February 16, 2005

Brosnan Wanted How Much To Play Bond Again?!?

In previous posts over the last year or so I've mentioned that I was disappointed about the studios decision not to bring Pierce Brosnan back as James Bond again for the upcoming new Bond film. I personally thought (while not the best ever) he was a solid James Bond.

However, now it's being reported that the real reason Brosnan was axed from the role was because of his INSANE salary demands. The good folks over at IMDB give us the following bit of lunacy:

Pierce Brosnan was dropped from playing James Bond because he demanded $42 million to reprise his role as the superspy for a fifth time. Producers balked at the demand and axed the 51-year-old Irishman - in favor of finding a new 007 for the upcoming 21st Bond blockbuster Casino Royale. Brosnan has spoken of being "surprised, disappointed and saddened".
Yeah, if I thought I could squeeze $42 million out of someone, only to discover they weren't stupid enough to give it to me I'd be "surprised, disappointed and saddened" too. Then, Brosnan had the nerve to go on and make this idiotic remark:
but (Bronsnan) claims his wage "was an honest fee in terms of how much blood, sweat and tears I put into the role"
I swear these actors must live in some kind of Oz like fantasy land. You know what Brosnan, I know a woman who works with drug addicted teens and their parents. She puts in FAR more hours than you and WAY more "blood, sweat and tears" than you ever will. At the end of the day she saves kids lives and takes home less than $40,000 a year.

You lead a privileged life Mr. Brosnan (as do all big Hollywood actors). Just appreciate and be eternally grateful for it. Don't you dare shoot off your mouth and talk to us about how much you "deserve" to be paid $42 million for acting in a movie.

Posted by John Campea at February 16, 2005 07:28 AM


I'd have fired Brosnan too for demanding that much cash. His Bond movies are a joke anyway - far too hokey with too many puns, bad jokes, etc. etc. (although that's just my opinion). How important does he think he is anyway? Stupid.

Posted by: trysop at February 16, 2005 01:17 PM

Imagine how many low budget indie flicks one could fund with $47 million... where does all this crazy money come from?

Posted by: Mark at February 16, 2005 01:20 PM

LOL He was probably all like "I'm James Fucking Bond, they HAVE to give it to me!!!" That guy is so full of himself its ridiculous.

Posted by: adam at February 16, 2005 04:51 PM

After reading that, I'm glad they got a new Bond. You have a wonderful point about the hardworking people in the world who do amazing jobs and get paid so little for it.

Psh. I don't need Brosnan as Bond. Whenever there is a Brosnan sex scene, it scares me. I don't know why, but it does.

Posted by: Jen at February 16, 2005 11:05 PM


Wow! See, that's why I come to this website daily! Most of your comments are "right on." You make an awesome point about the "real" hard working people in this world. Brosnan has no clue and just reading his comments assures that I will never see ANY film with him in it again.

Posted by: diskjokk at February 17, 2005 08:16 AM

i'm sorry, but i can't believe that he honestly asked for that much. that would've made him the no1 earner of alltime (salary wise). there's no way he could expect that much for a bond film, seeing as their boxoffice take hasn't been spectacular over the last few films. this is either a misquote, or a way for him to get out of making another film...

Posted by: psych at February 20, 2005 09:24 PM

Get the "Bean" guy to do the flick....he'd be just as good/bad as any of the other lime-eaters they can think of to do the thing.

Posted by: michael bark at February 21, 2005 07:35 PM

Firstly, I think Pierce Brosnan was an excellent Bond. Yes, the last two or three films were not as good as those of the glory days, but surely this is the fault of the directors and script writers. Each Bond film produced earns hundreds of millions of pounds. To me, it seems fair that the main actor- Brosnan- gets £45 million. Afterall, this is a small fraction of the money the film makers recieve from people like that woman you mentioned with a very high salary seeing it at the cinema and maybe even buying the DVD.

Posted by: Joe Adams at April 23, 2005 04:09 PM

I will say that Brosnan has taken Bond to a new level after Die Another Day. He is the best Bond since Connery, and will give Sean a run for his money if given another Bond role.

Posted by: Phil Coffman at June 25, 2005 12:01 AM