February 26, 2005

Cursed is so bad they won't screen it first

Cursed_Poster.jpgThis is NEVER a good sign. When a studio won't screen it's film for critics to see before it opens... it means even THEY know the film sucks and they just don't want word to get out before opening day.

Here's a little tid bit from Jam!Showbiz:

You won't find reviews for either of this weekend's major movie releases. Sony Pictures refused to screen its Tommy Lee Jones comedy Man of the House for critics. Alliance Atlantis wouldn't preview its new Christina Ricci werewolf flick Cursed either.

Sony is following orders from Revolution Pictures which created Man of the House and Alliance Atlantis is heeding directives from Miramax's Dimension Pictures. Revolution even screened its road trip comedy Are We There Yet? So, hard as it is to comprehend, the company must consider Man of the House far inferior.

Dimension's Cursed has been a troubled project for almost two years. It's been rewritten, reshot and re-edited so many times that director Wes Craven and writer Kevin Williamson are distancing themselves from it. It started out to be an R-rated horror comedy in the vein of the Scream movies Craven and Williamson collaborated on. It's now a PG-13 flick. Cursed cost Dimension $38 million plus a $25 million marketing campaign. It will be released on 3,000 screens.

When a studio refuses to screen a film for critics, it essentially reviews the film itself, admitting it's a dog that needs one clear day before reviews and word-of-mouth start chipping away at audiences.

This is too bad. I actually thought Cursed looked like it MIGHT be at least a little interesting. Looks like even the director thinks I'm wrong.

Posted by John Campea at February 26, 2005 09:48 AM


The first clue would be that they stopped shooting in the middle of production and completely re-wrote the script, then Frankensteined the footage from the two shoots together. Not a good thing, that. Then Dimension chopped it down from an R rated cut to get a PG 13. Hack and slash, baby.

Posted by: Todd at February 26, 2005 10:30 AM

i haven't seen Crused yet but i want too i don't care if it sucks i just want to get out of the house and hang with my friends and my boyfriend!!

Posted by: Alicia at February 27, 2005 01:36 AM

I've seen Cursed. I thought it was funny, but it was a bad film.

Posted by: hazelmotes at February 28, 2005 11:15 AM

The story was pathetic...before you get half way into the movie you could already guesse what is going to happen...the last half of the movie couldn't have been salvaged even if they had cast julia roberts, tom, cruise, angelina jolie, and brad pitt...by the time the credits role ..you're going to ask yourself " did i really spend and hour and a half on this crap?"

Posted by: Sam at August 17, 2005 02:08 AM