January 04, 2005

Vanity Fair - Special Star Wars Issue

VanityFair_SW.jpgThis may be the only time in my life that I mutter these words: "I can't wait to get my hands on the next issue of Vanity Fair". Apparently there's going to be a ton of good stuff in there to make even the most rabid Star Wars fan happy. The good folks over at Monsters and Critics give us this:

The Star Wars creator reveals several secrets, including explaining midi-chlorians once and for all, as well as giving his own views as to why Darth Vader should be regarded less as the ultimate monster than as a potential hero who made all the wrong choices throughout his journey.
Ok, the only thing that worries me is the mention of midi-chlorians. Oh man I hope George left them out of the movie. Ok, gotta go get in line at 7-11 to get my mag!

Posted by John Campea at January 4, 2005 11:59 PM


While I must say that I pretty much agree with the chutzpah of your tagline "home of correct movie opinions", I am dazed and confused as to how its possible to have ANY hope that the last SW will be anything different than the last two: Legacy-destroying dreck.

Episode I was one of the biggest letdowns in human history, and episode II was only mildly more entertaining, at least it remembered to have a little action to thrown in with the wooden characters and meaningless plot. I mean, we've seen TWO of them, the damage has already been done...
This one will be no better.

How can you muster up that hopefully naive fanboy zest? I say this out of respect - love your site, just hate the new SW movies.

Posted by: Steve Isaacs at January 5, 2005 12:45 AM

Can't really disagree with anything you said Steve. I'd say the fact that I am a SW nut is what gives me my naive hope.

Combine that with the fact that what I've seen so far has been quite good. We'll just have to wait and see I guess.

Posted by: John Campea at January 5, 2005 12:53 AM

Well, I can't defend the series as well as John. Although I am a great fan I feel like you Steve, let down and the series heavily tarnished by the last two movies.

However, look on this. We have a high level of plot line at the start of Star Wars and that is the mark that has to be aimed for, and look where the plot has been left at the end of the last movie. There is a gulf between them.

My hope is that because there is such a void to fill and with this movie a clear set of goals to reach for in terms of plot, that a decent story comes out of it. One that is far better than the last two where the plot developments have felt like fillers and time stallers for the one real episode, and this feels like the episode.

Still, it could be complete pants and then a generation is left with the one set of Star Wars movies to remember and adulate, while the next looks on the new set and forgets.

Posted by: Richard at January 5, 2005 02:18 AM

You know, I actually predict ROTS will be the best one of all the Prequels, and perhaps the third best Star Wars flick (Empire being first, and New Hope being the first). And I am not at all a SW fan anymore, thanks to the first two Prequels.

Why do I think this about ROTS? I think Lucas had the plot of ROTS in mind the most all along, and Episodes I and II were merely filler, and not as well thought out. He only had enough strong ideas to make one solid movie, but not two others.

Posted by: Mark at January 5, 2005 03:06 AM

Ah yes, the midi-chlorians nonsense. After 3 films of having us all believe anyone could learn to wield the force, he goes and makes it an alien infestation that is only in certain specific people. what a let down! That alone ruined Phantom Menace for me.

I firmly believe he only did that because he wanted to move away from the Force being seen as a kind of religious cult by worried adults.

Posted by: dave at January 5, 2005 05:17 AM

What Vanity Fair version is this, US or UK?

I have to keep an eye on this, thanks for the tip John!

Posted by: Simone at January 5, 2005 09:25 AM

Oh no not midi-chlorians; I thought we ditched that. I almost didn't even notice.

Posted by: Brad at January 5, 2005 11:37 AM

This cover really surprised me to see old and new cast together.

I was so excited when I saw the fold-out yesterday but so disappointed when I found out it's all comped together:

Photo shoots in New York, Sydney and London or something all combined.

Other than the muddy 'teaser' poster, this is still only the second time I've been dissapointed with Star Wars news since the prequels began.

Oh well - the photo still looks great and I suppose it hits stands next Tuesday!

Posted by: trysop at January 5, 2005 01:18 PM

Revenge of the Sith has the potential to surpass Ep. I & II and take its place with the 'classic' Star Wars movies. I have been seeing some awesome spoiler pics online and I am going to see it with my best friend come May!

The Force will be with us again!

Posted by: Cyclonian at January 12, 2005 06:51 PM

Well..alot of you obviously aren't serious SW fans. You all don't know very much. Think about it..if anyone was capable of wielding the Force to the extent that Master Yoda could..Palpatine would have had the entire galaxy wiped out. Of course only certain people would have the ability.

I honestly have no idea why some people whine and complain about Episode I and II..they were great movies. People go on and on about the dialogue..it wasn't any different from the dialogue in IV, V, and VI. There were some very memorable lines.

Posted by: Jason at March 25, 2005 01:15 AM

Jason, I despair sometimes, but I guess, its just how it is. Some liked the prequels (like you and me) but the others just dont. I have made my peace with that. I have also resolved not to debate anything Star Wars expect to those who actually know what theyre talking about. The way they talk, they want their own version of the story, oh well, laughable isnt it?

By the by, I have booked my ticket for the first day showing, what about you???

Posted by: Simone at March 25, 2005 07:21 AM

Anybody know if the Vanity Fair Star Wars photo will be available for sale?

Posted by: Mark at April 2, 2005 11:10 AM

I have to wonder how bad the prequels actually are or how much of it is the fact that the original triligy supporters are now adults and no longer kids, who the movies are aimed at.
I think a lot of the old school fans like to think they would still love the originals as much if they seen them for the first time as adults rather than kids and would have to say that I disagree, nostalgia is def a big factor and todays under 13`s love the new movies as much as us die hards loved the originals. My 3 year old daughter hates the originals but is obsessed with the young Anni in ep 1 for example.
Either way the movies are what they are, George Lucases invention, and the man can not make movies tailored to suit every fanboys idealistic visions of the difinitive starwars movie every time he plans a new movie.

Posted by: Andy K at May 22, 2005 07:04 AM