February 16, 2005

Daniel Day-Lewis returns in The Ballad of Jack and Rose

You sometimes wonder what happens to great talent when they disappear for long periods, and why someone who is blessed with wads of genuine acting ability should choose not to make movies for years at a time.

"I'm distracted by life for periods of time,"

Is exactly how Daniel Day-Lewis puts it in a story from Associated Press through Jam movies.

"It's not that my love for the work is diminished in any way," said Day-Lewis, 47.

"I probably approach it with greater caution than I used to, and the test is a more severe one," Day-Lewis told reporters. "I always had a feeling that it was a job that you had to feel compelled to do."

Day-Lewis is an actor who really throws himself into characters, and projects, that he believes in. The beauty is that you end up believing in them too, just as much as he did when he first saw them.

Day-Lewis was talking about his new movie The Ballad of Jack and Rose which his wife Rebecca Miller, daughter of the late Arthur Miller, directed. The sheer weight of past credentials here is reason enough to go see this movie.

Posted by Richard Brunton at February 16, 2005 12:40 PM



Posted by: EVA at April 27, 2005 02:41 PM