February 09, 2005

Saw 2 gets a subtitle

sawposter4.jpgThere's news on Saw 2 from Bloody Disgusting through Rope of Silicon today. Although not that exciting news and quite worrying when you see the alleged subtitle:

Saw 2: Hacksaw

Groan. Still, they carry the script update and release date:

I talked with two of the producers over at Evolution tonight at the Saw DVD release party and they wanted me to make it clear to everyone that Saw 2 WILL make it to theaters by October. The script is almost done and everything is coming along nicely. Expect some big news in the coming weeks.

Please let it be better than the title! That's the news and the script!

Posted by at February 9, 2005 03:41 PM


saw sucked so much, why would they even consider a sequel?

gag me with a spoon.

Posted by: thekinginyellow at February 9, 2005 03:51 PM

Did you know that the producers of the original Saw are trying to convince Avril Lavigne to star as the lead in their next film? (Which is not this sequel to Saw.) No joke. Thought a fellow Canadian, John, and hater of Those Who Sing Who Dare To Act, might appreciate this bit of news.

Posted by: Franklin at February 10, 2005 02:26 AM

Saw one was pretty good, It isn't everyday someone can come up with such a twisting plot full of such gruesome murder ideas. I give them props on that, but the acting of the doctor was horrible, while Adam was alright. The part with Zapp being in one of the sick games don't fit too well either, considering he wasn't in any situation where he had to do something or face a major punishment.

Posted by: Justin at February 15, 2005 10:29 PM

zapp was in a situation if you listened the killer had zapp somehow injected with the slow killing poison that you saw earlier in the film and he told zapp over the tape that adam found in his pocket at the end after adam hit him over the head with the toilet that the only way for him to live is by killing dr gordons family and then he will get the only antidote to cure it.

Posted by: jake at February 16, 2005 09:18 AM

he's sayin who cares? why waste good poison on worthless zapp? he was an male nurse like focker. not even a male nurse, an orderly. not a drug addict, or a wrist slitter. saw was ok, not great, not bad, it wasn't original, they just threw in as many twists and turns as they could fit in an hour and a half, alot without good reason.

Posted by: mike at February 17, 2005 10:35 PM

hey....go back to school for a couple years and learn something, please! you are all missing the whole point of the movie. the movie is about a serial killer who is dying of an inevitably fatal brain anneurism. he wants people not to take life for granted and appreciate their blessings. this movie was made to make people think [obviously something that you all aren't very good at!] about what the f**k goes on inside the mind of a serial killer. i got some homework for you; go read a book about Ed Gein and then watch Saw again...maybe then you will appreciate what an amazing job the producers did, putting this movie together.

Posted by: adolf at February 18, 2005 12:45 AM

I would have to agree with mike, holla atcha boi mike. The producers did do an amazing job with the script. I would have to rate the ending top 5 as far as surprising yet innovative. It was caught me totally off guard without totally losing you in the midst of all the chaos. In regards to the acting, the doctor did not do a stellar job, and neither did Danny Glover for that matter. I was impressed with Adam, i thought he was superb. I personally cannot wait utnil the sequel.

Posted by: Jules at February 21, 2005 01:19 PM

I dont no why some of u guys arent impressed i simply thought it was a great movie considering they filmed the movie in 2 weeks you gotta give it credit, i no all you guys are saying the doctor is a bad actor but u gotta look at the money that they got to spend for this movie they are lucky they got danny glover no1 knew any of the other actors but who cares this movie was kick ass...

Posted by: Matt at February 24, 2005 05:36 PM

what is the sequal gunna be about. we already know who the serial killer is.. what is it gunna be, adam tryin to find his way out?

Posted by: bryan at February 26, 2005 12:13 AM

The guy who played the doctor did a poor job, which surprised me. The same guy played the Man in Black from the Princess Bride, Robin Hood in Robin Hood: Men in Tights, and I think he also played that guy in Liar Liar... One reason was that in real life he has a British accent... when he tries to suppress it he sounds weird. Listen to some of the words he says in Saw; some of them have a British inflection.
But yeah, he sucked.

Posted by: Brandon at February 26, 2005 10:47 PM

i think that saw is such a stupid movie how many guys have watched and liked it?i mean how wrong is that? i know all these guys think its really cool but think again you guys are wrong u need to agree with me cause i have a very point well so who agrees with me

Posted by: isabella at March 2, 2005 03:27 PM

dude... i liked saw...how could u not? it is a creepy morbid twisted film and it has an awesome plot. i loved it and i dont know why u didnt. and that guys name is cary elwes and he is a pretty good actor. he is just a really sad and serious guy in the movie. it plot is good, scenery is good...everything rocked about it. + adam was hot.lol cya! btw, go rent it and watch it again! luv ya!

Posted by: samantha at March 3, 2005 04:23 PM

Saw was an excellent movie, the end was so surprising that i had to watch it 5 times, the actors were perfect for their roles, i give this movie 5 stars

Posted by: Danny at March 8, 2005 01:19 PM

Man, i liked saw but what is the sequal gonna be about, we know that the killer gets away, but what happened to Dr Gordon? Does he die? Does adam die? i hope the sequal will be better cause i really enjoyed the ending of SAW

Posted by: Robert at March 8, 2005 01:25 PM

I agree. There were a lot of things left unexplained at the end of the first movie. But I heard the sequel is sposed to be a completely different story and doesnt even have any of the same characters in it. I just hope it is as good or better than the first one if that is possible.

Posted by: chris at March 14, 2005 07:05 PM

I personally thought that saw (the first) was one of the best i have seen, if you actually pay attention when your watching it, it all connects but i do know what those ppl are talking abotu when they said zapp didnt have anything or like a reaso for him to be a victim, but maybe he was chosen just so the other thing would work with adam...

Posted by: scott at March 17, 2005 12:50 AM

hey, i think adam does live, because at the end the killer tells him something like "most people are ungrateful to live, but now you're not.you are grateful to live", so adam must get outta there, like that girl with the bear trap thing did.otherwise, what was the point of all that crap? the killer was trying to teach those people a lesson, so he must want adam to live.

Posted by: alice at June 4, 2005 07:50 PM

I can't believe there are people that think about a deeper meaning in this pathetic movie. Never seen so much crap and so many bullshit Hollywood clichées wrapped into one mainstream trash psycho-thriller! This is by far the most over-rated junk I ever forced myself to watch until the end, and can't believe how many idiots compare it to Se7en which was a masterpiece if you ask me.

Posted by: Rub at August 19, 2005 09:51 AM