February 09, 2005

Rumour of possible Predator "remake"

Predator.jpgNo, no, no. I really don't believe this and I don't want it to happen. Not listening la, la, la, la, can't hear you. Sorry, but from all the postings I've seen I think it might be true.

Predator is a god of a movie with Schwarzenneger in his ideal role, and playing it superbly too. In fact the whole cast is just perfect and the movie rocks the llamas ass, I can't tell you how many times I've watched it. In comparison I've only seen the other Predator movies once, if that, because they are rubbish!

So I can't believe they are going to make it and have assigned Paul Anderson again! No...just kidding, it's Uwe Boll. NO! Kidding again! The gossip is, through Freeze Dried Movies from Latino Review who seem to have caught it first:

Twentieth Century Fox are in talks with Johnny McTiernan to do a new Predator film - not a sequel, not a remake, not a prequel; more of a restart. There's talk - based on a treatment that's floating around the traps - that it might fix on Dutch's (the guy from the first film, Arnie played) grown-up commando kid.

John Cena's (one of Vince McMahon's kids) name has been branded about for the lead - but it's early days. They apparently want to coax JMT away from The Thomas Crown Affair sequel, have offered him this hoping it'll do trick.

Well as I showed, we could think of worse options here, but still, getting the original Director in is a good first step. If they can that is. Yet why remake such a fantastic film?

Actually I'm not going to be nice about it, looking at the mess they've made of the possible franchise from Predator, this just reeks of becoming a total mess. I mean his Commando Son for crying out loud!

However, please feel free to prove me wrong. Please! Still, I can never see it taking the place of the awesome original. Restart the idea of making new movies with original scripts you brain dead execs, and leave beloved movies like this alone!

"If it bleeds, we can remake it."..."We're all gonna die."

Posted by at February 9, 2005 03:45 PM


you have got ot be kidding me

John Cena?

the rapping wrestler? in a predator flick?

this iwll not happen.

it can't.


becasue i will kill myself, that is why.

Posted by: miles at February 9, 2005 04:11 PM

No Miles, dont do that to yourself, I beg thee! *Winks*

Posted by: Simone at February 9, 2005 05:14 PM

I'm with Miles if this goes ahead.

Posted by: Richard at February 9, 2005 06:23 PM

You too Rich? *gasps*

I was trying to imagine how you went about with the "Not listening la, la, la, la, can't hear you" bit you did just there.

You guys are crazy. Te he he

Now this is my thing, why cant they come up with something new instead of doing remakes that DOESNT REALLY NEED ONE? Imean they are all like doing remakes of everything, is the industry that bereft of talent?


Posted by: Simone at February 9, 2005 06:32 PM

My opinion - if they insist on making another Predator movie then don't base it or use any of the former created characters.
Frankly, I wish they'd just leave it alone, but that's not likely. Hasn't Hollywood ruined enough movies?

Posted by: Meli at February 9, 2005 10:23 PM

I nominate 50 Cent for this!

Posted by: Franklin at February 10, 2005 02:27 AM

Please, please, please Fox, let Uwe "toilet" Boll handle this film so that it crashes so hard at the Box Office, you suits will never think about re-imaging, re-making, or re-whatever another classic again.

Posted by: Mario at February 10, 2005 11:55 PM

I dont get it.

They say its NOT a sequel, but then claim the main character will be the son of the original commando featured in the first movie.

What is the point of making this character the SON of the original character if not to make some vague connection to the original film?

I think that Paul Anderson should direct this film. Its right up his alley... stupid.

Posted by: Rodney at February 14, 2005 12:27 PM

No, no, no, no, no, no. Wrong, wrong, wrong! BAD movie studio! BAD studio!

Cena: Don't do it! You can do better. The whole project is practically guaranteed to flop.

The world needs a PREDATOR remake like it needs a hole in the head.


Posted by: A.R.Yngve at February 14, 2005 12:57 PM

i cant beleive what i am after hearing in a web chat room is it true, if so it would be great ,, the hobbit to made in kilarney ireland,, well i cant think of a more idealic spot from what i heard,, I WAS THERE ON MY HOLIDAYS AND IT WAS AMAZING AND BEUTIFUL LITTLE VILLEG KILLARNEY , OH I HOPE THEY DO THE HOBBIT THERE AND MAYBE HAVE AN APEARANCE OF COLLIN FARREL BEING FROM IRELAND THEY COULD HAVE PEOPLE LIKE THAT IN IT,, WOW I HOPE IT TRUE WOW THE HOBBIT IN DEAR OL LOVELY LITTLE IRELAND IN CO KILLARNEY ,,

Posted by: eamsyericasnasholessy at February 14, 2005 07:28 PM

When they say, "remake," what I get out of it, is it's going to follow up on the other films with the predator, but not be a direct sequel, in the sense that no reference to Danny Glover, or Arnold will ever be made. It won't relate to that OH-SO-FUTURISTIC gang war that we saw in '92 in Predator 2 set in '97. They're going to reintroduce the Predator, as if we've never seen it before, and create a new lead character that we'll hopefully be able to follow throughout many more sequels creating the feel that it's a totally seperate franchise.

OR SO I SURMISE....It's also possible to see a Planet of the Apes type remake. :( ..............Let's hope not

Posted by: josh at May 25, 2005 06:14 PM

John Cena does have that military guy look. So what happened to Predator 3? Dude you cannot remake a classic like Predator. If the guy that made AVP makes a remake of Predator I will be pissed. AVP sucked. PG-13? DUDE WTF. If they remake Predator it better be some badass shit with blood and fucking heads poppin off and everything. I WANT THE FUCKING WORKS.

Posted by: Tony at October 28, 2005 01:54 AM