February 01, 2005

Rowan Atkinson Is Back In "Keeping Mum"

Bean4.jpgI totally love Rowan Atkinson... however... even I couldn't forgive the bomb that was Johnny English. But now the man is back, and I have to say I like what I'm reading.

The good folks over at Monsters and Critics offer us this little nugget about the upcoming project:

Rowan Atkinson has signed up for his first leading role in several years, as a village vicar in rural British comedy "Keeping Mum."

Variety reports Atkinson will play a pastor so obsessed with writing the perfect sermon that he doesn't notice his wife's infidelity or the adolescent escapades of his kids. Kristin Scott-Thomas plays the spouse, and Patrick Swayze the brash golf instructor with whom she dallies. Maggie Smith plays the discreet housekeeper who decides to take the situation in hand and rid the town of its dirty secrets.

I love it! Patrick Swayze is back too! I already know this is going to be hilarious... if for no other reason.

Posted by John Campea at February 1, 2005 07:20 AM


Wow, with Dame Maggie on board, it can't suck. She won't let it!

Posted by: Lilly at February 1, 2005 09:22 AM

Rowan Atkinson is awesome, but even the Mr. Bean movie was not that great. I hope he'll make sort of a comeback with this movie. It sounds funny at least.

Posted by: ThS at February 1, 2005 01:28 PM

It's hard to say that Rowan Atkinson's last few flicks were bad because of him, and his brilliant ability to perform under all aspects of comedy...so I think he just needs to get under the wing of the right director/script...that really used him properly, then I think we would see his "comeback".

Posted by: Justin at February 1, 2005 04:45 PM

This sounds fabulous! Fantastic cast - I hope it'll turn out as good as my mind thinks it could.

Posted by: Meli at February 1, 2005 09:40 PM

"I totally love Rowan Atkinson..."

...and with that, all respect I held for John Campea disappeared.

Just kidding, I personally can't stand the man in anything that I've seen with him, but as you so often say, The beauty of movies is the subjectivity.
The plot sounds funny at least.

Posted by: It's Seitz at February 2, 2005 04:35 PM

I'd watch him. I loved him in Black Adder.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna at February 3, 2005 08:52 PM

Rowan Atkinson has been my idol ever since i was little, so i'm really looking forward to this movie! i loved Dame Maggie Smith in the Harry Potter movies, so i have a feeling it will be better than his last few movies!

Posted by: Stephanie at July 26, 2005 07:15 AM