledge that her daughter Sharon is dying of a fatal disease. Over the protests of her husband, she flees with her child, intending to take the girl to a faith healer. On the way, she ends up driving through a portal in reality, which takes her to the eerie and deserted town of Silent Hill.

Sharon disappears in Silent Hill, and Rose follows what she thinks is her daughter's silhouette all over town. It's soon clear the town is not like any place she's ever been. It's inhabited by a variety of creatures and a living darkness that descends and literally transforms everything it touches. The human inhabitants—the ones who are left—are trapped and fighting a losing battle against the Darkness.

Joined by a cop named Cybil, who has been sent to bring her and Sharon back, Rose searches for her little girl while learning the history of Silent Hill and that Sharon is just a pawn in a larger game.

To save her daughter, Sharon makes a deal with a demon in the form of a little girl, and allows the forces of darkness to take the town and destroy those who tried to destroy the demon. In the end, she saves her daughter but at a high price.

That's the full blurb for you, and I think it reads really well when compared next to the game. This has, so far, seemed to be one of the better game adapations. Let's just keep hoping it makes it through the next few stages without being butchered.

Posted by Richard Brunton at February 14, 2005 03:58 AM


There's something a familar about that storyline...it feels like Silent Hill 1,2 and 4 strangely meshed together to make one plot. This could be a good thing...but just the same, it could be a bad one.

Posted by: Andi at February 14, 2005 08:06 AM

This actually has me intrigued. Please keep Uwe Boll at least 50 miles from the production at all times. Get Richard Kelley to write the script and Alejandro Amenabar to direct and I am so there...

Posted by: Triflic at February 14, 2005 12:42 PM

The script is written and Christopher Gans (Brotherhood of the Wolf) is directing.

Posted by: adam at February 14, 2005 04:19 PM

The Story I think is kind of disapointing. I would have actualy preferred if they just stole the genius of Silent Hill 2's story.

Posted by: Eli at February 14, 2005 05:15 PM

im a huge fan of the whole history and games of silent hill and this almost (to me) seems like a story taking place at the sametime as the story of the first game. cause in the games u do find other used maps in the city in buildings u pass. why else would Cybil show up in this if she only came out in the first one? or could be theirs more too Cybil and the town it self...then again im looking at things like i would look at the games connections...im just hoping they keep the spirit of the game story alive and well in the film it self..and i have to agree part 2 would have been perfect for a movie it self cause telling 1,3,4 would take more then 2 hours to really explain in detail...the games give u the freedom of time to think..a movie doesn't always do this.

Posted by: Vamprin at February 14, 2005 09:44 PM

That was pretty much the whole story! Do we need to see the film now?

Posted by: David Terry at February 15, 2005 03:23 AM

i like this story line it dosent scury away from the games it sounds like silent hill 5.and i think you did just gives us the movies ending

Posted by: FRANK at February 16, 2005 03:04 AM

This sounds very promising - does anyone know if it is rated PG-13 or R?

Posted by: Eshto at March 2, 2005 03:00 PM

Finally someone wanted to create the Silent hill movie.But i hope they dont spoil the original atmosphere and the deep story that is in the game. Anyways the creators must use really,really cool soundtracks (like in sh2) to get the viewer in to the horror/emotional mood. I wish it wont be a movie like Resident evil!!!!!

Posted by: Shafraz at March 9, 2005 10:25 PM

I am not very impressed with the storyline, what's wrong with the original? Need I remind the serious game fans of House of the Dead or the atrocious Alone in the Dark. When you screw with the main plot of a story and let it get "hollywoodized" you're gonna have a mess. Oh well we can only hope.

Posted by: ashman711 at March 14, 2005 08:23 PM

i think silent hill 2 would have been the best movie really i mean there is so much about silent hill 2 we dont know.Like i would love to learn more about laura,maybe also more about maria or some of the other chars,also man the pyrmind head guys r soo creepy.i donno i just would love to see a more in depth story of silent hill 2 cuz i just loved that game so much.I even got the soundtrack ^_^ i love the music to its soo cool.Sigh....well maybe sometime they will make a silent hill 2 movie,this one they r making sounds okies i guess,oh i hope they have some more info about lisa in it i liked her but she wasnt in the game that much,but she seems to have a pretty important role.

Posted by: amber ^_^ at April 23, 2005 05:28 PM

I like the storyline...but i just think more detail needs to be added...just hope it keeps its originality and hope it doesn't get altered...

Posted by: Erika at May 31, 2005 02:27 AM

I agree with Eshto about the music and the Resident Evil connotation, (the game was survival horror, unlike the movie, hand to hand combat with nemisis, stabbing licker tongues and round house kicking dogs). I could care less if she was genetically inhanced, so was Wesker in veronica!! and you saw what happened at the end. I also agree with Shafraz. The story for those who understood was complex and pheonminal. After I empiricalled what was done to Resident Evil, I subsequentally curtailed watching movies. The Directors don't stay with the plot that made the game auspicous. Infact they All "Screw With The Main Plot Of A Story And Let It Get "Hollywoodized" as Shafraz eloquently composed. After the heart break ruining the fans zealed imagination base on the 20-50+(sometimes even 100+) hours of labored work placed on the game ancipating it to be relatable on the big screen and lementably its not even simular, the director doesn't give an emotion. Subsequently the fans are left dissapointed, and wondering, WHY the change? WTF happened? This is not the story line. This was and is a great story line ( the original) Here is the Website, there are many more that state the same conclusion. This is what the game is about WHY NOT THE MOVIE???????????

Posted by: Efficacy at June 18, 2005 11:11 PM

i hope this silent hill movie will meet my expectations. when i see a monster, i hope its freakin' creepy just like the game. when i see pyramid head, i want him to look and act exactly like in the game.also please have the movie based from silent hill 2. it was more emotionally powerful than any game i've ever seen or played before, and you dont get a game like that that you can say that about very often.and i dont want it to feel like silent hill 2. iwant it to actually be the silent hill 2.

Posted by: steven at September 9, 2005 05:51 PM

The movie's gonna be based on Silent Hill 1. The plot seems to be the same as SH1 with all the basic points of the story. They just took out a few characters like Lisa and Kaufman and threw in a few new ones. And the main characters a woman named Rose instead of Harry Mason which kinda pissed me off, but other than that, the movie seems to be pretty cool.

Posted by: Walter Sullivan at October 12, 2005 06:37 AM