February 09, 2005

Rob Schneider Is Acting Like An Idiot

RobSchneider7.jpgSomewhere along the line, Rob Schneider deluded himself into thinking he was a movie star, when in reality what he really is, is a half decent comedic supporting role actor.

Along this path to madness, Rob Schneider also deluded himself into thinking that he carries enough weight in Hollywood to personally attack a film critic and not look like a moron at the same time. He's wrong.

Confused? Well, here's the story as told by the great folks at IMDB:

American comic Rob Schneider has furiously labeled movie critic Patrick Goldstein "unfunny" and "pompous" for his attack on his contribution to cinema. The former Saturday Night Live star has taken out a full-page advertisement in the Hollywood Reporter attacking Goldstein's article on January 26, in which he blasted movie studios for making lackluster sequels like Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo. His verbal assault mirrors Owen Wilson's recent defense of Starsky & Hutch co-star Ben Stiller, who was criticized for his "tiresome" screen presence by New Yorker magazine's David Denby. Schneider writes of Goldstein, "Most of the world (has) no idea of your existence. Maybe you didn't win a Pulitzer Prize because they haven't invented a category for 'Best Third-Rate, Unfunny Pompous Reporter'. I can honestly say that if I sat with your colleagues at a luncheon, afterwards they'd say, 'You know, that Rob Schneider is a pretty intelligent guy' ... whereas, if you sat with my colleagues, after lunch, you would just be beaten beyond recognition."
I'm not a film critic, I'm also not a huge fan of film critics... but... they have a job to do. It's their job to watch film and offer their commentary. I read Mr. Goldsteins article, and there was nothing wrong or personal about it. He thinks there is a problem with a lot of todays films, and he pointed out a couple of Schneider's films while doing it. There is nothing wrong with that.

For Schneider to then take out an ad in a trade paper and make personal attacks on a critic is just plain asinine. It's the oldest 2nd grader trick in the book. If you can't present a good argument in an intelligent way to defend your point of view... then start calling the other person names. That's all Schneider has done here... acted like a 5 year old.

Once again, let me say that I think Scheider is a pretty solid comedic supporting character. I actually like him. But all of his lead roles (in my opinion) have sucked ass, and this little episode has just convinced me he's totally out to lunch to boot.

So here's my unsolicited advice to Rob Schneider: Shut your mouth, do your job, let critics do their jobs, and then let the public decide what they think. Because when you shoot off your mouth like this, all you're doing is turning some people (like me) off of you.

Posted by John Campea at February 9, 2005 10:33 AM


I share your sentiments about this one.

What was all that for? Who did he think he is?

I mean, why cant actors, or any performers for that matter just take any criticism as part of their job when they signed up for it? if you dont like to be criticised, then get a new job already.

Saying that, what were the studios really thinking anyway doing a sequel to that lackluster movie?

Posted by: Simone at February 9, 2005 11:05 AM

Rob Schneider should get down on his knees and thank whatever God he believes in that Adam Sandler can only do so many movies a year, and has the Hollywood clout to give hand me downs to Schneider. Though of course Sandler is happy to take producer money.

Posted by: BillSaysThis at February 9, 2005 11:41 AM

Jeez... what a dope. His movies have been stupid and juvenile. What does he think they are? High art?

My personal reason for writing reviews is to help folks decide what to see. I love movies, and if I see something that I think is great I want others to enjoy it as well. If a movie sucks, I want to warn people not to waste their time and money.


Posted by: Screen Rant at February 9, 2005 11:47 AM

That's how it should be anyway isnt it Vic? Hi by the way, I am Simone.

I must say though that some critics go as far as discrediting every single thing in the production, not even one aspect good enough (unless of course the film is an ABSOLUTE rubbish) but you can just totally tell if all they wanted to do is just to diss the movie.

Is there a school for this?

Posted by: Simone at February 9, 2005 12:22 PM

That one line is funnier than anything Schniper has ever done on film.

And he has the audacity (the AUDACITY) to call the critic pompous.

Posted by: John at February 9, 2005 12:25 PM

I agree that Hollywood is taking sequels way too far...did we really need "Elektra" (I think that actually qualifies as a prequel though). We don't need Deuce Bigelow sequel either.

I've never been a huge fan of Rob Schneider's either. I've laughed a few times at him, but they have been in Adam Sandler movies and his characters have been very minimal.

I think he is taking the criticism a bit too far with this critic. As I've understood, not too many actors like critics anyhow so why complain about it?


Posted by: Jen at February 9, 2005 12:29 PM

And the one line I was referring to: "I can honestly say that if I sat with your colleagues at a luncheon, afterwards they'd say, 'You know, that Rob Schneider is a pretty intelligent guy'".

Posted by: John at February 9, 2005 12:32 PM


I suppose that most critics who actually get paid for their opinions go to journalism school. Me, I just write reviews from the seat of my pants. :-)

There are a bunch of 'em on my site.


Posted by: Screen Rant at February 9, 2005 01:30 PM

Forgive my ignorance, but who the hell is Rob Schneider?

Anyway, I agree that as long as film critics do not make personal attacks on those pretentious stars, leave them alone. After all, who really listen to the critics? Everyone believes in their own taste now.

Posted by: Alex at February 9, 2005 02:02 PM

this actually makes me like schneider more.

critics are full of themselves, they create nothing and pick apart other people's work. (not to say i am not critical, becasue i am).

and he did deliver an insult to schneider, which i will quote now:
"follow-up to “Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo,” a film that was sadly overlooked at Oscar time because apparently nobody had the foresight to invent a category for Best Running Penis Joke Delivered by a Third-Rate Comic."

third rate comic? sound pretty insulting to miles, i know if i had managed to become a high profile comedian, i would be pretty pissed off by someone calling me third rate, any way you cut it that is an insult.

many critics resort to snippy little pokes at the people involved in films in their reviews, and can get pretty insulting. I know i don't like it when someone form the oputside critisizes me at my job, and you know what? I will bet 5,000 dollars that no one here likes it.

Can you really hold it against someone when they lose their temper and say somehting back?

you can justify things by saying, "its their job" and "the critics have to inform us" and whatnot, but none of that falls under the spectrum of insulting someone at their job.

now, if you don;t mind, i will go back to insulting film moves i odn;t like.

Posted by: miles at February 9, 2005 02:35 PM

Wow. You're right, he's not really THAT funny.

Like David Spade, he's gotten famous on other peoples coattails...

Posted by: CrzyDJM at February 9, 2005 04:49 PM

Miles I must say that calling someone a "Third-Rate" critic doesn't fall under "personal insults" for me. He is criticising Schneiders acting skills as a comic. If Schneider is a high-profile anything then, I suppose, Carrot Top could be seen as "third-rate".

I've always wondered at the arguments put against critics of any kind art that fall along the "oh they don't create anything they just criticise all the time" line. Who cares? Are only people who make movies allowed to critique them, and only novel writers allowed to critique novels and so on? The fact is that while they may not be showcasing work at Sundance every year some of them do know a lot about movies and can provide additional insight that, perhaps, the average movie goer may not have picked up on. Or, because of their writing, can clarify a thought I had about a movie much better than I did. Or they could save me from watching a godawful movie in advance, if I know that the critic and I generally have the same taste.

Naturally you have some hacks-as true in any profession. I'm sure Schneider knows a bit about that.

Posted by: Arethusa at February 9, 2005 05:20 PM

Vic, I just checked out your site, whew, I bookmarked it just now cause I dont wanna miss a thing!

I have got to say though, with sites like The Movie Blog or Vic's site here, where everybody has a say about the films they've seen, I think this is where I would prefer to be influenced on what films I should or shouldnt see. Some critics are just being pretentious anyway, over-intellectualizing even the most trivial stuff, and Miles, youre damn right about some of them becoming really insulting too. It can be very annoying at times.

Posted by: Simone at February 9, 2005 05:23 PM

Thanks Simone. :-)

I certainly try to stay as far away from "pretentious" as possible. Not to difficult for a guy born and raised in New Joisey. ;-)


Posted by: Screen Rant at February 9, 2005 06:48 PM

Owen Wilson recently came out in defense of buddy Ben Stiller in his own published letter. People have been saying Wilson's comments are funny, but I don't see it -- they come across as smarmy and as equally pointless as Schneider's. I'm also tiring of Wilson's faux-intellectual writing voice -- so you went to a private school when you were a kid (the basis for Rushmore)...so fuckin' what?

I have a theory that when you are an actor (or pop star) and become hugely famous, what happens is that over time this mental dissonance develops between your self and the real world and people around you. You start believing that people really do give a shit about who you are and what you have to say.

Fame is, to be brutally blunt, very toxic. And it's something that nobody "deserves" to have in the world.

Look at history. Most people who were famous throughout history were the absolute shit.

Posted by: Franklin at February 10, 2005 03:14 AM


I couldn't agree more. Just imagine it... wherever you go, people you've never met think you're great and want your autograph, in large venues you walk out on stage to thunderous applause, hangers-on sucking up to you all the time, etc.

After a while it would be very difficult to remember that you are *not* God's gift to humanity. That's why big time actors/singers/etc. should remove themselves from the pit called Hollywood and live elsewhere while surrounding themselves with people from the "former" lives who can give them a reality check now and again.


Posted by: Screen Rant at February 10, 2005 09:46 AM

Or these ones can learn a lesson or two from other actors who have had their share of bad reviews and publicity, for instead of retorting back, they have gained their former critics respect by actually improving on their craft.

You are not really doing yourself a big favor by doing a lot of talking, heck if youre an actor, then just do it and ACT!

Oh, and youre welcome Vic. *wink*

Posted by: Simone at February 10, 2005 09:55 AM

Matt Damon I think said it best, when asked about his buddy's Ben's problems: The public loses interest in paying money to see an actor on the screen if they keep hearing/reading gossip about that actor. Why pay for something you're already getting for free and want no more of anyway?

That's pretty much what Damon summed up succinctly when asked about this. He didn't go into a detailed defense of his buddy, nor did he attack others. I wasn't a fan of his but reading that comment from him, he earned a lot of respect in my eyes that now I'm a little more curious to read about any new film he appears in.

I really dug Owen Wilson, but his smart-ass defense of Ben Stiller lost me. I don't think anybody as famous, rich and successful as Still necessarily NEEDS anybody defending him, and if he actually appreciated Wilson doing that for him, then that's just doubly pathetic.

Posted by: Mark at February 10, 2005 09:09 PM

rob schnieder is the bomb-innit?

im just being an idoit...messing around and what not...
anyway you guys really know yer stuff, and it was a pleasure reading about an actor i have intrest in only because of an episode of south park(if you do not know what i mean-try to check it out, or e-mail me and ill send you a copy of the episode) anyway, i was very pleased by the site-espaecially to see intelligent people who know what they are talking about, and do their reasearch-yep definitely interesting stuff...

from : the t-man,
([email protected])

Posted by: doctor durags at March 12, 2005 02:29 PM

Big words from an unfunny SNL one-shot who has been largely reduced to yelling "you can do it" in terrible Adam Sandler movies.

Posted by: Smyth at August 11, 2005 11:06 AM

I think that you all suck and are a bunch of pathetic slobs who sit by the computer all day and are neveer going to amount to anything.

Posted by: jacob at September 18, 2005 06:35 AM

Oh yeah and I think that Rob Schneider rocks you gaybo's.

Posted by: jacob at September 18, 2005 06:37 AM

I think that you should cut him some slack, i reckon he's a heaps funny person and you should stop baggin him out. and plus, i dont see you staring in heaps of movies.

Posted by: JD_the_pro_2233 at September 28, 2005 12:50 AM

I've stared in heaps of movies. Especially ones by Schneider, which were heaps sad. Just stared and stared. Never starred in any, though.

Posted by: AndyWarholiday at October 25, 2005 11:36 AM