February 11, 2005

Russell Crow Slams Robert De Niro And Others

RussellCrowe.jpgThis is just disgusting. Don't get me wrong, Russell Crowe (love him or hate him) is EASILY one of the best actors alive today. This man has acting chops that could cut down a forest. But no matter how good you are, you've gotta show some respect to the greats that have come before you or are even still in the game.

The happy go lucky folks over at Contact Music give us this little nugget:

Movie hardman RUSSELL CROWE has slammed Hollywood greats ROBERT DE NIRO and HARRISON FORD for endorsing products in advertisements.

The Antipodean OSCAR-winner tells the American edition of GQ magazine he is disgusted by successful actors who top up their huge film salaries with foreign advertising contracts. Crowe fumes, "I don't use my celebrity to make a living.

"I don't do ads for suits in Spain like GEORGE CLOONEY or cigarettes in Japan like HARRISON FORD. And on one level, people go, 'Well, more fault to you, mate, because there's free money to be handed out.'

"But to me it's kind of sacrilegious - it's a complete contradiction of the f**king social contract you have with your audience.

"I mean, ROBERT DE NIRO's advertising AMERICAN EXPRESS. Gee whiz, it's not the first time he's disappointed me. It's been happening for a while now."

Holy crap. Crowe, you're a deadly wicked actor... BUT SHUT YOUR MOUTH! You don't go around dishing out disrespect to legends of the business. I don't care if it is what you really think... shut up. Fine, say you don't like actors endorsing products... that's fair enough. But DON'T bring people's names into it. Talented or not, if you don't shut up you'll get blacklisted.

Posted by John Campea at February 11, 2005 12:12 PM


"I don't use my celebrity to make a living."

Uh, you don't? You mean the fact that due to your celebrity you can pull in 7 figures for a movie doesn't count?

Pompous ass.


Posted by: Screen Rant at February 11, 2005 12:20 PM

Or how about the joke of a band he has. Do you think they would really have had any success if not for Crowe's celebrity? I think not.

Posted by: Bombadil at February 11, 2005 12:55 PM

Here we go again! Why can't these people just shut up about their opinions of one another and critics and just focus on their craft? Christ.

Posted by: Franklin at February 11, 2005 02:18 PM

Wow, surprised by the reactions here - at least someone's having a dig at De Niro for some of the rubbish he's churning out now, in ads or in movies.

Posted by: Tom Whitaker at February 11, 2005 03:06 PM

I have to say this for Russell Crowe, I admire him for saying what he really thinks -- not some fake double talk. I mean, you hear that sort of thing all the time. There's a rumor that someone said something bad about someone else. And then when they're asked about it, it's always "We're the best of friends.". I for one think it's refreshing to see someone from Hollywood tell it like they see it. And I don't think he cares if people 'like' him, and I think that's his choice.

Posted by: Patricia at February 11, 2005 03:09 PM

"The price you have to pay for being a celebrity".

You say something and they take it out of context, you didnt say something then they still decide to quote you. This is no different with what happened to Jennifer Garner about her Elektra stint, and people jumped the gun, how accurate is this information on Russell Crowe? What is Contact Music's credentials? I think we have to be a bit discerning here and give Crowe the benefit of the doubt.

With things like this we dont always get 2 sides of the story, we dont really know which version is correct, what we sometimes read, we always take on face value. No wonder then that actors are defending themselves and some of us hate their guts for doing so. This is my take on this and this has nothing to do with Russell Crowe. These people have opinions, theyre still human beings that can exercise their right to free speech, same with all of us here that's why we post our opinions here and share it, so if that's what he feels like saying, then let him say it. I may not agree with what he said, but I am not stopping anybody to have an opinion, the same way that those who posted before I did also have their own.

Posted by: Simone at February 11, 2005 03:14 PM

I don't care what he said you just leave alone some actors because of what they have done. Isn't that like a silent rule or something. Ford gave us Han Solo, Indiana Jones and Dackard and come on this is friggin De Niro. I don't care how many crappy Ben Stiller movies he does, he did Taxi Driver, Godfather II and Goodfellas. Pick on somebody who isn't forever etched in cinematic history.

Posted by: Bombadil at February 11, 2005 04:29 PM

Why is it that whenever someone says something that the people of this site don't like (remember Chris Rock's comment before the Oscars?) all anyone can say is "Shut your mouth!!!" Crowe can say whatever he wants. If you disagree, fine. Say "I disagree" but why shouldn't he be allowed to speak his mind. And why are we supposed to kiss De Niro's ass? Because he made some great movies 10+ years ago.

Posted by: adam at February 11, 2005 04:33 PM




Posted by: Screen Rant at February 11, 2005 04:39 PM

i'm not a huge personal Russel Crow fan, but i fully agree with what he has said here. Good on him.

Posted by: louis at February 11, 2005 06:02 PM

I probably would have been a bit more delicate about it but, I agree with him. Have some taste m'thinks. If you are earning millions doing film, going on to shill for cigarettes or whatever for even more money is... lame. Do you think it makes these people look greedy? I do.

" Talented or not, if you don't shut up you'll get blacklisted."

Waahhh! ha ha. Like he's a communist or something? That's some stupid shit man.

Posted by: Mr eel at February 11, 2005 06:22 PM

There is a difference between expressing your opinion on a topic, and then dragging other peoples names into it to openly insult them. That's not speaking your mind... that's being an ass.

Crowe is a hypocrite. His whole career is built on his celebrity. His pay cheques are based on his celebrity. The roles he gets are based on his celebrity.

Who cares if actors take other jobs on the side to make more money? It's not like they're getting paid to rape babies and profiting from it. They do commercials! Who does that hurt?

And as far as Blacklisting... all I meant was Hollywod is ALL about WHO YOU KNOW. And the people Crowe just insulted for no reason know an awful lot of people.

Harrison Ford is VERY close with Steven Speilberg. You think Crowe will ever be asked to be in a Speilberg film now? I doubt it.

You think he'll ever ben invited to be in De Niro's friends films (like Coppola or Scorsese)? I doubt it.

So yeah... for the good of his own career he should shut his mouth before shooting it off and insulting his peers in the business for no reason whatsoever.

Posted by: John Campea at February 11, 2005 06:47 PM

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttt!!!!!! Crow says endorsing products, by actors, is " kind of sacrilegious - it's a complete contradiction of the f**king social contract you have with your audience". Sacrilegious!!!!!!!!! Social contract!!!!!!!!! Holy Craaaaaaaap!!! What an idiot. Can he even get his BIG HEAD through the door. As it has already been said, he has a right to his opinion, but he is in denial. His celebrity is what's making him rich. Let him crawl away and do local theatre for free the rest of his life. Bye, Russel. We will not miss you! I'll take DeNiro or Ford, any day.

Posted by: docdoc at February 11, 2005 07:29 PM

Huh? Sorry, John, but your arguments here make no sense. 1) Robert Di Nero and Harrison Ford are not Jesus, and while it may be in questionable taste to make public comments about them, I get the sense you're offended less by the tact of this and more because you like their acting. If Crow had slammed some no-name actor, would that be different? Better? Worse? 2) Crow will continue to work in Hollywood as long as his movies continue to make money. Not only to do I question your idea that a blacklist is even possible, but I also wonder why the fact that, say, Spielberg may not want to work with him gets such an emotional reaction from you. You're being...weird.

Posted by: pat spacek at February 11, 2005 08:51 PM

Let's put this into another context that many more here might personally relate to.

Let's say you work in a field (one that is away from the celebrity spotlight). Is it smart for your OWN sake to bad-mouth people who also work in your field, and are as equally known as you and perhaps as connected to others, who haven't said anything bad about you?

Look at this from a purely business standpoint, away from the deluded glamour and glitz of Hollywood. Crowe was being tasteless in naming names when he didn't need to at all when he was making his point about actors who do commercials. You probably wouldn't do this toward your colleagues in your field of work. So why does Crowe get a pass from those of you defending him on here? Perhaps because he's a Famous Actor?

Posted by: Mark at February 11, 2005 09:19 PM

So are we arguing then about how totally lame it was for Crowe to diss De Niro because he did "Taxi Driver" or are we discussing this in the context of career longevity?

I think that, as usual, Crowe displayed a stunning lack of tact and discretion in sharing those views in a magazine if such was the case. Do I think he shows a lack of respect? He does to a certain extent: I think he could have expressed the same point and mention the same names with a tad more grace. Do I think that De Niro and Ford are owed a certain respect merely because they work in the same industry? Yes. Do I think that because they acted in some great movies they should be protected from public criticsm from their acting colleagues? No, what are they porcelain dolls? De Niro did Shark's Tale ffs, he's been doing a lot of crap and I'd get behind anyone who said so publicly or otherwise.

As far as careers go I think it's erroneous to compare it to any other field of work because not many jobs depend on networking as heavily as the Hollywood machine.

Do I think it was fool-hardy for him career wise? It depends on how the PR is spun to a great extent. I can't say that I'm so concerned about Crowe's career prospects that I give two hoots one way or the other and I'm certainly not versed enough on Hollywood to say so either way.

Posted by: Arethusa at February 11, 2005 10:29 PM

Oops, i forgot to add that basically I have no problems with what he said, just the way he said it.

Posted by: Arethusa at February 11, 2005 10:36 PM

I still say if he's going to have that holier than thou attitude he needs to say no to the multimillion dollar paychecks and accept SAG standard wages for his work.


Posted by: Screen Rant at February 12, 2005 12:10 AM

Let's first put out the fact that by American standards, Aussie's tend to seem like ornery reprobates, who only pause between drinking and fighting to tell you what's wrong with your face. Simply because the man works in America, let's not be foolish enough to apply our standards to his lack of cordiality.

As for the arguments, try putting aside your emotional connection to the characters and notions of Hollywood regality, and looks at it a bit more subjectively. Possibly the reason Crowe named names, was simply to make a point. This isn't some struggling actor, Rob Schneider maybe; these are A-list guys doing junk for money they don’t need.

Now this may just be speculation here, but I'm guessing Crowe puts heavy stock in the craft of acting, rather than character acting which so many Hollywood actors are fond of. This isn't something new, British actors have never taken Hollywood seriously. To much of the world, American acting is a cheap imitation of a serious craft.

So is Crowe right in his claims? Maybe, depends on who you ask. Is he right to speak his mind? Hell yes. I don't see why Crowe should have to show respect to men he's taken nothing from.

And let's be honest, do you really think our legendary actors aren't aware of some tawdriness? They don't do these commercials in America, do they now?

Posted by: Ash at February 12, 2005 12:14 AM

My god man, this topic set off a firestorm.

Posted by: Simon at February 12, 2005 12:55 PM

This is funny. In this post you say, "Don't name names.", but in the Rob Schneider Is Acting Like An Idiot article you don't mind that a film critic named names in his article, and in fact, you encourage it. You're a tool, and I think you just like telling actors to shut up, cuz yer a wuss. Viva la Rob Schneider! Viva la Russell Crow!

Posted by: Brahm at February 12, 2005 02:43 PM

I agree with Ash. Why shouldn't he name names. I mean, he didn't push them into making commercials just for the money. And I think he makes a valid point. As I said before in a previous post on, I think Jennifer Garners slip of the tongue, an actor should have (not: must) a sense of respect for his fans. It's a business where stars get millions of dollars. They should invest their time in the craft, instead of making easy money. If that isn't greed, I don't know what you call it. Still, I can live with the mastercard commercial, just because it's Scorsese, with beautiful photography who is not selling and an intelligent storyboard who is not just trying to sell us a car or a pack of cigarettes or shoes. If the money they earned was donated to young directors from NY who would give their vision of the city after 9/11, it would be rescpectfull. I don't think that was the case though.

On Crowe's behalf, many people hate his straightforwardness. But he is a good actor and did not become a celebrity because of his looks. Of course, he can use his celebrity not to care about what Spielberg would think. He has passed the stage of proving himself. I think he would laugh his ass off if he would read the stuff that has been written.

From a PR point of view, Russel is being Russel. I think those kind of outburst just make him more interesting. And better to be in the news, than to be ignored.

Posted by: Darko at February 12, 2005 08:05 PM

I guess I would have to say, "Hey, Crowe, what the H. business is that of yours?" Aren't you the one that keeps saying "...keep your nose out of my business?"

Posted by: Lee Mills at February 12, 2005 11:04 PM

One of the reasons I like Crowe is no holds bar comments.
Some one made a comment on that Americans think Aussie's are reprobates. I am dating an Aussie. He is no reprobate. He is a quiet, gentle man. Rather stoic in nature.
Crowe has his right to say what ever he wants. It is up to us wheather we want to listen.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna at February 13, 2005 11:15 AM

This man is one of the most stupid guys in the business (see Crispin Glover for the opposite)

Posted by: Peter at February 13, 2005 01:10 PM

I have to agree I find it very disappointing when I travel to other countries to find some of the most talented actors endorsing questionable products. I would never thought Harrison Ford would endorse smoking.

Posted by: Carveli at February 13, 2005 11:55 PM

I agree with Adam. My very first thought was 'What's with this "SHUT YOUR MOUTH1"' thing? I mean, would you say that to Russell Crowe's face? Doubtful. Because I'm SURE he'd have no problem letting the other actors he's criticizing have it in person regardless of what the masses thinks about his comments. And from everyone's comments about Russell's comments obviously everyone on the face of the planet is intitled to his/her opinion.

Posted by: Tsalagi Scottish Lass at February 14, 2005 03:29 PM

I am a huge fan of Robert De Niro. Always have been and always will be. In my opinion he is one of the greatest actors not only of his generation but of any generation. On the other hand, I am not the worlds biggest Crowe fan. I liked him in Insider and LA Confidential, but thats about it (His performance in Gladiator, like the film is soooo over rated!). As a person I do think he is a bit of a fool and far to arrogant. HOWEVER, I must put those opinions to one side, and it pains me to say it, but I do think he has got a point. When the Mastercard advert came on, my girlfriend called me from the kitchen to watch it, knowing Im a De Niro fan. I watched it and the first thing I thought is why?! Why does he need to do this advert, as tasteful and well made as it was, but what (apart from cash that surely he doesnt need) can he gain from it!? I'm surprised Crowe didn't write his opinions in a poem and try to force people at the Oscars to listen to it!!!!! Then when it didn't happen, start head butting people!!!

Posted by: David Terry at February 15, 2005 03:44 AM

"I'm surprised Crowe didn't write his opinions in a poem and try to force people at the Oscars to listen to it!!!!! Then when it didn't happen, start head butting people!!!"

That was funny David, I cant stop laughing here! *chuckles*

Posted by: Simone at February 15, 2005 04:31 AM

Its nice to amuse other people, apart from just myself Simone. x

Posted by: David Terry at February 15, 2005 07:19 AM

I'm afraid Russell Crowe has lost just about any respect I still had for him. Not over this trivial nonsense, but over the cancellation of a film in Australia that's left 80 people out of work three days before shooting and left a big hole in the local industry it cannot afford right now. There's been various reasons offered for the shutdown but scuttlebutt suggests it's mostly down to Crowe acting like a bigger prick than usual. Not that I suppose he particularly cares, but this will probably be the end of him in the Australian film industry.

Posted by: James Russell at February 16, 2005 08:10 AM

I think De Niro's reasons for doing the American Express ads meay have to do with his extensive involvement with the Tribeca Film Festival which in the last three years has grown in media exposure,celebrity and general public attendance and submissions by filmmakers.

I got a PowerPoint Sponsorship kit emailed to me and the Festival generated $75 million for NYC last year and was a great three-day affair for adults and kiddies alike. But Film Festivals need major sponsorship $$$ in order to grow - and this presentation lays out the national agenda De Niro has for the program.

De Niro may have accepted sponsorship $$$ in lieu of cash for doing the American Express commercials. I'm just guessing - I really don't know and it's certainly not illegal. But I'm sure someone will ask him about it at this years' Tribeca Film Festival.

Posted by: Crystal at February 16, 2005 05:20 PM

Are you talking about "Eucalyptus" James? Also starring fellow Aussie Nicole Kidman?

I did read a couple of days ago that production for this film is indeed being stalled because of budgeting, but in the news today courtesy of the Weekend Australian, here's the link; http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,12274359%255E2702,00.html he might take over as the film's director. The Oscar-winning actor was in the northern NSW town of Bellingen yesterday scouting locations and undertaking technical surveys with the project's director of photography, Mandy Walker, according to a member of the crew. Apparently he is also the film's executive producer, showing his commitment to this movie.

Posted by: Simone at February 16, 2005 05:36 PM

Simone: that's the one. I've not heard anything about budget being a problem. All the public claims have been about the script quality.

Posted by: James Russell at February 17, 2005 01:15 AM

I am doubtful the script was a problem at all. Basically I knew this production would be troubled as soon as they cast a 39 year old as the 19 year old lead just because Nicole Kidman wanted the part... and at the expense of the unknown 19 year old slated for the part. That indicated to me two things. 1) That this productions head was in the wrong place and 2) That Nicole Kidman is a first rate scumbag.*

As for this Russell Crowe business. I'm not a fan of the fellow. Basically he's a douche bag and a half and his antics have contributed to comments appearing on message boards about my country being populated by drunken reprobates, as ignorant as those remarks may have been. However I do respect his candor. And I one hundred percent agree with him on the celebrities advertising issue. For whatever reason people look up to these guys. For them to exploit that admiration to make money they don't need is absolutely shameful. Russell Crowe may be a dick... but he's a dick with principles... and for that he at least in part has my respect.

*As a side note about this, did anyone here know that Nicole Kidman forced the costly rescheduling of this movie so she could make a visit to Tsunami affected Asia. It’s true… and if she had just donated the amount of money that her selfish actions ended up costing the Australian industry she could have done a lot more good to those affected by the tsunami than a few photos with orphans will ever do)

Posted by: ben at February 22, 2005 09:33 PM

Crow is 100% right. Plus De Nero need to stop making shty movies. Don't tell me he doesn't know the difference - it's his fault and it's getting pathetic. Either make good one or get off the screen.

Posted by: Roger Moore at March 12, 2005 04:39 PM

I love all you liberal left pricks that scream first amendment rights, except of course if something is being said that you don't like!!! Oh, and as for being blacklisted, the whores of Hollywood make far to much money of his back for that. Wakey wakey!! Is that wankers wankers!!!

Posted by: Richard at June 5, 2005 03:27 AM

Crowe is in plain English a jerk.... throwing a phone at a hotel employee? Whe does he think he is, God???

Posted by: old timer at June 6, 2005 05:03 PM

Russell Crowe is a pompous ass with a big head. He is a good actor, not a great actor, HE'S OVERRATED TO SAY THE LEAST. There's nothing wrong with actors doing ads! So get over yourself you ugly, arrogant Keewie.

Posted by: John Seavey at June 9, 2005 11:27 PM

dudes, crowe is really cool. so he has some princepals that not everyone in the entire world shares, so what! what's the deal with having posts like these? go to the movie, enjoy the story and acting, and leave the actors alone.

Posted by: Croweluver at July 24, 2005 08:49 PM

Hi Russell it's Brett Hadden here - Musician, can you call me i have writen a great aussie song for you to sing!.. i could be a Hit, the fame i dont care for, it's the AUSTRALIAN IDENTITY that needs work, we all seem to be drifting away from each other, it's people like you that strengthen our cultural personality, " it's Good that we Aussie's live away from the rest of the Pack! "

Posted by: BRETT HADDEN at October 7, 2005 03:43 PM

Sacrilegious to do commericials? But I guess throwing phones at people when you're a big shot movie star is okay because you have a social contract with the little people.

Posted by: BadBrucey at October 9, 2005 02:29 AM

Brett, hate to be the one to hit you over the head with reality but this is not Crowe's personal site and the chance that he will ever see it is slim at miniscule at best.

Posted by: crackerjack at October 10, 2005 03:03 PM