January 06, 2005

William Hung Has a Movie?

You guys remember William Hung? That hilariously terrible singer from the not so hilarious, but terrible none the less exscuse for a show American Idol?

Apparently he has stared in a Cantonese film! And hopes to do more! And get this, it is an action comedy! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH! William Hung kicking ass and cracking jokes!

Am I the only one who would love to see this thing? I downloaded his CD and I love it. I can't help but crack up every time I hear him sing "I believe I Can Fly". Then again, I am a very bad man who finds 95% of his pleasure in making fun of other people. The other 5% is compromised purely of hurting small animals.

So, let me congragulate Mr. Hung on his success! He may have no talent, but he is just so darn likable! And Hilarious! Way to go!

Check out the news story here

On a somewhat related note, I wonder if he gets all kinds of women?

While you are pondering that, take a gander at his offical site here

Posted by miles at January 6, 2005 10:49 AM


looks like terry christian...

Posted by: logboy at January 6, 2005 01:44 PM

Oh Miles! You crack me up.

Posted by: Simone at January 7, 2005 06:33 AM

way to give asian cinema a bad eye.

Posted by: B A T M A N at January 11, 2005 09:27 PM