February 08, 2005

Dark Pheonix in X-Men 3 says Famke Janssen

darkphoenix.jpgWe already posted the possibility of Dark Pheonix fluttering into X-Men 3, but now Famke Janssen has confirmed the news when appearing on an Australian TV show. Coming Soon carries the qoute, although I am going to butcher it because if you haven't seen X-Men 2 or read the comics it might spoil a little (and I haven't!):

With Hide and Seek opening in Australia on February 10th, director John Polson and star Famke Janssen talked to Australian TV show Today. Janssen confirmed that she's done filming Nip/Tuck and will next be shooting X-Men 3.

...Famke previously said that "Dark Phoenix is part of that script... she's a big part of it."

So there. They also carry the link to the video of the interview, unfortunately I'm at work and can't afford to sit during my lunch hour and gaze into her eyes.

Posted by Richard Brunton at February 8, 2005 08:22 AM


Because her eyes burn into you doesnt it Rich? LOL

Then that's it for X Men 3, Dark Phoenix will rule!

Posted by: Simone at February 8, 2005 09:35 AM

Well we knew it was comming, and yes I do think it will be a great part of the movie -and she is going to be so hot- no pun intended. It will be interesting what the story line will be. And I wonder who the main villian will be. I am having trouble remembering the Phoenix story, well the long run of it at least. Who do you think will be introduced as the primary villan?

Posted by: Brad at February 8, 2005 01:00 PM

I think that they should pace it out more. This movie should only include her becoming Phoenix and realizing her full potential. There were many great stories in that interim period Between issue 100 and 130(like Proteus and Magneto/Savage Land). Perhaps the next film should deal with Dark Phoenix, the Hellfire Club and the Shi'ar trial. However, I also wonder if these (not necessarily comic fan) actors would even know to differentiate between "Phoenix" and "Dark Phoenix" anyway.

Posted by: Bryce at February 8, 2005 02:02 PM

In the comic book it was Emma Frost and the Hellfire Club along with Mastermind. Not sure what they plan on doing for the movie. I am sure they will not follow the comic book as she flew into a star to kill herself after destroying a planet full of people.

Posted by: bill at February 8, 2005 02:06 PM

Not surprising at all. I read the Dark Phoenix issues of the comic when they came out, so I was waiting for this. My boss, who has no familiarity with the comic, had no idea. so I finally know something before him!

Posted by: Isaac B2 at February 8, 2005 02:36 PM

I'll believe it when filming actually starts and we get an "official" release from the studio, writers or director. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited about X3, but I don't always put a lot of stock in what actors say about a movie before a director is signed and the cast is rounded out.Alter Ego Comics

Posted by: Marc at February 9, 2005 07:14 AM

I hope they'll make her hair redder. That's all I can think about at the mo.

Posted by: Simone at February 9, 2005 09:46 AM

I can't wait for X-3 to come out! Inevitably noticing that the movie and comic storylines styles are almost completely different (well, DUH!!), I wonder what costume they'll put on Jean/Dark Phoenix, how they'll bring her back, what kind of explaination that will be given for her amazing power growth, etc. Jean, being my favorite character, is pretty much one of the main reason I ever saw any of the movies. They should hurry up with productions already!

Posted by: cordez at February 28, 2005 10:36 AM

I also can't wait for the Dark Phoenix story, though I hope they have her start out as the good Phoenix first. The Phoenix Saga is my absolute favorite part of X-Men, and ironically, I didn't even relieze that Jean was transforming into the Phoenix until the very end of X2 (I was kicking myself for not catching it at the first moment her eyes lit up with fire). The primary villian? The Inner Circle with Emma Frost would be cool (maybe Xavier and Emma could have a battle of the minds), but I also would like to see the Sentinels. They left a bunch of clues for them to come into the next movie. I've seen sketches of their design for the movie and they look great. Plus, Striker's last wrods in X2 was "One day, someone will finish what I have started!" and I think the papers that Rogue gave the president in the Oval Office was plans for the Sentinels. And then there was a "Project Wideawake" folder on Striker's computer right above the "Cerebro" folder, which is what the Sentinel program was called in the comics. Wouldn't it be awesome to see a good Jean/Phoenix help the X-Men defeat the Sentinels and then turn evil! I also wonder what new X-Men they're going to introduce. Maybe Beast, since Dr. Hank McCoy got a short spot in X2 as he was being interviewed on TV. Gambit would also be a nice touch. And then there's the Brotherhood, which started with Pyro leaving the X-men in X2. I'd like to see Pyro and Iceman have a big fight seen, as well as Collosus and Juggernaut (if they introduce him). But let's not cram all this into X3. Why not make an X4 and X5. I truly can't wait. X3 is going to be the best movie ever!

Posted by: Mike at March 2, 2005 05:44 PM

X-men 3 wont be good if it is not about Phoenix, The Drak Phoenix because in the comic books after jean grays death was when the phoenix took over her body and its an awsome part of the x-men storys to tell, a hole lot of money will be made if x-men 3 is a very long movie about the phoenix and the Dark Phoenx because when phoenix comes into the story there is so many different mutants and so so so much fighting and so much powers being wased which is what people want to see, but i also understand because all of that said its going to take a long time to make this movie but when its all said and done its going to be a very very big successful movie, i also suggest you watch the x-men animated cartoon series about the phoenix and the Dark phoenix it will anwser a lot of questions just keep in mind that if you show the phoenix you also have to shown the dark phoenix as well, well please make x-men 3 about the phoenix saga

Posted by: Steven at March 19, 2005 01:39 PM

I can't wait to see Dark Pheonix ,played by Famke Janssen. Iv'e been a fan of dark pheonix since I
read the comics in the dark pheonix series,and Im
glad janssen is playing pheonix because I think she'll do amazing, shes perfect for the part.
well I can't wait to see X3:x-men

Posted by: R.J at April 6, 2005 04:19 PM


Posted by: R.J at April 6, 2005 04:26 PM

I didn't even notice anything strange at the end of the Secomd movie until I watched the DVD version. It was then I noticed the change in colour of Jean Grey's Eyes and then...just before the credits...the face of the water also had a strange look...as if fire was burning inside it. I then realised that She's coming back as a better, hotter, more powerful if not the most powerful mutant there is. I can't wait for the 3rd movie...Jean Grey is my favorite mutant...

Posted by: Andre at April 29, 2005 02:02 PM

I am a gay man who is in love with the Pheonix and have been since the age of Ten. I am so Glad that they are bringing her to Life.

Posted by: ernie vancleve at May 24, 2005 12:12 PM