February 23, 2005

Ben Affleck to play George Reeves in life story

BenAffleck_small.jpgThis is interesting, news from Cinema Confidential that Ben Affleck has been snapped up to star as George Reeves in the movie about his life. That's Reeves of 50's TV Superman series fame.

ariety reports that Ben Affleck has landed the coveted role of George Reeves in his biopic, "Truth, Justice and the American Way." The title referes to the motto of DC Comic character Superman, whom Reeves portrayed on TV in the 1950s.

Diane Lane will also join Affleck in the picture as Toni Mannix, a studio executive's wife who may or may not have been romantically involved with the actor. Adrien Brody also co-stars as a detective investigating Reeves' mysterious death.

Now I don't hold Affleck in a high esteem at all, I haven't seen any movies that I can recall where he's shined, and a few where he's held is own. To be honest when he's next to his buddy Matt Damon he pales totally. However, I think this could be a good chance for him, we know he does have acting talent, I think it's just been very misdirected. Perhaps this could be a more serious and pure acting based role that could help him bring them forward for a change.

Posted by at February 23, 2005 04:38 AM


Same sentiments here Rich.

It was slow torture watching him in "Jersey Girl". I finished watching the film just so I can have a fair judgment on his performance. I have seen him in a few films before that but there's just no ummmpphhhh in his performances. But yeah, since this is his main bread and butter, maybe some films will eventually bring out his "range". Take Keanu Reeves for example, he is another actor with a limited acting range but star him in films that can utilise that then it will work for him. Who knows Ben might be a better actor one day.

Damon has always been the better actor between the two of 'em IMO.

Posted by: Simone at February 23, 2005 05:22 AM

It is a Catch-22 with Affleck. If you put quality stars around him to try to help him out you run the very real risk of showing off his lack of range, but if you try to make him the big name, you get bad supporting players.

Posted by: Bombadil at February 23, 2005 09:00 AM