February 01, 2005

David Schwimmer Growing in Duane Hopwood

DavidSchwimmer.jpgIn a post published about a year ago I talked about the fact that no "Friends" stars seems to be able to make any sort of impact in Hollywood. All their films end up being total busts.

However, it looks like David Schwimmer is trying to break out of his "Ross" persona and develop himself into a true Hollywood actor. The good folks over at CNN tell us a little bit about his new project:

For 10 years on TV comedy "Friends," David Schwimmer made audiences laugh as the lovable Ross, but with his new movie "Duane Hopwood" -- which premiered last week at the Sundance Film Festival -- Schwimmer shows his flair for the dramatic by playing an alcoholic whose life is spiraling out of control.

"I like to grow as an actor, and you can do that by playing parts that are unfamiliar to you and uncomfortable," he told Reuters in an interview. "This was definitely an opportunity to play a guy who I think has nothing in common with the character of Ross."

I think this is a great move on his part. Dispite the fact that he was always my least favorite "Friend", I actually now think he's got the best shot to make a legit acting career for himself in films. I'm dying to see this movie now.

Posted by John Campea at February 1, 2005 07:12 AM


poor old schwimemr, everyone dislikes im form friends.

i maintain though, that he had the funniets line sin the final seasons and he also directed many episodes.

now, as for friends i hate, that would have to be rachael pheobe and to a lesser degree joey.

Posted by: miles at February 1, 2005 08:59 AM

I have to say Ross was always one of my favourite "friends". I always liked him as the complete underdog.

Regarding his acting he's been in 2 good mini-series - Band of Brothers and one about the jewish ghettos (The name isn't coming to me now).

Posted by: Hans at February 1, 2005 09:09 AM

Am I the only one who liked his acting in Breast Men after the implants were discovered to leak? He pulled out a performance so unlike Ross it actually won me over.

Posted by: Lilly at February 1, 2005 09:24 AM

Good luck to Schwimmer!
Though Ross was my least favorite character he was well played.
I would like to see more of the Friends cast make movie careers for themselves.

If only they could choose good scripts....

You have to wonder - how much is type casting and how much is lack of judgement when reading script?

Posted by: Meli at February 1, 2005 09:48 PM

Well one thing, you can really only jude what comes your way.

So I think we're all just going to have to wait this one out.

Posted by: Justin at February 2, 2005 02:56 AM

He was my favorite FRIEND in the show. I mean during the show's first 3 seasons (which IMO I thought was the BEST of all of 'em) Schwimmer was the reason why I am hooked on Friends. And among all of them I guess he will be the one who will stay longer in the business for he is so multi-faceted, he is also a director since he's directed a couple of the FRIENDS episodes, he is a stage actor so he can always go back to theater in case his film career wont take flight. I thought he did well in the tv series "Band of Brothers", and as for this new film, I will look forward to it.

Did anybody see him in "Apt Pupil"?

Posted by: Simone at February 2, 2005 04:25 AM

David Schwimmer is one of my all time favorite actor,he's a great actor,I loved him as Ross Geller on Friends.He's funny,friendly,sweet,handsome,caring and loving.I can't wait to see his movie, Duane Hopwood.I have a huge crush on him.

Posted by: Becky at February 4, 2005 10:29 PM

I'm one of those David Schwimmer freaks who Googles 25 times a day looking for new pictures of him. And I've been trying so hard to find anywhere that I could view Duane Hopwood becase David Schwimmer is the best actor...ever and I'm dying to see it. Does anyone know where I could download it from?

Posted by: Melinda at March 21, 2005 01:36 PM

David, If you are reading this or someone reading this can contact David Schwimmer please ask him to contact me. I am a fan. But that is not what this is about. It your eyes, they speak to me. I want to find out if what I am seeing is true or not. I have never written a fan letter. But I just don't know how to get intouch with you.
Best Wishes,
[email protected]

Posted by: Lynn at March 27, 2005 04:42 AM

i luv david so much im one of those ones who keeps going onto google all the time my friends are alwways yelling at me 4 it but i dont care he's so cute

Posted by: nicola at April 12, 2005 06:52 PM

David Schwimmer is a very talented actor. He has a wonderful natural timing for comedy, he can make anything sound funny, even serious lines.
He showed us all in many peisodes of Friends, the wonderful dramatic actor he is. Who doesn't remember the scene when Ross and Rachel "Break Up?" That scene was so well performed by David I must confess I was surprised. I've seen so many good comedy actors that I actually wasn't expecting David to be a good dramatic actor too, and he really amazed me with that scene. If you don't remember it, insert your DVD and take a look.

David was also wonderful in "The Uprising" and Band of Brothers. I also loved his work in "The Rage" where he played an homosexual. If you haven't seen that one, it's really worth it.

David is one fo those actors that is constantly wishing to grow in thier craft.

I am anxious to buy the Duane Hopwood DVD when it comes out. I am sure I will enjoy very much his performance.

I haven't had the opportunity to see David on stage yet, but from his wrok on the screen, something tells me is great on stage.

Posted by: Ana Costa at June 27, 2005 06:03 AM