January 28, 2005

Uwe Boll, the curse of videogame movies?

AloneInTheDark.jpgWhat the hell is Uwe Boll playing at, and how in the hell is he getting funding to create the poor drivel that he currently is? For anyone who has played games in the last few years, or understands the marketplace you'll know very well that the Companies are intelligent enough and are producing some really engaging and rich gaming experiences, to the very point that in some games there is almost a movie experience. So how come we are being faced with such offerings as House of the Dead and Alone in the Dark?

Well you could understand it if we were back in time playing Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat and went to see those respective movies, at the time the games weren't that deep an experience and the movies followed suit. What's the excuse now? The games are of a very high quality and with a much richer and wider experience and movie production has moved on so much with special effects, a film quality production can now be made on computers.

The Games industry is strong enough to be able to command what happens with their movie options, just look at Id and the history of the Doom production for evidence of that or to Squaresoft for creating their own film company and making Final Fantasy, why don't they hold open their options and pull the plug when the film industry offer them a midas touch Director, or a poorly written script?

Then there's the Studios themselves, why do they keep giving money to these poor, half attempts at movies? It's not that they are blind to what can be done, they have seen the success of such films as Tomb Raider and in comparison to some of these recent attempts it was a success whatever some might think, or look to the comic adaptations to see the good that can be created out of the bad, Spiderman and the (we all know it will be) return to form of Batman. They know that if properly treated they can win the original audience over and grab a whole new audience too, and there they have a ready made script and audience just waiting for them.

So what do they do? Ruin it, totally. You are not making a game when you take a game adaptation to the screen, so why use a game geek who is a hopeless director? Just treat it like any other movie production and get a decent team in to give it a proper treatment. Better still, get a game geek who is a very good Director - Sam Raimi as prime example of a geek comic book lover who did the whole Spidey name proud. Just because the idea is already plotted out making it cheap at the conceptual stage, doesn't mean that you should go and make the rest of it on the cheap.

Okay maybe the choices for movies to date haven't been too good, and I could be harshly judging Mr Boll on the evidence of what he's done to date when we're still looking at Far Cry, Bloodrayne and Hunter: The Reckoning for completion, these could be good. Really, they could be. Then again.

Posted by Richard Brunton at January 28, 2005 08:08 AM


I thought he funded them himself.

Seriously, this man takes nothing projects and messes them up, crowding a market already filled with unsatisfying action films, paving the way for the BLOOD-AND-GUTS HUNGRY, R-RATED REVOLUTION THAT MUST COME SOON. Before I turn to real life for my violence kicks...

Posted by: Tom Whitaker at January 28, 2005 10:55 AM

yes, viva la revolution!

part of the problem is that the game industry does not get the respect it deserves. people still lookg at it as the domain of kids, when it clearly is not.

when folks stop seeing it as entertainment targeted at fools, we will start to see some lovliness.



or maybe some nice character development.

Posted by: miles at January 28, 2005 11:08 AM

Richard, I think Tom has it correct: Boll funds these movies himself.

I have to hand it to him: He seems pretty clever. He's able to secure the investors, secure the rights (for cheap, since he picks games with so-so brand recognition), cranks out a movie quickly and on the cheap, and turns around a quick profit -- it's not a huge profit but enough to justify the time and money spend making these pictures. Essentially, he's a modern-day B movie director in the historically traditional sense (a la Roger Corman in his heyday).

Posted by: Mark at January 28, 2005 11:47 AM

Okay guys so remove the word Studio and replace with investors and revist the question.

In my mind classifying something as a b-movie does not a good movie make. I don't see that as a defense for turning out these awful films, and why don't the game companies say no?

Posted by: Richard at January 28, 2005 02:30 PM

Uwe Toliet Boll is the Devil.

He should stick to producing films and not directing them.

Posted by: Zack 'em at January 30, 2005 12:55 PM


Posted by: Pudie at February 2, 2005 12:30 AM


Posted by: Justin at February 2, 2005 04:17 AM

yes! he IS!! sign this:


Posted by: Mark at February 10, 2005 12:11 PM

The reason investors keep funding Boll, Richard, is because they are making respectable amounts of money. Boll has devised a quite brilliant low-cost financing system outside of Hollywood, and his Medienfonts (stock options for German investors) are currently the most profitable in all of Germany, believe it or not. He makes these films very, very cheaply and passes the savings on to them.

Posted by: J. Eric Dietrich at February 14, 2005 05:09 PM


Uwe Boll is worked on House of the Dead which was
a horrible movie and screwing up Alone in the Dark with Christian Slater and Bloodrayne,also working on Fear Effect,Far Cry,Hunter:The Reckoning and Dungeon Siege and to work on more video game movies with Ninja Assault,based on Namco shooting game.Boll will direct,produce and wrie for Ninja Assault that will give him to screw it up.

Hunter:The Reckoning
Dungeon Siege
Fear Effect
Far Cry
Ninja Assault (announced)

Than You

Posted by: Bruce Darren Acosta at April 17, 2005 02:28 AM

goddamn uwe

Posted by: Ryan at July 13, 2005 08:23 PM