February 18, 2005

Hitcher remake from Michael Bay?

Hitcher.jpgFilmForce have a few words from Michael Bay on his Texas Chainsaw prequel movie amongst other things. There's nothing really earth shattering coming out, except for something that caught my eye and the remake alert alarm started blasting in my mind.

Bay is also doing a remake of The Hitcher.

Eh? First I heard of that one. More as it comes, but as yet I couldn't track down any information on who would be involved, just more rumours, very mixed and plenty of them.

Posted by Richard Brunton at February 18, 2005 12:11 PM


Please no. The Hitcher worked becasue it was a low key thriller. No 30 minute car chases or nuclear explosions.

Posted by: Bombadil at February 18, 2005 03:19 PM

Indeed, this news sucks. I can't figure out why this film should be remade. Unless they make an effort to rewrite the story completely. I kindda like the concept and it can’t be worse than the sequel, right? But knowing that Bay is not the most creative director around, I am afraid this is going to be a typical-crappie-popcorn-teenager-flick, probably with a PG13 rating.

Still, just for our enjoyment, here is my casting proposition:
Jim Halsey: Mark Ruffalo
John Ryder: Ted Levine
Nash: Josie Maran

Posted by: Darko at February 19, 2005 07:27 AM

Oh "man" still could be interesting even if it's not as cool as the original...

Samuel L. Jackson as a black Hitcher? I'd love to see him do psycho like that!!

Read my interview with him on darkmatt.blogspot.com

Posted by: Dark Matt at February 21, 2005 10:27 AM

someone needs to stop this man immediately. Come up with something on your own you no talent ass clown. Make another crappy blow em up film and leave us horror fans alone. What's next, a remake of evil dead?

Posted by: b kelley at April 18, 2005 05:17 PM