February 28, 2005

2005 Oscar Results

Wow. As opposed to last year (which was one of the best academy awards in years), this years Oscar show was something of a let down. Unlike the last few years, there was a tangible lack of power among the films this year. There was no powerhouse like Lord of the Rings or any major sentimental favorites either.

First, I should make a comment on the hosting job done by Chris Rock. I was strongly against him hosting the show from the first day they announced it a few months back. However, it's only fair to say that he did an "ok" job. The opening monologue was pretty good (but not great) and he didn't really get in the way too much during the ceremony. Not nearly as good as Steve Martin did, but certainly better than Whoopi or David Letterman did. Give Rock a fairly respectable B- for his job.

The show was peppered with coordination and technical problems. I also found the whole "hand out the awards to people still sitting in their seats" thing rather insulting. If you can't give a person an Oscar on stage, then why bother bringing them in the first place? Hand it out before the show.

A few things did work. Having the nominees on stage already when the winner is named was a great idea. I just wished they were consistent with it and did it for all the categories instead of just a few of them.

The strongest part of the show was the Best Actor Category. Jamie Foxx won, and even though I still believe Johnny Depp was the most deserving of the nominees... I think it's fair to say that every one of the actors would have been a great choice (including Foxx).

So here are the results of the 2005 Oscars:

Best motion picture of the year
Million Dollar Baby
John's Pick: Finding Neverland

Performance by an actor in a leading role
Jamie Foxx
John's Pick: Johnny Depp

Performance by an actress in a leading role
Hilary Swank (also John's Pick)

Achievement in directing
Clint Eastwood
John's Pick: Martin Scorsese

Performance by an actor in a supporting role
Morgan Freeman (also John's Pick)

Performance by an actress in a supporting role
Cate Blanchett (also John's Pick)

Original screenplay
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
John's Pick: The Incredibles

Adapted screenplay
John's Pick: Finding Neverland

For a full list of all the nominees and winners, you can check out CNN's results page by going here.


Posted by John Campea at February 28, 2005 12:13 AM


Chris Rock was fabulous, way funnier than Steve Martin. This was one of the best Oscars ever. Brilliant job. Hooray for Jamie Foxx, he did a magnificent job. Martin Scorsese should have one best director and best picture should have went to the Aviator. Overall the Oscars were great. Chris Rock should host next year and the year after that

Posted by: mussina at February 28, 2005 01:09 AM

This was one of the worst Oscars in years. Chris Rock was not even funny. I didnt hear anyone laugh. Me and my friends were thinking what is this, so we just turned the tv off after about 2 minute into his speech. "Sit yo asses down." Someone should have told him that ghetto speech doesnt belong here. It's the Oscars. And then to shout Brooklyn at the end. What a waste of money to spend on someone who obviously is not educated and doesnt have any manners at all.
Job well done to Cate Blanchett. Kate Winslet deserved the Oscar over Hillary Swank.

Posted by: mary at February 28, 2005 01:16 AM

i wasnt surprised with any of the awards, but the oscars itself sucked. worst oscars i've ever seen maybe. the red carpet sucked, they didnt interview everyone. nobody wore anything spectacular (except natalie portman: she's cute as a button). people were missing like nicole kidman and tom hanks and JACK NICHOLSON;he's always there in the same spot. there were people running onto the stage to fix things. there were clanking and thuds. oscars being given out in the middle of the isles and in the balconies? whats up with that?! the whole thing looked like one big rush. i enjoyed the golden globes SO much more. and the only funny thing chris rock did was interview the black people at the local theater. i cant believe hilary swank chose to wear that dress to win her oscar, ugliest dress out of everyone there. everything looked so blah and tacky and it looked small in there, no room for big screens so they have to put the tvs on the ceiling. i'm not shocked by the outcome of the winners though.

Posted by: Marla Singer at February 28, 2005 01:20 AM

and horray for original screenplay!!

Posted by: Marla Singer at February 28, 2005 01:21 AM

Defintly was not the greatest Oscars... Chris rock wasnt funny at all with his "Brooklyn" shout out at the end. It was nt funny and wasnt appropriate. I think Jamie Fox shoudl get tons of credit.I think Chirs rock acted like the black person all the white people wanted him to act like andthats just stupid. I am glad to see Jamie Foxx won. What was up with Mrs Fooker's dress? Also I would have liekd to see Aviator and Passion do a bit better.

Producer/ Engineer

Posted by: GNX Music at February 28, 2005 03:14 AM

chris rock was funny, cant blame him if people are too serious to laugh or cant be a bit open minded to different comic styles. chris rock is raw and thats what i love his style, now and days people want their comedy blunt and over done.and the "brooklyn" shout out, cant anyone have any personal pride anymore?

now the oscars themselfs i thought it was good. Foxx desurved the oscar for sure. im still disappointed that the passion didnt even get nominated. love the movie or hate it putting personal veiws at side u know that movie desurve at least a nomination. but over all it was too obvious to who would win. well to me

Posted by: Vamprin at February 28, 2005 06:16 AM

i messed up on my post lol its pretty obvious were i did

Posted by: Vamprin at February 28, 2005 06:18 AM

I think Rock did a good job as host. His comedy, which anyone who's seen his show or routine knows, is always incendiary. Much different from Robin Williams' slapstick/impressions three-minute number. Best host ever? No, but he did a good job, even with the Bush bashing in the intro, Magic Johnson Theater skit, and yelling "Brooklyn" at the end.

I was glad to see Sideways get something at the Oscars since Giamatti was overlooked for the Best Actor nomination. Same goes for Kaufmann with Eternal Sunshine.

Among Foxx's and Freeman's wins, Drexler's win, and Beyonce singing/mangling three out of five of the Best Music (Song) nominations, I think people of color did well at the Oscars this year. Cheadle, all eyes are on you! It's time to wow the Academy with Tishomingo Blues!

Posted by: karsh at February 28, 2005 07:41 AM

I would have to agree with the masses here; Chris Rock did do a "good" job hosting the Oscars. I, myself am African American and truthfully, I was a bit worried about Rock hosting this years' Oscars. I watch the Oscars every-single year (and no, I am not gay), and found that I did enjoy the Oscars this year. Not as much as last year, but I did enjoy it. I thought Rock was funny and professional enough as host of this years' Oscars. I thought the interviews with the general movie going public at Magic Johnson's theater was funny and insightful. Insightful because, I know friends and family members who would never, ever, be able to enjoy a movie like, "Finding Netherland" only because they are not interested in things they can't relate to. What I did not like about the Oscars this year is where some of the winners accepted the award. The middle of an isle? Come on! And what was that loud crash about during the show? I dunno. the Oscars was enjoyable enough this year and i'd like to see Rock take another crack at it. I think as host of a show like this, the person doing it can only get better with experience. Steve Martin is my all-time favorite host, but he also has a lot more experience than Chris Rock does. For a rookie, Chris Rock didn't do to bad at all.

Posted by: diskjokk at February 28, 2005 08:16 AM

Someone should have told him that ghetto speech doesnt belong here.

...because hollywood is mostly made up of rich jews it's understandable why it wasn't picked

*Backs away from thread slowly, fearfully*

Posted by: tom at February 28, 2005 08:22 AM

Best moment of the show:
- the Chris rock video from a local theatre.
- Chris Rock's opening speech
- It was shorter (so, yes they made a few minor errors, but they did a good job making it less long)

Worst moment of the show:
- Beyonce violating the Best Songs. In what language what that first song again. I do speak French, and THIS what NOT IT !
- Dissappointment in the face of Martin Scorsese.
- The not so funny Robin Williams
- Hilary winning and Morgan Freeman winning an oscar for MDB. I just don't get it.
- The Most Popular Death Sequence, with Marlon Brando winning the lot
- Al Pacino showing signs of heavy drinking
- The red carpet sequence was boring

Posted by: Darko at February 28, 2005 10:27 AM

CHRIS ROCK: "I think you will like these next FOUR presenters"

in relation to Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz.

Sexist as hell, but funny because he got away with it...

Posted by: Triflic at February 28, 2005 12:36 PM

Solidified: "Ouch!"

GNX, I would have to agree with Solidfied... sort of. I think Solidfied came down too hard on you because I read your post twice, and I don't think you are a racist. However, Solidfied is right in that you are mistaken in your thoughts on this issue.

Basically, Black comedians are different than White comedians because of different experiences. When comedians deliver their stand up routines, they are basically a reflection of their experiences growing up. I know you have seen the differences in Richard Pryor compared to Seinfeld (did I spell that right?) right? So, in short, the people who hired Chris Rock to host the Oscars knew WHO they were hiring and WHY. Chris Rock was not "acting like the White people wanted him to act" as you put it. Chris Rock was HIMSELF! And in being himself, he did an OK job as the host of the Oscars. No, he was not as good as Billy Crystal or Steve Martin but a whole heck of-a lot better than Dave Letterman.

Posted by: diskjokk at February 28, 2005 02:37 PM

I agree with Gen X... " Chirs rock acted like the black person all the white people wanted him to act like and thats just stupid"

I thought comedians were supposed to be stupid? white stupid vs. black stupid vs. latino stupid... whatever
it's all subjective and cultural
let's all get along - and open our minds

btw though - Mary, not Gen X, could be the racist in the thread - or maybe she's just lame.
Wow... when did shouting out "Brooklyn" make you ghetto - i'm sure all black comedians, are "ghetto" to Mary though.

Mary - check out Paul Mooney at a comedy club near you :)

Posted by: daemonali at February 28, 2005 03:33 PM

I thought Chris Rock did a fair job as host, it's not an easy gig, and I had my reservations about him hosting. I'm glad he did a good, I wouldn't be entirely against him doing again next year.

I found his opening monologue funny and could careless about him shouting out Brooklyn at the end. It's lame that it's been such a big arguement on this blog.

I HATED how they gave out awards in the audience - what a rip off! Totally insulting to those people.

I did like having all nominees up on stage.

Martin was robbed of director and best picture. I know I had said either one would deserve to win, but I lied to myself - I truly wanted The Aviator to win.

It was a very fair Oscar night - it definitely felt rushed and was missing some of the past Oscar night magic. The show felt stunted and poorly rehearsed.

Posted by: Meli at February 28, 2005 04:24 PM

yes, instead of one great movie there were many great movies... that annoyed me too (?)

Posted by: tj at February 28, 2005 07:41 PM

Daemonali: Paul Mooney :-) Yeah, Mary would just loooove him. You are right. Mary is probably a racist... poor thing.

Meli: Yup, i'm with you. I really wanted Martin to win as Best Director. He was definitely robbed again this year and I was surprised to see Clint take home that Oscar.

Ok, i'm stepping out of this post along with Tom.

Posted by: diskjokk at February 28, 2005 10:55 PM

The Oscars with Chris Rock was just tacky. From his first comment of "sit your asses down" it just went downhill. The Academy Awards looked more like an Evening at the Apollo.

Posted by: tellitlikeitis at February 28, 2005 10:59 PM

Chris Rock sucked. Normally he's great at monologues. This was the watered down Tonight Show version that just was not his style. The only thing funny was when he interviewed people on the street. But all he did was make himself and other black people seem completely ignorant of all the nominated artsy movies of the past year. And to Marla..Hillary Swank's dress was gorgeous you're obviously just jealous you couldn't fit into a dress like that.

Posted by: Ggee at March 2, 2005 10:20 PM

HAHAHHAHA o yes u must no me SO well (sarcasm is strongly used)um note to "Gqee": how did u feel after that remark? i dont even know how u even conjure up an image of my physique by my comment towards hilary swanks dress. i think she's got a great bod but the dress is not flattering at all, it made her boobs look weird and i thought she could do a lot better like the dress she wore at the SAG awards. u have me baffled "Gqee". u are so small to me right now and it says a lot about how big ur manhood must be too to say such a rude thing to me whom u dont even know on a movie blog. since u thought so much to conclude who i must be i'll give it right back and i "assume" that u must be either gay because u noticed a comment about a dress or ur annoyed about not geting laid so u have to feel superior in your mind that ur better than someone and make a hasty remark ON A WEBSITE. well ciao to everyone else, u all rock! if i were god and the world was flooded in urine everyone would be safe except "Gqee"

Posted by: Marla Singer at March 3, 2005 03:30 AM

"Martin was robbed of director and best picture. I know I had said either one would deserve to win, but I lied to myself - I truly wanted The Aviator to win."

Meli: Couldnt agree with you more there. I am glad I didnt see the ceremonies. I am still licking my wounds.

Posted by: Simone at March 3, 2005 06:37 AM

This year's Oscar was suck. It didn't make any sense having Chris Rock as a host. I like Beyonce, but seeing her 3 times and 3 songs is a little too boring. I fell asleep halfway through the show. It's the most unprofessional Oscar that I seen so far. A Mexican song got an award? Please, what's up with that?

Posted by: JULIE at March 3, 2005 12:57 PM

how sad it is that no one can voice their opinion without being labeled a "racist" chris rock is a great comedian but all he did was insult the actors "who is Jude Law" come on i am glad sean penn took up for him robin williams needs to do the show again and why did beyonce sing every damn song

Posted by: tyler durden at March 4, 2005 11:18 AM

The Oscars host chris rock did a good job without over doing it. He might have spent too much time on the race jokes and kept himself back from saying things he would normally say. I hate that star jones and katie griffit are on fashion police on E they put everyone on thier list and i dont like it cause about half the people they put on their best dresses list are horrible. Dont get me wrong but I miss Jone and Mellissa. There are not perfect either but i like people who just tell the honest truth and dont take it back. The stylist for the stars need to stop trying hard to look for complicated desses.The harder they look the worst the dresses. Charlizer theron and Renee Z are by far the best dressed at events. but Renee please dont loss anymore weight We like u just as u are

Posted by: Pamela Darko at March 6, 2005 10:48 AM