February 09, 2005

Rumours of casting on Tarintino's war movie

QuentinTarintino.jpgTwitch has news that The Hollywood Stock Exchange are listing both Bruce Willis and Sylvester Stallone in roles for Inglorious Bastards which is Quentin Tarintino's next movie.

Apparently it's a war movie this time, another break from the norm for the extremely cool talent, although could you describe anything QT does as being in the norm...even by his standards?

Yet that's not all, there's one other role that they are tipping, and I hope this isn't true, really:

Quentin Tarantino is working on a World War II guys on a mission flick, like Dirty Dozen or Guns of Navarone. Presumably, the characters will not be simple cardboard figure action heroes, but will also take on some typical Tarantino anti-hero attributes.

There is a role written for Adam Sandler, and others possibly for guys named Stallone and Willis.

Sandler? Now I know he loves working with a varied cast, but Sandler? I've never been a big fan, and although I know a lot of you are, do you really think he should be up there in a QT movie? Feel free to comment away.

Posted by at February 9, 2005 03:50 PM


There's more to Sandler than everybody thinks, look at Punch-Drunk Love

Posted by: adam at February 9, 2005 04:03 PM

stole the rods out of my mouth.

sandler, in addition to be the third funniest man alive, (the first being myslef, and the second will ferrel), is a suprisinglyu good actor.

i am pulling for him.

liek that rich bastard needs me to pull for him, but, hey, whatever.

Posted by: miles at February 9, 2005 04:12 PM

Isn't Tarintino's next movie a film in mandarin.

Posted by: Chris Rushworth at February 9, 2005 04:25 PM

This might be a really great film...I hope so.

Posted by: Justin at February 9, 2005 04:31 PM

This might be a really great film...I hope so. But I hope it deosn't get all puffed up and hyped out. That always ruins the experience of the film for me.

Posted by: Justin at February 9, 2005 04:32 PM

Why is QT rated so high? compared to film makers like S Jonze, A Payne or W Anderson these guys raise the bar each time.

Four rooms, Dusk till dawn and Kil Bill 1 & 2 all very poor if you scrap the hype away.

15 years from now QT is a blip not a shockwave.

Posted by: Paul at February 9, 2005 05:29 PM

I'm sort of a fan of Tarantino, his movies are all about hype. The Kill Bill films were entertaining, but not great. And if he ever does complete Inglorious Bastards, remember it's just a remake of the film Inglorious Bastards, that came out like 30 years ago.

Posted by: Rawhead at February 9, 2005 05:37 PM

Sandler is a better actor than most people think he is. Like others have said, PDL is great (and my personal favorite of his) I still haven't seen Spanglish, but I hear he's excellent in it (though the film is pants.)

Anyways, I like QT's work, but I refuse to praise him like he's some sort of God. He just mashes a bunch of old films and other people's work into a big bowl, adds a little essence of weirdo, and then bakes it at extreme. He's good at what he does, but is not original in the slightest.

This movie will rock, I'm sure.

Posted by: LGM at February 9, 2005 07:49 PM

And lets not forget QT's knack for pulling memorable performances out of actors that one wouldn't think had any business being in the film. How many people heard Travolta was going to be in Pulp and thought "Wow, Travolta will make a great hitman!"

Posted by: adam at February 9, 2005 09:38 PM

sandler will turn out great. simply because its a QT movie. like adam said - we never expected a grease actor to play hitman so well. go Qt go!

Posted by: krishna at February 10, 2005 03:17 AM

It doesn't look at all official on HSX, otherwise they would have made an announcement.

Posted by: Little Miss S at February 10, 2005 06:14 AM

So. Square !

Posted by: sup3rbuck at February 10, 2005 11:31 AM

Anything Adam Sandler has done > Battlefield Earth.

QT can get amazing performances out of second rate actors. I see a lot of potential in this.

Posted by: Pudie at February 10, 2005 02:40 PM

is it just me or was this sandler thing mentioned on the QT blog that was supposed to be fake?

Posted by: FireWalkWithMe at February 10, 2005 10:50 PM

QT has mentioned in several interviews that he was writing a part expressly for Sandler in IB. Its on the level. And its cool.

Posted by: Gilot at February 17, 2005 12:42 PM

when is taintino going to do a movie with
kiefer suthurland or dennis hopper or edward norton or christian bale or guy pearce those guys could be more interesting than (billy madson)

Posted by: michael young at May 10, 2005 02:26 PM

Adam Sandles ace, its science!

Posted by: Charlotte at October 21, 2005 09:59 AM