January 05, 2005

V for Vendetta Teaser Poster

VendettaTeaser.jpgThe news on V for Vendetta is rolling out fast, no sooner was the news out that Natalie Portman was looking to be cast in the film, sites are now saying that she is cast for sure. Now Coming Soon is carrying a teaser picture for the film.

It's not that different from the cover of the Graphic Novel to be honest, and that's not a bad thing. Could we infer from that, that the movie itself will stay true to the Alan Moore script and the David Lloyd illustrations? With the Wachowski Brothers teamed up with James McTeigue again, I think it certainly whispers of that very possibility.

Coming Soon also carry a few press releases from Joel Silver who is also Producing.

"Natalie Portman is one of the most gifted actresses working today, and we're thrilled that she is bringing her extraordinary talents and presence to this film," Silver said..."With 'V For Vendetta,' the Wachowski Brothers have created an uncompromising vision of the future driven by a totally original superhero," said Silver.

Much up-talking by Mr Silver, but who can fault him. Vendetta is an excellent story, dark and thought provoking, and suits this film making team from the Matrix series perfectly.

Posted by Richard Brunton at January 5, 2005 02:04 PM


Oh YEAH!!!!!!!! My eyes are filled with beauty! My soul is filled with joy! I just LOVE that comic. And Natalie Portman will be great for the movie. After the star wars fiasco (episodes 1 and 2)she regained my respect in Garden State where she does a great job. Anyway...WOHOOOOO!! V for Vendetta will rule!

Posted by: Bondwalker at January 5, 2005 04:11 PM

I've been intending to read this graphic novel for years. Now it looks like I better get my butt in gear and check it out before the movie comes out!

Alter Ego Comics

Posted by: Marc at January 5, 2005 04:59 PM

Is it me or will that "Remember, Remember ..." line not exactly 'click' with a US audience?

Posted by: Alby at January 5, 2005 06:38 PM

"...the Wachowski Brothers have created an uncompromising vision of the future driven by a totally original superhero,"

Hello Joel Silver...it's ALAN MOORE who created it. Don't be too quick to forget.

Posted by: Gerry at January 10, 2005 09:17 PM

I am very concerned. VfV in its concept and mood is very, very British, and I doubt Brothers W will get the same tone to it I got when reading the graphic novel. What I'd like to see this as is a 4-part BBC miniseries...

Posted by: V72 at January 11, 2005 01:52 PM

I think it looks like I better get my butt in gear and check it out before the movie comes out!

Posted by: post art at January 17, 2005 09:52 PM

If I remember right, wasn't V about a gay terrorist fighting against a right-wing, jingoistic society?
Wonder how this'll play in Bush's America ...

Posted by: Malcolm at January 19, 2005 07:28 PM

Well they will most likely make the character straight, fighting for the cause of freedom against a fundamentalist regime, and call it R for Rambetto.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at January 20, 2005 09:12 AM

First, Darren Aronofsky is no more directing Watchmen... now not only the Wachowsky here but... I mean, Natalie Portman, is this serious? I cross my fingers but I fear they'll utterly destroy this book... I guess in the movie V will be Natalie's father or something like that, duh

Posted by: oh noes... at February 3, 2005 05:18 PM