February 10, 2005

Pang Brothers to make a third eye

TheEyePoster.jpgThis story from the very cool Twitch surprised me, I had no idea there was a second Eye...ahem...yes there is cause for an excellent joke, however let me move on!

The Eye is a very good movie from the wonderful Pang Brothers, the oddest named pair ever, well one of them anyway, Oxide and Danny. It is the story of a woman who is blind and receives transplanted eyes from someone who held strange abilities. All seems normal at first, then she starts seeing things that shouldn't quite be there. Currently being remade (surprise surprise!) - IMDB details and reported back here.

It's wonderfully filmed, with typical Asian flair but a uniqueness that really can be seen in the Pang's other works. However the closing act does leave a lot to be desired and lets the film down somewhat.

Still, I had no idea there was a second, and I am about to go seek it out, never mind a third.

I've just come across the website and trailer for the third Eye film from the Pang Brothers, titled The Eye 10. The title is a reference to ten different ways people can see a ghost and tracks a group of friends who set out to try them all. While the first two Eye films were both aiming at some serious subtext it looks as though this one is purely an excuse to make people jump around a lot

Not always a bad thing, but if it lacks the story that could be a poor outing for them. Sounds promising for the second movie too, which I'll go and check out now. Look out for another excellent Pang film Bangkok Dangerous. Superb styling and a really good story, well worth a visit.

To check out the Flash filled website for Eye 10, go here, or directly to the Flash trailer by selecting the picture on the wall from this page.

Posted by Richard Brunton at February 10, 2005 03:32 PM


The first one was pretty good, the ending could have been better but the old guy in the elevator almost made me shit my pants. Didn't Tom Cruise buy the rights to the first one?

Posted by: adam at February 10, 2005 06:01 PM

i don't know if there is anyone who has seen ab-normal beauty, their latest film, but that was absolutely awful. Not looking forward to a continuation of the series, I wasn't too happy with first one anyway.

Posted by: venger at February 11, 2005 03:05 AM