January 22, 2005

The Jacket trailer online with more answers

Now it begins to make sense. I've just seen the trailer for The Jacket, a movie I've posted about before and even with the more explanatory second post I was still confused about what it was all about. Now I'm not, and the story looks really impressive, as does Adrien Brody who shows some amazing moments of terror and desperation.

However, you'll have noticed I haven't given you the link yet. Well, let me explain. I love watching trailers, but as I've said before it's all too easy to have the ending or a crucial moment given away during it. Now I am more sensitive to this than most of my friends, who can watch a trailer and not think anything about it, whereas I tend to pick out something and see something that could be relevant.

So, let me give you this warning that the film looks really good, very interesting, and it might do you well not to watch the trailer and just wait for the release. Go read the previous articles and check out IMDB.

For those who want to, and I realise I might just have heightened you to it already, here's the link to the Apple trailer. You may just find that you don't catch on at all, or I'm totally wrong, however best to be safe than sorry as my Mum always says.

Posted by Richard Brunton at January 22, 2005 09:25 AM


Ah well, I think you can more or less disregard my concerns then.

Over at JoBlo they have a review of a Sundance visit, and Scott has seen the film:

...the flick's pretty much a grim and confusing little bore. Toss THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT, JACOB'S LADDER, 12 MONKEYS into a pot and let it simmer for about 11 years, and that's THE JACKET. Your mileage may vary, of course, but there's no denying that the film's trailer misrepresents the end product by a dizzying degree.

Bummer then. I was looking forward to that. Just goes to prove once again how you really can't trust a Trailer!

Posted by: Richard at January 23, 2005 05:52 AM

You're gonna let one bad review from some dude you don't even know prevent you from going to see a movie??? I saw it at a screening and really liked it. It's much more of an art film than the trailer makes it out to be. That's the only misrepresentation. It's well acted in every role, and has beautiful cinematography. And I bet it's better than "the pacifier."

Posted by: Tiff at January 28, 2005 07:32 AM