February 24, 2005

New news on Bond 21

bond_generic.jpgIt's like pulling teeth, but finally we get some more Bond news, and it's real live, honest to goodness, new news!

The Guardian carry the words of the Bond 21 helmer, Martin Campbell:

KGB agent Le Chiffre captures Bond and threatens his manhood in an effort to extract information. Campbell also said the film...would move away from the "huge visual effects" of recent efforts. "I'm looking to humanise Bond a bit," he said.

Well I never said it was important or exciting information. Oh, actually I will. It's not important or exciting information. So what's this post about? My growing frustration with the dull ache of media hype coming from a franchise that most of the MovieBlog audience are telling us is dead.

Their biggest mistake? Missing the opportunity of Tarantino directing Casino Royale. Honestly, I am going to stop with the Bond stories here and now, until either a star is named, or...or...something exciting happens. Like they decide on the name of the next female character.

Posted by at February 24, 2005 12:10 PM


"Threatens his manhood"...wha...?! Me gets creepy vibes from this.

Posted by: Mark at February 24, 2005 02:57 PM

LOL @ Mark!

That's what bothers me with this post you made too Rich! *winks*

Posted by: Simone at February 24, 2005 03:03 PM

Heehee...I've never had mine threatened...actually I have...ermm, but that's another story.

I think he's trying a throwback. I mean the greatest ever line was from Goldfinger as the laser creeps towards his manhood...

James Bond: Do you expect me to talk?
Goldfinger: No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die.

That was just brilliant, and truly the first time you thought Bond could die. Do you think he's trying to recapture that feel?

Posted by: Richard at February 24, 2005 03:07 PM

"Heehee...I've never had mine threatened...actually I have...ermm, but that's another story".

Sheeeesssshhhh Richard, youre hilarious! *giggles*

"Do you think he's trying to recapture that feel?"

Then there'll be goosebumps that's for sure.


To be honest I am still excited to hear news about James Bond, really.

Posted by: Simone at February 24, 2005 03:12 PM

Dont get me wrong, but havent the startrek crew covered the story in 'the next generation' where its a groundhog day scenario? - bless data and his dice rolling abilities....awww

Posted by: andy at February 24, 2005 03:52 PM

well the last few Bond Films just sucked big times

Posted by: Silab at February 24, 2005 05:02 PM

The World is not Enough kinda tried to give Bond sort of a chance to show off his human side a little more (a crippling injury, being manipulated by a woman) in my opinion, although rather half-a$$ed in my opinion. True they've become action fests, but they've always somewhat tried to humanize bond. The Living Daylights in 87 (the last movie based on Fleming's books) was pretty good in my opinion, but not the best. Many of the Roger Moore Bonds were featured slightly modified stories from the books, like Moonraker(the weird one where he goes into space), For Your Eyes Only, A View to a Kill. As you may know, Moonraker was a disappointment for many Bond fans, so even though it's based on the books it's not guaranteed that it's gonna be a good Bond movie.

A lot of people equate going back to "classic Bond "with the Connery movies, but I think it's also the person playing Bond and the director/writer that plays into how good the movie would be. The later Connery's kinda decreased in quality, partially because he kinda lost interest. The next Bond's acting and Campbell's direction will matter as much as whether the story is throwback Bond or not.

Also to clear up Lechiffre's threatening Bond's manhood (spoilers):

in Casino Royale Lechiffre has to play bacarat to recoup some lost money he borrowed from the some shady people, MI6 sends Bond to beat him and discredit his reputation. Bond basically wins all of his money, and Lechiffre tortures him by hitting him in the balls to find out where he put the money. The emotional damage he suffers from his manhood being so violently struck might be the humanizing trait/weakness that characterizes a "throwback Bond" slightly similar to Goldfinger, mentioned in the previous post.

sorry if i kinda went nerd beserk

Posted by: person mcdude at February 24, 2005 09:01 PM

why would you need to humanize bond when you can watch bourne identity. :p

Posted by: B_A_T_M_A_N at February 25, 2005 02:53 AM

I think one of the things why James Bond would still be interesting to watch (at least on my end) apart from having the likes of other sleuths like Ethan Hunt (Mission Impossible) and Jason Bourne in the Bourne films is because of nostalgia.

I grew up watching these movies, my dad always makes it a point that when a new Bond film is out, it will be a family affair. I am still thrilled by the movie theme! The cars, and the gadgets mannnnnnnnn!!!!

Posted by: Simone at February 25, 2005 07:42 AM

They are finally going in the right direction! Bond shuld be more like Bourne or the Transporter. Not invisible cars!

And John: If Pierce Brosnan had been able to make the "surfing an arctic tsunami"-scene work, he would have deserved the $42 000 000. ;)

Posted by: Al-xx at February 28, 2005 02:40 AM

I think that the problem with the new Bond films is that they try and bring back what use to be and they need to develop new plots. Die another day was generic plot ripoff of up to five diffrent Bond Films,(The world is not enough, the spy who loved me) they also need to drop the betraying women who are conected to MI6, two movies in a row is too many. If you want to bring back the greatness of Bond I think they need to develop another form of S.P.E.C.T.R.E because everyone who knows Bond knows that all of the best movies were when Connery was Bond, and who was the main villians in all but one of his films, Villians tied to Spectre!

Posted by: JPJersey at March 14, 2005 03:23 AM

I think Jaason Simmons would make a great Bond, and believe that anybody who's spent any time watching his acting would agree. He's got the look, the demeanor, and the suave. I know he was considered, and think it would be nice if he were chosen for the part. He'd also be a good villan.

Posted by: Hillbilly at March 14, 2005 08:59 PM

Hell no Jonathan Rhys Meyers is the young, british, cocky, ladies man Bond. Go to JRMfansfrozenwithin. JRM for BOnd He played Elvis like a flute in class and style.

Posted by: ladyhawke at September 22, 2005 04:53 PM