February 25, 2005

Shrek sidekick Puss In Boots gets his own movie

PussInBoots.jpgShrek 2 was good, but let's face it, it was nowhere near as good as Shrek. At least not until the action really started, then the original feeling really started coming through for me. One thing that disappointed me was the addition of a new sidekick, which watered down Donkey's role, and it was the Shrek-Donkey relationship that made so much of the move for me. Okay, you can't keep going over covered ground, but I'm not sure adding a second sidekick was the way to do it.

I guess that's why I'm not head of DisneyDreamworks though...that and I've never applied. All that said, Puss in Boots was a very funny character, and wonderfully portrayed by Antonio Banderas, it was a lot of fun, and it seems that's exactly what DisneyDreamworks think too (until I get that job application in anyway!).

According to Variety through Coming Soon:

DreamWorks has hired screenwriter David H. Steinberg (Slackers, American Pie 2) to write the animated film Puss in Boots, based on the character voiced by Antonio Banderas in Shrek 2.

There seems to be uncertainty about whether this will be a straight to DVD or Theatrical release, although the point is made that Steinberg is on a six figure salary for this job, and with figures like that you would be expecting a cinema release.

For the record, Steinberg is currently working on the remake of Love at first bite. That, if you have never seen it, is the spoof vampire movie with George Hamilton in the lead. Yes, the supremely tanned one.

Posted by at February 25, 2005 07:50 AM


"Shrek" is indeed better than "Shrek 2".

Although saying that, Puss N Boots did steal the film, proof of that is this new movie, regardless of it being straight to video or DVD. There's a market now for fans who loved the character, and if I was indeed was head of Disney (sorry Rich!) I'd make the most of this opportunity.

I truly loved Donkey though. Eddie Murphy was fab!

Posted by: Simone at February 25, 2005 08:14 AM

Am I the only one who didn't really like Pussin' Boots? I didn't find the character funny at all. What did I miss? Please. Someone tell me what the appeal is.

Posted by: Lilly at February 25, 2005 09:17 AM

I didnt find Puss N Boots funny but I thought with Banderas doing the voice, that the character was really sexy. A real pussy cat. *rolleyes*

I am guessing you didnt find him sexy either Lilly? *winks*

My fave scene in "Shrek 2" was Pinocchio with his supposed thong with the Mission Impossible tune playing on the background.

Posted by: Simone at February 25, 2005 09:26 AM

What's the head of Disney doing commissioning Dreamworks films?... :-)

Posted by: tom at February 25, 2005 11:35 AM

Doh! Hits head against wall...I can't believe I ran with that.

Well done Tom, and shame on the rest of you for not noticing that deliberate mistake!

Apologies, I've been making loads recently...I think I'm not helping myself by sneaking as many posts in at work as possible and not checking them properly! I shall get back to full checking as of tomorrow.

As for PIB, yeah, I do agree the attraction was more in the voicing. Actually there was a lot to do with the way it affected the Shrek-Donkey relationship, rather than the straight comedy of the character itself.

Posted by: Richard at February 25, 2005 01:14 PM

Puss n Boots was a fun character, but his own movie?? I don't know. Doesn't particularly interest me. I see straight to dvd with that call.

Secondly - Love at First Bite remake! ARGH! Damn, nothing is safe, nothing. (Not that I didn't already know that). It was the first movie I saw in a walk-in theater as a kid. (Parents always took us to the drive-in)
It's SO cheesy, but a classic in it's own right.

Posted by: Meli at February 25, 2005 04:28 PM

u cant have too much of a good thing... puss'n'boots was funny but if u base a whole movie on it, its going to be too much and will loose its appeal. thats y i'm also iffy about pirates 2 because johnny depps character was never expected to be the greatest thing since sliced bread but surprisingly it turned out that way and so with the sequel they will probably overemphasize jack sparrow too much and will lose his appeal. too much hollywood is what i call it

Posted by: Marla Singer at February 25, 2005 05:05 PM

I am so embarrassed I cant come out of where I am hiding from right now.

Shrek isnt Disney but Dreamworks, how stupid can I get? *winks*

Great eye for detail you have there Tom. And Richard, whatever! LOL

Posted by: Simone at February 25, 2005 05:20 PM

LOL so the well of remakes has finally been exhausted to the point that "Love at First Bite" is getting the treatment? The apocalypse is drawing near...

Posted by: adam at February 25, 2005 05:44 PM

Simone, the only funny PIB scene was when Donkey had him on his back and he was licking himself clean. I laughed more at the way the animators cleveryly drew that scene than anything else.

I can't decide which is my fave S2 scene. It's a toss up between the MI:2 scene and the one where everyone ran out of the Starfucks screaming they had to get to shelter at the next Starfucks as they ran into the location directly across the street like a herd of sheep. I must have laughed so hard for a good 30 seconds after each bit that I had tears forming.

Posted by: Lilly at February 25, 2005 06:29 PM

You see, not actually having seen Shrek 2, I had nothing actually useful to say - all that is left to me is pedantry...

Posted by: tom at February 26, 2005 07:32 AM

I loved both movies. I have them on DVD. I found both quite funny. And I loved Puss N Boots.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna at February 27, 2005 12:02 AM

Lilly, what about when Princess Fiona came out hoping to see Shrek, instead, Puss was there and introduced himself as "I can be whoever you want baby", I thought he was so sexxxxxyyyyyyy!!!!

Oh dear, what is it with Antonio Banderas eh? *giggles* He still does it for me after all this time.

Posted by: Simone at February 27, 2005 08:56 AM

Actually, the exchange with Fiona was:

Fiona: Shrek?

(Puss turns around, apparently having been caught licking himself, er, "there".)

Puss: For you, Chiquita, I *could* be...

Yours with a smile,

The movie-anticipating,


Posted by: Wanderer at February 28, 2005 08:55 PM

Shrek 2 was definately better than Shrek!!! There was no competition for me, could be that i love cats. Anyway I have gone as far as to get a tattoo of Puss in Boots!! Ridiculous I know.
I dont think Shrek 3 will be as popular as Shrek 2 if Puss isnt in it!

Posted by: Lucy at June 9, 2005 07:05 AM

I want to have puss in boots as a pet.He's really cute and awesome and he's cool and he's the best cartoon character I know. I like shrek 2 better because of puss in boots and also I like how donkey has kids because it's funny. I have the dvd and I can watch the movie, watch far far away idol, listen to the music in the music room thing, and play the games, and then look for stuff on puss in boots on the computer, and not be bored.I also watch the time they meet puss in boots in the forest up to they shrek decides to take him over and over again with scene selection. I love puss in boots and I want my cat to stand up, start talking, and put on a cool hat, get a zorro sword thing, and wear a cape and belt,(and turn orange) so that he will be my puss in boots. I love puss in boots and i think its the best thing ever to happen to shrek. I watched shrek 1 and 2 yesturday and they are both awesome, but shrek 2(because of puss in boots) is better than shrek1. I love puss in boots and he's my favorite character in all of cartoon movies that I've seen.

Posted by: rachel at July 10, 2005 01:10 PM

can you please sent me pics of puss n boots from basic pict to detail as i would like to study pics for a tatoo

Posted by: Tara at August 22, 2005 06:43 AM

Puss in Boots was cool, but damn people...a whole movie...NO...a tatoo of him...WELL, depending on where you get and whether or I can renact the "licking" scene...ok, ok let me stop!!! Puss was good for the movie but didnt play that significant of a part to warrant his own movie. The funniest scene to me was when Donkey, Shrek, and him were tearing through the castle trying to stop the kiss and Puss jumps off to fulfill his vow. Very well done!! But if anything gets made...have a spin off of Donkey with the Misfit gang of Pinoccio, the three little pigs, the Three Blind Mice, and the Wolf. They were much funnier.

Posted by: MechoPower at August 22, 2005 02:01 PM

I would also like if you could send me pics of or for a tatoo of Puss. I have been thinking about this for months. Yes he deserves his own movie.

Posted by: Shalimar at September 8, 2005 02:36 PM

I would see anything with Puss n Boots. The scene when he coughs up the hairball had me damn near fall out of my seat from laughing. People in the theatre were looking at me like I had lost it. I had no idea Banderas was so funny. Just thinking of Puss makes me want to go home and watch Shrek 2 again. Everyhting that damn cat did was funny now that I keep remembering more scenes. Even the gay "He sounds dreamy" line was great. Thats it I have to see it again. Funny ass cat.

Posted by: crackerjack at September 8, 2005 02:56 PM