February 02, 2005

Bruce Campbell won't be Ash says Rob Tapert


...Tapert has confirmed with Now Playing that Campbell will not be appearing as Ash, the idiot-hero of the original films.

"Yes," Tapert says when asked if the nouveau Dead will be recast, "because it will be off of the original movie. It's five kids go to a cabin, but it's not a continuation of the existing Evil Dead backstory."

...and pause for a moments silence.

That news from Now Playing through Jo Blo is sad indeed. I think it does confirm what we all knew already though, with the old team standing back in the Production wings and picking a new team to look at it afresh.

The interview from Tapert goes on:

"[We're] talking to various filmmakers about their possible interest, and it's still in the germination stage," says Tapert. "There are people who we would like to give a chance to create their own vision as to what Evil Dead is, so we're kind of hearing what other people's take might be and moving forward along those lines."

Okay, so no one from the original team is stepping out of production duties, the film will still be about five people stuck in a remote cabin with an evil presence after them (not the plastic suited one!) and that's about all we know. To be honest my heart has dropped on this one, I had previously said that at least with the original guys looking after production that we might get something that really does ED justice...but reading some of this, I'm really not so sure anymore.

Like so many of you, without Bruce I'm not that happy. There 'ain't no "groovy" escaping my lips on this one.

Posted by Richard Brunton at February 2, 2005 04:38 AM


I cannot be the first to have read this post. How can the entire film world not be in uproar about this. Ash was about 85-90% of the reason most of us watched the original and all the subsequent ones. Do you really thinkg anybody else can pull of Ash? I doubt it.

Posted by: Bombadil at February 2, 2005 09:49 AM

No Bruce Campbell? Five kids go to a cabin?

Yeah. This is gonna be a great movie...

Posted by: alby at February 2, 2005 10:09 AM

this make me want to boycott it.

bruce campbell is the king.

the king of all.

making this movie withoiut him as ash i sunthinkable, how? why? i desperatly want to know what he says about it...hopefully he is maddder then hell.

Posted by: miles at February 2, 2005 10:18 AM

I've got two words for Bob - "Suck it". Just kidding.

My heart too has sunk a little, feeling the reality of a "Bruceless" Evil Dead.

But seriously, while it does make sense somewhere deep in my brain, it still feels sucky...

Thanks all I have to say.

Posted by: trysop at February 2, 2005 02:09 PM

I really don't like the fact that he's not going to be ash, but it really jsut wouldn't work if they put him back in the movie. 4 teens and one 40 year old man? just wouldn't fly with me.

Just a thought, what about Ryan Reynolds as Ash? I didn't see blade 3, so I don't know how well he'd do in an action role, but I think he could handle the comedy of the movies pretty well. Of course, he lacks the signature Campbell chin, but I think there's a passing resemblence between the two. I can't really think of anyone else current who could take on the role.

Posted by: It's Seitz at February 2, 2005 04:19 PM


And with that said, let me say this...

I had resigned myself to the knowledge that Bruce would not come back as Ash. However, with this update - I feel a dark cloud of dread grip my very soul. I fear another lame teen horror movie. Don't use teens! In the original they were in their 20s! Of course, "kids" could mean 20s - those who are older see this age as kids.
And it's sad that I'm old enough to understand that view. =P

Posted by: Meli at February 2, 2005 10:21 PM

Bruce is the best actor for the part and there is no one who can replace him ever, not Stallone, not Van Dam, not Arnold. if they replace him then the movie wont be no where near as good as the originals.

Posted by: simon at February 7, 2005 06:38 AM

It's like going to a pet shop to buy a Norwegian Blue and instead getting a slug!

"After we saw the film we realized that the only reason the was playing the part of Ash was because he had been nailed there..."

Posted by: Uncle Danny at February 8, 2005 05:48 PM