February 04, 2005

Chris Rock Speaks About His Upcoming Hosting Duties

As we have been so bitter about Chris Rock's upcoming stint as the host of the Oscars, I thought it would only be appropriate to post the latest story relating to it.

Check it out here.

I dn't think he comes off as quite as low class as he has in other inveriews pertaining to the awards.

What do you guys think?

Posted by miles at February 4, 2005 08:57 AM


Oscar night will be interesting to say the least. I'm trying hard to keep an open mind because as a stand-up comedian I do find Rock funny. I just don't think we need it for the Oscars. We'll just have to wait and see...
Everything changes - perhaps this will be a good direction - though I still have my reservations.

Posted by: Meli at February 4, 2005 10:46 AM

you know what?

i have decided he is goig to do a great job!

why? becasue he is hilarious.

and also becuase i don't think he wants to piss off the academy. what does he have to gain by pissing them off? what doe she have to gain by doing a great job?

seems to miles he has more to gain by doing a great job. also seems to miles he has half a brain in his head. so miles syas he is goign to do a great job. and i demand to be quoted on that when it turns out he does a great job.

Posted by: miles at February 4, 2005 10:58 AM

One of they main keys to great humor is surprise; the script for the Oscars is generally great, but you can get most of the jokes before the punch line. Chris Rock adds a layer of unpredictability.

Posted by: Joules at February 4, 2005 01:33 PM

I commented on this particular item a week ago on my site. I don't think it comes across any better than the original comments.


Posted by: Screen Rant at February 4, 2005 02:34 PM

I really liked the guy, but these days he's coming across as an asshole. An unfunny asshole.

Hard to believe, but at this year's Oscars, I don't think Michael Moore will be the one rabble-rousing.

Posted by: Mark at February 4, 2005 04:11 PM

I still don't understand the Movie Blogs position on this...this is the best movie Oscar has made in the past 10 years...Crystal was getting very stale, Whoopi Goldberg was always awful, Martin was servicable, but not very interesting...(I loved the one year Letterman hosted...but i guess nobody else did).

Rock brings a freshness to the proceedings that have needed it for 10 years.


Posted by: Triflic at February 4, 2005 06:44 PM

"movie" in the above post should have read "move"

weird typo there.


Posted by: Triflic at February 4, 2005 06:45 PM

I liked the year Letterman hosted, as well. Personally, I don't really see the need for ONE host throughout the night. No matter who it is, they always spend the rest of the evening trying to top whatever they said in their opening monologue; as a result, their antics always grow tiresome long before the show is over. Besides, it works just fine for the Golden Globes, which has become the only award show I actually ENJOY watching.

Posted by: Michael Rittenberry at February 5, 2005 02:34 AM

I must admit to being highly doubtful about Mr. Rock's appearance. I still remember very clearly when he hosted the MTV Music Video awards at the Metropolitan Opera house several years ago and began his monologue with the line "I must be the first black man to appear on this stage without a broom!"
How ignorant can you get ... and proclaim it publicly??????

Posted by: Doubter at February 14, 2005 06:16 PM

Just what we need...another out-spoken racist black man that hates the USA and says f*** every other word. ohhhh what a fine eddducatine.
The Oscar Executives should pat themselves on the back for this outstanding choice.

This is going to crash and burn big time.....

Posted by: CRock at February 14, 2005 10:17 PM

Ok peeps let me take you to school again. Look at Every Chris rock comedy special and his shows. He is going to talk about everyone including you sick grandmother and your retarded brother. This is what black comedy is all about. Nothing is unsafe to talk about I repeat nothing.

Can I give you guys some inside info. Step into the black world.


In any black comedy show a white person will get made fun of why? because black people like to laugh about white people. It doesn't mean that their racist it is just a good topic to them

Oh and DOUBTER the comment about the broom is very funny and intelligent it sems like he hit a soft point, because 95 percent of the black population thought it was funny. Blacks make fun of theirselves all the time. blacks are able to talk about slavery like the weather, they have moved and picking cotton has become funny to them now. They have healed, maybe you haven't. Remember when something horrible happened to you when you were younger, and then a few years later you look back and laugh, that's kind of what it is like. so you see their is just a plain cultural difference. It doesn't mean it's good or bad it's just that it is one.

Posted by: the gifted one at February 17, 2005 06:12 PM

Hmmmm........welp, I think whom ever picked the Great and All Knowing Chris Rock is a pin head!! This is the Biggest televised event our country has and we should lead with our best foot not a poor example! And to say the least Chris Rock is a poor example.. I'm sorry to see "the show will go on"....and may not even tune in. If I wanted to be embarassed for our nation there are too many other examples I can pick from instead of watching a Great event be less than its capable of...

Posted by: Ross at February 19, 2005 07:16 PM

please peeps. why are you guys making this a bigger deal than it should be.

Those of you who say I'm embarrased for people in the oscar organiztion or Chris rock represents low class. PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY. what is low class, is honoring movies that have curse words and sex scenes, and calling it great art. Then you have a host who you are not use to and does the same things that movies portray and want to act like this is worst than the war. give me a break.

Clearly this is a double standard. The bottom line is that Chris rock is not your style of comedy and you aren't use to it. you are use to pansy's who play tag in the sun, which is good too. I like all the host, but why does it has to be the same style of host. why can't there be diversity. what about George Lopez?

Posted by: the gifted one at February 19, 2005 07:50 PM

Wow...from Ross..."This is the Biggest televised event our country has"...ummm not sure where you get that from, but beleive it or not there are a lot of folks who don't care, couldn't tell you who's won before, let alone nominated this year.

I'm pretty sure "our nation" won't be embarassed because Chris Rock hosted the Oscars! Please get a grip. Didn't anyone else notice in the article that he had been asked to host the show before? Seems the Oscar elite has known they needed to infuse some life into their production.

News flash...Chris Rock is a comedian and if we need anything more at this time it's a chance for us "common" folks to be able to laugh at the "priviledged"
I'll watch this year just because he is hosting...

Posted by: frank at February 19, 2005 08:00 PM

A couple of things. First off, I'm not saying they wouldn't do it if they had to, but it would be really hard to just suddenly cut Chris Rock. The host spends months preparing all of his jokes and stuff for the Oscars. Well at least Billy Crystal did. And it occurs to me that it may not be easy legally. I'm sure there were contracts signed. Of course there are always ways to get around that. But here's the main thing, I think the reason for getting Chris Rock is because of the way he is. They don't exactly have the "hippest" audience right now, and they know that he'll shake things up, make a small controversy, and ignite lots of disscussion. My guess is that they're encouraging him to make the comments he's making. They're trying to get money, and think of all the people who'll watch the show now just to see what Chris Rock says. Of course my guess is that at the actual show, he'll behave himself and it won't be nearly as exciting and controversial as everyone had hoped for. They don't want to alienate or upset anyone too much. But hey, they got their ratings anyway.

And I happpen to think Chris Rock is hilarious and will make a good host.

Posted by: Phil at February 20, 2005 12:45 AM

I think a few of you are missing the point. Chris Rock has said on a number of occasions recently that he thought the Academy Awards are a "farce" to put it into a word. Anyone that talks the awards down dosent deserve to be given a position of leadership, we lead by example and his EXAMPLE has been atrocious.

It also makes the Movie Industry look like they dont care about the good people that spend their well earned money on their films.

And yes this is the Biggest televised event, more people from around the world watch this than any other show all year round. And it puts us in a position to be a Good example not a Bad one.

Posted by: Ross at February 20, 2005 05:18 PM

Ross if you think that watching the oscars is the most important thing to do than get a life. It's art. Again you are giving awards to movies with cursing, sex scenes, drug scenes and violent behavior. Then you Get mad because the upcoming host doesnt have to walk through the back door.

WHO CARES about watching the oscars. Good example or bad example doesnt apply here. Nobody really cares about the oscars that much to be worrying about a good and bad example. where are your priorities. Pay attention to the war or something. Check your kids grades or something. Stop watching so many movies and start reading a book that could enhance your brainwaves.

Dont act like the movie industry is so Holy and so classy. Chris Rock is the most squeaky clean person in Hollywood. I mean this guy doesnt do anything bad, he is basically a goody two-shoes. The same actors who we give awards to, most of them have been in the drug treatment center at least twice. The sleep around, and have like 8 divorces. So basically Hollywood is a farce.

Posted by: the gifted one at February 20, 2005 07:10 PM

Hmm... I just found out about these blogs.. I thought it would be a place to debate in a respectfull way. Unfortunatly this is much like any other site that offers a way for people to communicate which is to put people down for what they believe. I'm sorry I posted and wont be back

Posted by: Ross at February 20, 2005 07:21 PM

chris rock he is just a loudmouth.he complains full time just like seinfeld or any other comedy act these days like goerge carlin among others ,hes got everybody all figured out ,you dont have to watch it,i didnt

Posted by: fargo at February 28, 2005 07:56 PM