February 15, 2005

Paul W.S. Anderson assigned terrorist movie

Paul W.S. Anderson who Coming Soon quote as being:

the director behind the successful "Resident Evil" franchise

Has signed up for a thriller called Man with the Football, no it's not another movie starring Beckham, but a film about a terrorist who steals the American Presidents Football, the case with which he can initiate a Nuclear response as Martin Sheen did in The Dead Zone.

The Hollywood Reporter says the Columbia Pictures film, which revolves around a group of terrorists who steal the U.S. president's "football" -- the briefcase containing computer and telecommunications equipment that can launch a nuclear strike -- has been floating around the studio system for years.

The project's producer, Neal Moritz, first brought screenwriter John Pogue's script to Morgan Creek Productions in 1994. At one point, Sylvester Stallone was attached to star. Columbia acquired the rights in 2003.

An old project, but an interesting story suggestion. I wonder if he can get back to some of the good style he's produced from his previous movies and distance from his recent disaster or disasters, depending on what your viewpoint is.

Posted by Richard Brunton at February 15, 2005 07:48 AM


The guy's a hack and Moritz tends to produce watered-down, PG-13 toss.

Still, at least it will keep him away from Aliens or Predators.

Posted by: Tom Whitaker at February 15, 2005 08:46 AM

Lately it appears Anderson has been assigned "mop up jobs" -- directing gigs for projects that studios want to have produced but for some reason they linger in development hell for years. So when they finally decide "fuck it -- let's just get it made!", they call Anderson.

Why do I get these bad vibes he may have a shot at directing X3?

Posted by: Mark at February 15, 2005 10:13 AM

Now, if that headline had read "Terrorist assigned Paul W.S. Anderson movie", I suspect a lot of people would have been happier...

"Fahid, you will target the Green Zone in Baghdad, the very heart of their imperialistic power! Salih, you must destroy the Statue of Liberty, the most potent symbol of their democracy! And Hassan, you must strike a blow against the films of a hacky third-rate director, to send a message of resistance to all hacky third-rate directors within their decadent and choppily-edited entertainment industry!"

"Ooh! Oooh! Can I take out Michael Bay too? And then I could probably squeeze Brett Ratner into my schedule, and-"

"You still haven't got your head round the concept of this 'suicide' thing, have you, Hassan?"

Posted by: tom at February 15, 2005 07:06 PM

I think that Paul Anderson is a great director. He did a really good job on AVP. I especially enjoyed the battle between the queen alien and the predator. I hope there will be a sequal.

Posted by: wade at February 27, 2005 06:08 PM

First off i have been waiting at least 10 years for this movie to finally come out, so great concept i love it and the effects are amazing!
BUT...you havent explained to me how "Bishop" fits in with Aliens 3? It is killing me to understand this, and i am going to go absolutley mad if i dont understand it! PLease reply to me


Posted by: Peta Fisher at March 3, 2005 07:54 PM

i think you are an ass Wade for saying Paul Anderson is a great director. Dumb people in the world like you will ruin civilization. Dork!!!

Posted by: noname at July 24, 2005 10:36 PM

Hello Paul! I love your work. We must work together soon yah?

I have great idea with vampire woman, who can shoot lazsers from her eyes. But if she kiss a man, she take his life too. Then they have kung fu fight at the end in teh sky.

I love your AVP. We should make AVP2 together. We could have kung fu in it und vampires. I'll put Kristanna in it again. She's pretty desperate for work right now.



Posted by: Uwe Boll at July 28, 2005 05:33 AM

abmdnsi djds ssok so kokdosk sdksod sosl sos jsfsmslf scmslmcc

Posted by: dhakni at September 5, 2005 06:03 AM