February 10, 2005

Josh Groban Duets With Beyonce At Oscars

JoshGroban.jpgIf for no other reason, I would watch the Oscars this year just for this.

For those of you who may not know who Josh Groban is, he is simply hands down, without equal the very best male vocalist today. I'm not saying he has the best songs or the best material, but for my money no one on the planet has a voice that can equal his... period.

And, while I may not be a fan of Beyonce, one can't deny this lady can sing!

MTV is reporting that these two will be performing a duet together at the Oscars performing Josh's song from "The Polar Express" soundtrack, "Believe." I'll be recording this.

Posted by John Campea at February 10, 2005 07:06 AM


Groban with his training in classical music is no doubt one of the best male vocalists we have today. But I dont think his is the best voice, Chris Cornell (previously of Soundgarden and now Audioslave) and even Bono can give him a run for his money.

But this is not about that, it's about the duet in the Oscars which is probably one of the highlights of the ceremonies.

Just wondering how come Mick Jagger's song "Old Habits Die Hard" from the "Alfie" remake which won Best Song in the Golden Globes wasnt even nominated? Oh well...

The Academy nominations for BEST SONG:
"Accidentally In Love" - SHREK 2
"Look To Your Path (Vois Sur Ton Chemin)" - THE CHORUS

Posted by: Simone at February 10, 2005 07:49 AM

I just love his voice! Very smooth and sexy.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna at February 10, 2005 09:36 AM

I think I am going to have to pull the WTF card on that previous comment. First off I like Cornell and don't like Bono and don't really care about Groban, but to say that Bono and Cornell have better voices is way off. Even to my untrained ear it is not hard to realize that Groban has the better voice. Whether it is the best out, I don't know, but it is better than those two.

Posted by: Bombadil at February 10, 2005 10:02 AM

Bombadil: I didnt say Cornell's or Bono's voices were better either, what I said was, Groban's voice isnt the best there is.

IMHO of course.

Posted by: Simone at February 10, 2005 10:07 AM

you've got to be an idiot to say that Josh Groban's voice isn't the best thre is. He is absolutly phenominal.

Posted by: sam at February 14, 2005 02:45 AM

Its the best there is because he can sing opera? Because he is a tenor? And that is the basis for one having the best voice?

Posted by: Simone at February 14, 2005 03:56 AM

Well I wasn't going to comment, until same said that you have to be an idiot to say that Josh Groban's voice isn't the best.

I invite you to listen to Mike Patton. Sam, don't just assume that he is the best because he is all you know or the best of the singers you know.

Patton is known for being able to do any style of music perfectly. He can go as high and low as anyone and can do any type of song that is thrown at him. Basically he can sound like anyone and better than anyone. He is also the guy who influenced pretty much every rock band that started in the 90s and 2ks.

If I were writing a musical or an opera, I would have him as my lead. He has shown the vocal talent to handle something like that.

If you want to know more about him use google or look up some of his bands. Faith No More, Mr. Bungle, Tomahawk, and Fantomas.

Oh and this isn't a personal favorite thing, consider it a power rank. If I were to pick my top 100 songs, I don't think any of his would be on there, but I still would rank him by far as the best singer now. Actually the best singer ever.

Every song he has ever done has had a different vocal sound to it. You have to listen to many of his songs to understand that the guy you hear in every song is the same guy. I mean if you play two of his songs, you won't be able to tell it's the same guy singing in each song. He may even change his voice in a song up to a dozen times, leaving you wondering how many lead singers you are hearing. Not to mention he also has done sound effect albums, using his voice only.


So yeah, if we must pick the best all time, you shouldn't even respond without at least listening to some of Patton's music. I don't think there is a genre that he would be unable to do better than everyone else in it.

Posted by: Al at February 14, 2005 04:49 AM

Hi Al, Simone here.

You just stressed a very good point there. I agree that every genre of music have their best singers, and I suppose that would be the fair observation.

And I will check out Mike Patton now that you have suggested it. *winks*

Posted by: Simone at February 14, 2005 05:07 AM

They don't come any better than Josh Groban.

Posted by: Pat Pollins at February 19, 2005 09:50 AM

thank you, pat.
sooner or later you will all see that josh is a one of a kind all around talent that is exceedingly better than most if not all out there.
au revoir

Posted by: sam at February 23, 2005 01:48 AM

Wow. Wow is all I can say about Josh Groban. He is the most musically talented young man of our time. I have been a hard core Grobanite for all long as he has been around! I really hope that he wins as many awards as possible, because he deserves them! As for Beyonce, she is neat. The duet will be interesting. ROCK ON JOSH GROBAN!!

Posted by: Karen Foegley at February 23, 2005 10:04 AM

First of all i just want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSH and second of all You are my inspiration.

Posted by: Nellie at February 23, 2005 04:48 PM

I don't think it really matters who has the best this or that. None of us has heard ALL the talented singers out there. All I know is that Josh Groban is multi-talented, has a great voice, a great repartee with the audience on his tour and is still young and we hopefully have decades to watch him develop. Watching his show you can't help but be impressed with his showmanship and ability to choose fantastic musicians for his show. I know my husband and I will long remember the fantastic performance we saw earlier this week. Happy Birthday Josh!

Posted by: Joanna Jilburg at February 27, 2005 06:51 PM

i adore josh groban but not so much beyonce'. i can't wait though because i feel they will do a great job together!josh is the BEST!!!

Posted by: Tyne at February 27, 2005 08:20 PM

Alright, no way in heck does Bono have a better voice than Josh Groban. I completely agree with John 100%! I hope Josh does amazing tonight and that he has had an incredible birthday! what a birthday present!! *crosses fingers for Josh* YAY!

Posted by: Michelle at February 27, 2005 08:30 PM

I watched Beyonce sing two solo's and performed a duet with Josh Groban. The song "Believe" is Josh's song, and I cannot understand why Beyonce was singing a duet with him. She already had her 'fifteen minutes of fame' at the Oscars, the producers should have let Josh Groban perform his music solo. He has a very beautiful voice.

Posted by: phoebe at February 28, 2005 01:30 AM

Josh is an amazing artist, I agree. I unfortunately missed the performance last night of "Believe". Does anyone know where it can be found online, if it can be? I'd really like to see it

Posted by: Danish at February 28, 2005 08:30 AM

Josh Groban is the best of the best. He is so gifted and talented! Did you know that he plays just about every instrument in the book? Not only does he have a voice like none other, but he writes music and liyrics and plays instruments! HE's amazing!I love him (not like I'm in love with him). He is truley blessed and we haven't seen anyone like him in history, in my opinion. He's the best!!!

Posted by: bri r. at February 28, 2005 09:05 AM

I saw Josh in concert last Tuesday night and he was amazing. Everyone has their own opinions of who is the best singer. I personaly think that Josh is the best singer. And come on he does not just sing opera GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE BOX!!! You raise me up is not opera, Remember when it rained is not opera, Believe is not opera. Josh is able to sing many types of genere. He has stage presents. And to Phoebe I agree with you but they may have had Josh sing w/ Beyonce to increase his PR so closeminded people like the ones above can see that he's not "classical" or "opera" but so much more.

Posted by: Jayme at February 28, 2005 01:20 PM

It was a very classy show this year. Might be a while before Chris Rock is invited as host again. Bravo Bravo Bravo to Beyonce. All I can remember from the show really ... is Beyonce (and Carlos Santana playing the guitar). Beyonce stole the show. Hands down. She was too much, even for the oscar audience - (including Oprah) who passed on their chance to give her the standing ovation she deserved. Talented. Beautiful. Classy. Young. Rich. What an amazing lady with an amazing life. It's okay that Hollywood's academy of stars didn't give her her props, they all got to see and hear for themselves who the real star is. Beyonce!

Posted by: Mei Ling at February 28, 2005 08:03 PM

Mei Ling I totally agree, I am a huge Destinys child fan and beyonce fan and found this site when i was searching for reviews for her performance... and u are totally right beyonce was wonderfulll...
Here is the duet with Beyonce Knowles and Josh

Posted by: mjj_jdj at March 1, 2005 12:37 AM

i like beyonce's voice, and i adore josh groban, but i really think that mr. groban should have sang "believe" all by himself. beyonce's voice and josh's voice don't blend well together, and she was overpowering him. her voice has a brassy-ness to it, while josh's posesses a more softer and deeply-rooted power to it. in all, it did not work. the song would have made a more powerful message if josh groban had sung it alone.

Posted by: setha at March 1, 2005 01:20 AM

I am a big Josh Fan. As a matter of fact we worked with the same vocal coach for some time(its amazing the great talent you meet/see when you do.. including the late Ray Charles).

Anyway. I know Josh is a very talented person. He also has great songs. Personally I love most of the songs, and I love how they are produced and arranged.

However, Josh is not an "opera" singer. He is at best a pop-opera/classical singer. To a trained ear you can hear(and yes I have been to many concerts including his), the "over pressure" that he applies in many cases(and not for affect) when he sings. He is great, I am saying it, as an entertainer, he is also a great vocalist, but he is far from the best. Of course I measure greatness not by a song, but by ones true abilities with the voice, not a genre. Josh could no sooner stand and sing a well or as easily then Andrea Bocelli then I could, let alone Pavarotti, and John Mccormick.

These folks have abilities in their voices from years and year of practice(which Josh has yet to gain) to sing notes far higher and far superior to that of Josh.

Again, I love him, I listen to him constantly. My new working favorite is Mario Frangoulis, who has an even better and more fluid voice.

When you listen to josh in concert and I have the DVD from the show too, you can hear the "nazzle" sound that he over produces "alot".

I would say listen to Mario Frangoulis also, he is very very good and much smoother(even in person), then Josh, but again I don't necessarily agree "he" is an opera singer either.

Is josh the best entertainer of the current time.. hmm i dont think so.. does he has a huge devouted and sometimes :-) overly opinionated fan base sure!!! we love him :-).

But give the kid time to grow, comparing or incinuating that he can actually "sing" with "skill" better then "the true great opera" singers is a farse. And if he cant then he cant be the greatest. Besides, Steve Perry from Journey could singe Clear through High C with a blend of high and chest that Josh can't touch. Josh doesn't sing beyong B-Flat for a reason(he can't) and he doesn't push it. Oh i have no doubt he can "run" up to High C and Scream it out(or belt it) but sing it... No.

Give him more time though :-0) and lets hope he practices and doesn't allow "Im the greatest of all time" to literally bind in his head, because e would fall very short.. No matter how talented, or instruments he plays or "cute" he is.

Posted by: JFan at March 1, 2005 02:49 PM

I too am a Josh fan. He is a very talented young man, but probably not the best singer alive. I happened to catch his show in Milwaukee in mid-February. He had trouble hitting many high notes and admitted to having an "off night." It was still a great show, but helped me realize how much a good producer can help. I would argue that Mike Patton has the best voice.

Posted by: bill talleucher at March 1, 2005 04:22 PM

mjj jdj - it was a unanimous opinion, not just me, so we all agreed that B stole the show. We had 12 people watching, and most were cringing when Groban sang. Mr. Talleucher we agree, Groban is no where close to being the greatest singer alive, and Mike Patton has better chops than Groban - hands down. Groban sounded forced and stoic, like he was in pain, it was kind of painful to watch. Beyonce looked like she wanted to laugh a few times. Many of the men at our party were laughing when he sang. And honestly, Beyonce did look like she was trying to hold back from laughing. His style and Beyonce's are soooooo different, pairing Groban with Beyonce was hilarious and only drew attention to his weaknesses and made Beyonce look better.

Posted by: Mei Ling at March 1, 2005 06:06 PM

i watched the duet at the ocsar's and unfortunately josh went out of tune in the first verse of the song. notice that his eyelashes fluttered after that and it was a close up too.

review the tape iff it is recorded and please listen carefully. josh was nervous i think and i just saw his vulnerablity.

Posted by: rodel at March 1, 2005 09:13 PM

Just a FYI - the link to the duet doesn't work

Posted by: Danish at March 2, 2005 09:38 AM

Ouch, what did I just say? I shall say no more.

Posted by: Simone at March 2, 2005 10:10 AM

I'm sorry but Beyonce's voice was definitely above Groban. I haven't listened to any of his cds, but just listening to that performance would not give me any reason to look into his music. However, we all must remember that the Oscar's is not an easy place to show your stuff...he might have been a bit nervous. So I would say, only invite the professionals to the Oscars and if you don't qualify, pass at the offer.

Posted by: mei ling's sis at March 2, 2005 01:36 PM

Wow, the phrasing of that last comment was completely uncalled for. Fans are fans for a reason. They'll go to just about any length to support their favorite singer/actor/whatever, so if you have something against that, let it go and keep your thoughts to yourself. I personally am a huge fan of Josh, except not so much so when he's singing live. He definitely has a nasaly tone most of the time and can't hit the high notes very well at all. I'm attending his concert though to see if he sounds different from the DVD. If so, I'll be under the assumption that he just has off days a lot, because at the Oscars he sounded fine once he got past the beginning. He definitely seemed nervous to begin with, and not to mention his low notes seemed a bit too low and shaky at that. And pairing him with Beyonce was just weird. They DO NOT go well together, but from my perspective, it looked like they were enjoying each others company up there. Beyonce really did a great job all throughout though. I loved all of her performances, especially Learn to Be Lonely. But with Josh, eh, it was like you had to choose who to listen to. It would've sounded much better with just Josh I believe (no pun intended). I can't say by a long shot that Josh is the best ever because I have not heard every singer in the world. For all we know, the "best" is in their room singing with the radio. I don't think anyone can be labeled as "the best" of all time, because singing is just such a versatile world, and everyone has their own bias whether they want to admit it or not. To call someone "the best" would be ignorant, though, for me, Josh is definitely in the top 5! His CD's are great and really show the absolute best side of his voice (except for Live at the Greek). I just hope he will continue to make great music, learn from his experiences and mistakes, and further develop his God gifted abilities so that he can show people what a gift to the singing world he truly is.

Posted by: PhantomEX at March 2, 2005 07:18 PM

I would like to point out what this argument is about. I fail to understand why we are all bickering about who the best singer in the world is while we should appreciate that the entertainers mentioned above are sharing their musical talents with us. Music, unfortunately, is often viewed as a competition while it should be about contributing one's gifts and delighting in others'. I think we can all agree that those singers who have been mentioned have obviously come this far because they are talented and have worked hard. I think we should all stop focusing on who the better singer is and rather enjoy the fact that such wonderful music is present in society. Music is a wondrous gift and should be respected; all genres of it. Also, people like Groban and Beyonce are from completely different styles and shouldn't be compared as much as they are. I think we should all stop posting comments that we know are offensive and aren't contributing anything to this argument (which isn't legitimate anyway) and just be appreciative of the great musical talents we are so fortunate to witness.

Posted by: carolina green at March 2, 2005 07:58 PM

Josh Groban has the best male voice hands down! Honestly, our generation has noone to compare to Josh Groban when it comes to love songs or just his voice. I can't see myself dancing at my wedding to one of Usher's "love" songs but Josh Groban, Wow! For those of you who don't know Josh's music that well, don't judge his talents on that song "Believe". You have to listen to "Remember when it rained", "Oceano" and "Caruso". And about Beyonce, she blew me away with the song she sang in French. That was beautiful and thats real music! Im tired of hearing songs about sex,hoes and drugs from these other so called artists. Anyways Beyonce and Josh Groban ROCK!

Posted by: Carmen at March 2, 2005 09:42 PM

Hmm...... I can see my comment was effective.

Posted by: carolina green at March 3, 2005 06:51 PM

That last comment was a really good point Carmen, and one that would probably be interesting to discuss. I do wonder what has happened to music over time. For some reason now, everyone thinks their songs have to be about sex/drugs, or something oriented in that fashion. Who wants to listen to that kind of crap? I don't know about you, but when I turn on the radio, I would much rather hear some sappy love song than a song that portrays women as sluts and men like they are all pigs who care about nothing else other than sex. It is absolutely horrible. And to think they call that "art". Honestly, not like it takes much talent or skill to take your clothes off or talk with some rhythm. I think a good portion of the music industry needs a rude awakening, and I also think these children (pertaining to whoever listen's to that "music") need to go find where they left their values at. It's funny, I've found that the most annoying thing to me is when a car goes thumping by with the bass on max. I just think to myself, "You've got to be kidding me. I hope they don't call that noise music. You can't even understand what they're saying (which could actually be considered a good thing) and you're making yourself deaf at the same time." All in all, a lot of the "music" nowadays is worthless and could be trashed without a single tear shed. I don't want women to be hoes, I want them to be the beautiful people God intended them to be, and I don't want guys to be shallow pigs either, I want them to be wholesome, supportive and kind people who treasure thier wives or girlfriends. Sex and drugs is not life, and music is not trash. It's the one of the best things in this world, and it's time people realized that.

Posted by: PhantomEX at March 3, 2005 06:55 PM

Sorry if the truth is offensive. The real offense was the pairing of Beyonce with Groban in the first place. For any performer to perform on the Oscars, it is reasonable to expect a similar level of performance. That didn't happen with Knowles and Groban. I have to agree with my sis, based on Groban's Oscar telecast performance, who would want to hear Oceano or Caruso. Not me. Granted, no performer is perfect all the time, and this was one time when Groban obviously wasn't at his best. That doesn't change what will forever be seen and heard on that broadcast, and since this forum is to share opinions, my opinion was (and is) that Beyonce should have received a standing ovation for "Learn To Be Lonely." I wasn’t posting regarding Beyonce and Groban, it is obvious from the majority of posts the duet didn’t work. I posted regarding the lack of appreciation shown to Beyonce by the Academy audience. The director and producer loved her enough to book her for three numbers, and the audience wasn’t classy enough to give the girl her due. Clapping is fine, but she deserved more. That was my truth when nobody stood to honor her at that moment, my hear felt for her, as did my guests, as we all stood clapping for her in my home. When you talk about offensive, lovely Beyonce singing her heart out in French, then flawlessly from the Phantom musical for that Academy audience and their not standing to honor her, unarguably, great performances one after another on national television, that was offensive. Truthful comments about an, arguably, decent Oscar performance by Groban, in my opinion, are not.

Posted by: Mei Ling at March 3, 2005 08:09 PM

well i personally think that there are millions of people that are talented vocally. there is no one that is the best at singing. each person that is talented has their ups and downs. some people are better at singing hip hop and some people are better at r & b, etc. the singer doesn't have to be a top charter either. they can be in a local high school or university, like this one young girl in the high school play "chicago" is fascinating how she can hit the high notes like no one else. and then there are people that can sing very low and sound perfect so there is really no best singer in the world. people just choose what they hear the most musically and choose that that's the right way and all others are wrong. all others are correct too, not just one way is right with musicians. if people would just see beyond their versions then they too would notice there is no "best singer of the world", but many superior singers that have their strengths and weaknesses.

Posted by: Deb at March 3, 2005 08:10 PM

Thanks PhantomEX for agreeing with me! I know exactly how you feel and I'm only 19! I used to be in the crowd that listens to rap and Britney Spears but I have never been so annoyed as I am now with these people. F.Y.I. most annoying song is "Drop it like its Hot" by Snoop Dog and it was even up for a Grammy! The only hip hop group I still love is Outkast and Black Eyed Peas. The other ones have no talent and thats why they keep developing a clothing line or some perfume because they know they need a backup plan to their awful music! I'm going off topic now, I know message board is about Josh Groban and Beyonce, so once again AMAZING VOICES!!!

Posted by: Carmen at March 3, 2005 08:12 PM

Heya Carmen,

Actually Mario Frangoulis has a much smoother and rich voice then Josh in Person, on CD and isn't as over produced. Actually, most people I introduce his CD to(which btw has some cheesy songs lol), the first words out of their mouth is.. omg i didnt know Josh sang this, or that sounds like Josh.

But Mario is 35 josh isn't, Mario doesn't sound like Josh, Josh doesn't sound like him.. ok well they do, but Mario and Josh are seperate people.

I tell you know go get Mario Frangoulis - Follow your Heart CD and listen to 12, 1,2,3,4(please Skip 5 lol its just a TOTALLY sappy song even for me) and then 6.

His low tones, his high notes are all far superior to Josh's. Again I love Josh and his CD's but his Live performances just show how young and insecure and "unprepared" his voice and nerves are yet to be compared against people like Andrea Bocelli or Mario Frangoulis(who also won the Pavaratti award) because he, unlike Josh can sing opera.

In the songs you mention you are right Josh sounds great, and they are great songs, but if they were any more produced they might as well have the computer sing it for him. He simply has "faults" that we as fans overlook or honestly dont notice or care, but "talent" and "skill" are not necessarily the same thing. David Foster does a fantastic Job of producing the music, but even he can't "fix" live performances.

I have no doubt that when josh has time to grow(and again practice alot), he will get much much better, but for now I appreciate the style, the songs and David Foster for producing the heck out of his music, cause Live at the Greek and in Michigan he plain stunk.

But you know what :-) I dont care because everytime i put in his CD i love it, so I don't worry and just tell myself i wasted money on Live at the Greek, so I just listen to the CD instead.

Seriously though, listen to Mario Frangoulis. Its funny the tambre/timbre whatever you wanna call it of their voices are so similar, but the "skill" is much different.

Posted by: JFan at March 4, 2005 02:02 AM

I entirely agree with PhantomEx's last comment- I am completely disgusted with the music industry today. What is all the sex, drugs, swearing, violence, etc. contributing to society? However, what infuriorates me more is the affirmation these artists are recieving for their work, dare I call it that. It is plain trash, and therefore does not deserve to be christened "music". Yet, these so-called "musicians" are being honored with awards like Grammys, only encouraging the production of this junk. It astounds me to think the entire respectable population hasn't gotten some sense and viewed the "musical" world for what it really is. As for me, I'm ashamed of these morons that are being highly acclaimed for their "musical contributions." ( I think I contradicted my earlier comment about all genres of music being respected. Oh, well.)

Posted by: Carolina at March 4, 2005 05:50 PM

Wow, this forum has made me think more about musical artists than ever before. It's kind of weird. =) But, it has also changed my views on many things as well. But I still have one question, which I will have to be directed towards JFan and whoever else might know. How can you tell just how much a song is "produced"? And could you elaborate more on what exactly that term entails too please?

Oh, interesting tidbit I never knew about...I was talking to the music minister at my church one a couple of weeks back about the Superbowl halftime performance (Paul McCartney, ugh...no offense, but my personal likings keep me away from him. He's alright, but not my style.) Anyway, he was telling about double tracking, where an artist lays their voice over their voice (like a recording on a recording, or something like that) that makes it sound better. It was really interesting, and kind of made me feel like every artist out there doesn't necessarily have to be great to be a record dealer. It was actually depressing. As a rule of thumb I developed from that conversation: Never judge an artist until you see them live.

That's the only way you'll see their "real talent" I guess you could call it. But then again, there is the factor of them having an off day. But still, I find it works. Groban is a perfect example. The guy has a fantastic voice, but probably ended up with obsessive compulsive disorder when double tracking it. Hearing the Live at the Greek CD really disappointed me, and I'm hoping the concert here in my home town won't be as much of an "off day" for him. (I honestly wonder why he allowed them to put that on DVD and CD. I wouldn't). He's definitely one who needs to practice A LOT in regards to live performances.

Also, I just wanted to say in regards to the overbearing argument about who is the best....no one. Yes, that has been said many times, but I've noticed no one gave what could almost be considered the perfect answer. Personal preference. Everyone likes something different, and if they don't like it, then don't bother. I learned this with my dad. He "doesn't care for" Josh Groban. I've tried countless times to try and get a good reason, but it was always, "I just don't like it." And then I knew. I also felt kind of dumb for being late on the get go, but have that revelation was nice.

Some of the artists mentioned here sound like they'd have some good music. I think I'm gonna Google some of them and hopefully stumble upon some samples. If anyone is interested in hearing Josh, go to joshgroban.com and click on the music link. You can listen to entire song with the little bar on the top right hand corner of the screen which includes (not necessarily in this order): Alejate, Oceano, To Where You Are, You Raise Me Up, and something else I think. If you want to here the best JG song, listen to You Raise Me Up. Awesome orchestra, awesome chior, awesome voice!

Posted by: PhantomEX at March 4, 2005 06:49 PM

Vous est les chiens! Vous ne conprenez pas francais! Beyonce can't sing. First off those who don't know french think anything will je, tu ,il,elle,nous,vous, ils,elles is french,well that's part of it. What makes me mad is, Beyonce if you can't sing it DON'T TRY! She was horrible to those who speak french. It sounded like gibberish that she was making up. Horrible!! Vile to the ears! Next time wait until the grammy's to shake your sluty ass one stage with your provocative songs!

Posted by: Theresa at March 5, 2005 01:48 PM

Beyonce sang beautifully with that French song!! That's the first time she gave me goosebumps and made me go Wow! And she looked amazing!!

Posted by: Carmen at March 5, 2005 05:46 PM

Those who think that Beyonce can remotely sing is an imbecile, a retard, a freaking idiot. She no matter what an one says about Beyonce, she looked like a clown draped in jewels in that one song from the phantom of the opera.

Posted by: Theresa at March 8, 2005 10:48 PM


Posted by: Carmen at March 9, 2005 04:57 AM

hey- i heard that josh was on oprah last wednesday or something. did anyone see it?

Posted by: carolina at March 9, 2005 06:33 PM

Wow Theresa, isn't that a bit harsh? I'd like to hear you sing and write the songs Beyonce sings and writes. She may not sing songs in the genre of your preference, but there's no denying the fact that she has an amazing set of vocal cords and a creative mind to complement them.

And in response to Carmen, to the trained ear, Josh did go off key in the first verse of Believe, and considering he is PAID to be a performer, I think those who've studied music, even if you can't sing as well, just tend to expect a bit of professionalism--which includes perfectionism--especially in this industry. AND ESPECIALLY for the oscars.

Posted by: nic at March 9, 2005 07:43 PM

Excuse me, but I don't appreciate you talking bad about Josh like that. I love Josh. He is a wonderful singer. He inspires me so much. he may get off key if he has a frog in his throat, but that's it. Josh will always be the best singer in the universe and i don't like anynoe talking bad about him!

Posted by: amanda at March 15, 2005 12:24 PM

Excuse me, but I don't appreciate you talking bad about Josh like that. I love Josh. He is a wonderful singer. He inspires me so much. he may get off key if he has a frog in his throat, but that's it. Josh will always be the best singer in the universe and i don't like anynoe talking bad about him!

Posted by: amanda at March 15, 2005 12:25 PM

I am sorry but Beyonce is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO over rated! I agree Josh may have been off But The way she screeched her high notes was hard to keep in tune with. I do not agree she does not deserve a standing ovation. Lets see who will be around in a few years. My bet is on Josh/class always ouy ways flash. She was going down fast so she had to get back with her band mates to stay in the public eye. Sorry one good performace does not make her ALL MIGHTY. Josh all the way!!!!!!!! oh and her lastest album has BOOTY calls in it. I saw it on sale at Wal-mart and it was MARKED DOWN.

Posted by: LoLo at March 16, 2005 12:40 PM

Beyonce doesn't belong on the same stage as Josh Groban. As for Nic's comments I would not ever think about writing songs like Beyonce. Because they are horrible, trashy songs, just like Beyonce.

Posted by: Theresa at March 20, 2005 09:01 PM

I just attended the concert for Josh Groban in Phoenix. My husband and I left after one hour. Josh was sweet, the musicians were excellent, but well, there was not one song in which Josh did not go flat...usually several times. In the main song with violinist Lucia (incredible ear, by the way)he joined after her solo and was nearly a half step off in this big entry. I was completely in shock. He did have excellent skills with the fans and chooses wonderful pieces. I will probably buy his CD in the future...maybe a "best of", hopefully with lots of editing. He was really cute with the audience and I admire him for that and for introducing me to some excellent musicians (Chris Botti opened). I very much respect his great following made up of many demographics.

Posted by: Carcol at March 22, 2005 01:12 AM

josh groban without a doubt the most incredible voice the most amazing talent out there. no one comes close

Posted by: cille at March 22, 2005 03:05 AM

rodel josh was in perfect tune, beyonce's voice just didn't compliment him. he sung the song as perfect as always, i don't like her at all but she wasn't really off either. their voices just didn't mix.
josh's eyelashes fluttering? lol. eyelashes will tend to do that

Posted by: cille at March 22, 2005 03:16 AM

Josh Groban has the most soothing voice in the business. And its a fact that he can shatter glasses with his voice(THE ONLY SINGER WHO CAN DO THAT) He does this by making his vocal cord vibrate at 10000times per second which produces such an intense sound that glass shatters. WONDERFULLY TALNETED JOSH ALL THE WAY

Posted by: nima at April 2, 2005 01:14 AM

I believe that those who would stoop so low as to call another artist a "slut" is IGNORANT. It makes sense for you to post that you dont like a certain artists' kind of music, but you have no reason to say all those horrible things about her.
As for the French song Beyonce sang, Teresa, consider this...Beyonce was given two weeks to learn THREE songs, one in a completely different language. Its hard enough getting the melody of the song on key, but when you are about to sing in a different language in front of an audience whom the majority speak English, your main concern is not going to be "Did I pronounce that word right?" The concern is going to be on how the voice flows with the music. And I think she did a damn good job of that.
Look at pop music today and please tell me one other female artist with as much fame and power as Beyonce, with as much vocal power as her, as much talent, and holds herself with as much class as Beyonce. Go on...don't think too hard.
You said she writes "trashy" songs...listen to "Dangerously in Love" the album, and then listen to the non-singles THEN tell me that she can't write. Until then, your comment holds no value.
As for Josh, he has amazing chops, and i thought the duet was amazing. Beyonce was paired with him, as somone previously posted, for PR. Lolo, you said "lets see who's around in a few years," ---Well considering her incessant success, we'll see who's around...and who's raking in the money. Im sure Josh will be around, but I doubt his success will parallel Beyonce's.
And with the claim that Beyonce cant sing and isnt talented...8 Grammys, 40 million records, and 65 other accolades disagree.
I think you should stop with your childish comments and open your eyes. She may not be your musical preference, but there is no reason to say all those horrible and nasty things about her.

Posted by: MrE at May 14, 2005 04:36 PM

can anyone give me a link to beyonce's 3 performances to download off the net, im just soo disappointed i didnt record it off the tv...please...THANK YOU VERY MUCH

Posted by: TOA MAAELOPA at September 5, 2005 08:26 AM