January 22, 2005

Vinnie Jones to play Balkan Warlord

VinnieJones.jpgCharisma is something you really need in the movies, and actors have it in many different ways, some not at all. Vinnie Jones has bags of it, and he can just breeze through a movie without saying a word, and steal the ending with the delivery of a simple line. Now don't get me wrong, in no way am I saying he's a great actor, he just has that bag of charisma and screen presence you really want, especially in a villain. A really, really evil villain.

So it's perfect casting then when Ananova report that he has signed up to play the role of Balkan warlord Arkan in Hungarian director Laszlo Hege's film Filthy War. Indeed he is already listed in the IMDB cast list. The story says:

[Zeljko] Raznatovic, also known as Arkan, was the assassinated Serb paramilitary leader linked to massacres and ethnic cleansing during the Balkans conflict.

Hege told Croatian daily Vecernji List: "I like the way Vinnie Jones acts and he accepted the role of the notorious warlord Arkan with delight."

I like Jones, and his acting is improved through the movies he's been in, on the job training you could say. Not so sure about the movie myself. I don't know how appealing another warlord tale could be.

Posted by Richard Brunton at January 22, 2005 06:48 AM

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what is "blakan"... you mean "balkan" surely?!

Posted by: logboy at January 22, 2005 01:58 PM

Well done, is that revenge for my comment? ;)

Yes, apologies, will change now!

Posted by: Richard at January 22, 2005 02:45 PM

Vinnie Jones can just about breeze through anything without saying a word? That's an overrated assessment if there ever was one. Jones is a one-trick pony. And he is NOT charming.

Posted by: Crystal at January 22, 2005 06:44 PM

i agree : i dont know why people think he is charming... he still lets that mask slip and turns (regularly) into a mindless thug... and he CAN NOT act to SAVE HIS LIFE... being british, i think i have an advantage when it comes to percieving his personality through his voice, which americans who dont daily hear british accents will not be able to achieve... even his "best performance" in lock stock was only 50% there...

Posted by: logboy at January 23, 2005 05:32 AM

I disagree, being British I also know his personal life from his on screen life, and yes he is a thug off screen. How many other actors are actually something else off screen when compared to their on screen persona?

His acting has improved, and he still has a lot to go, but he has that Charisma. He's certainly not charming and you only have to look at his characters he plays to see that.

However, he certainly does have a charisma and presence that relates well to the characters he plays which, for the most part, have been thugs.

Posted by: Richard at January 23, 2005 05:37 AM

I agree with Richard, the man is not a great actor... but he has TRUCKLOADS of charisma (not charm). Very strong screen presence.

And since I'm always right.... :P

Posted by: John Campea at January 23, 2005 11:52 AM

I thought Vinnie Jones did a good job in Lock Stock, Snatch and even Mean Machine. He was also very convincing as a complete nut-job in Gone in 60-seconds. Granted he didnt have to do to much acting, but he looks mean, he acts mean and he probably is mean! (I always thought acting was mad up of Charisma, looks, believability as well as actual acting ability, surely 3.5 out of 4 isn't bad!)You wouldn't cast him as MacBeth, or give him a lead role in a romantic comedy, but as long as he plays the tough guy / evil henchmen / cockney geezer / cheeky chappy, then he will always get work, and be believable.

Posted by: David Terry at January 24, 2005 09:22 AM