January 13, 2005

Spiderman 3 gets a writer and options for Spidey 4

Spiderman.jpgAlvin Sargent has been signed up by Sony Pictures to write the script for Spiderman 3 with the option to be retained for the writing for a fourth film in the series.

That's excellent news for the franchise and for the fans of the Spiderman series, which should be a fair few people! Coming Soon have the story and talk further about his involvement.

He has already begun work on the third film, which has a tentative release date of May 4, 2007.

The trade says Sargent is widely credited with whipping a problematic Spider-Man 2 script into shape, but he has evolved into the voice of the franchise.

The studio has not yet disclosed the storyline or villain for Spider-Man 3, but the story has already been crafted by Sargent along with director Sam Raimi and his brother, Ivan Raimi.

I have to say that I loved both Spiderman films and the treatment given to them has been the finest of a superhero transfer to celluloid next to the original Batman. Sure there are some rough edges, but it so captures what Spiderman is about and the true sense of the original comic. I hope this series continues onto the fourth and does it just as well as it has to date.

Posted by at January 13, 2005 05:29 AM


Good news, indeed! As a life-long comic book fan who started out reading Amazing Spider-Man in the early 80s, I have been very pleased with the handling of the Spider-Man films. I'm also in the crowd that thinks that the second film was even better than the first, (which was tough to beat). Man, 2007 seems like a lifetime away!

Alter Ego Comics

Posted by: Marc at January 13, 2005 11:35 AM

Ok, not to knock spider-man... but what about x-men? Honestly, I love both franchises but I would say that the x-men movies are quite a bit better than the spider-man ones. Personal opinion, I know, but that batman comment struck a nerve, x-men needs to be on that list, it single handedly revived the superhero movie.

Posted by: Joel at January 13, 2005 10:34 PM


Posted by: Tyler at January 14, 2005 04:14 AM


Posted by: Tyler at January 14, 2005 04:15 AM

I think thats a little harsh on X-Men... i thought it was handled very well by Singer and i really really wish he was on board for the 3rd. Spider-man though had a completly different atmostphere whcih i think was captured down to a tee... as long as this sergant character sticks around then i think the series will go on!

Posted by: tom at January 15, 2005 09:09 AM

Głupio że Spiderman3 wyjdzie tak późno. To mój ulubiony film zróbcie coś żebym tyle na niego nie czekała!!!

Posted by: Dominica at January 22, 2005 06:40 AM

i am look after casting of spiderman 3.
thanks your help

Posted by: deleage at January 23, 2005 09:17 AM

i have a plot for spiderman 3

Posted by: yessem at January 28, 2005 01:33 PM

peter parker is sitting at home with aunt may eating a piece of birthday cake. He is 40 pound overweight and has a beard. Aunt May begins rubbing his thigh as he blasts a web load in her eye. She screams in horror as he vomits on her . Mary Jane comes over and tells him hses marrying the astronaut. That night peter goes to astronauts house and rapes him in his sleep. The astronaut can not go on his mission because his anus is torn apart. Peter volunteers for the mission, BUT, enter Doc Ock... He comes in and masterbates with all four of his tentacles all over Peter. peter is quickly aroused and tells mary jane to go fuck herself. peter and dock ock go to uncle bens tombstone and hook up. peter shoots webbing on ocks eyes and bounces. now Harrry osborn is seen in the bathroom jacking off to a picture of his father Norman. in a random cut scene a piece of footage from Will Dafoes film "Autofocus" is edited into the Spiderman story. Harry becoems confused and turns gay violently hunting the town for some cock. when he finally sees greg kinear (also in autofocus) in a k-mart. they make love and decide to destroy spiderman. They cut to the core of spiderman by anally raping his aunt and urinating on a picture of uncle ben in front of her. Peter finds out what happens and he calls for a final showdown. Dock Ock, Harry, and Pete. They all circle jerk and whoever loses must commit violent suicide with a blunt object. the last one who cums has to drink his semen ans snowball it into mary janes mouth until she chokes. Eventually the entire cast is killed except for the cameo actor greg kinear who stands on the top of the empire state building with an s&m; outfit grabbing his croch as aunt may eats him out. The End

Posted by: yessem at January 28, 2005 01:50 PM

send me a spidey costum.

Posted by: thomas schilcher at January 29, 2005 06:52 AM

To Sony at Spiderman Films.
I am a gcse pupil studing gcse graphics at school.
I am very intrested in Spiderman and would like to find out more information about the film and its products. As you are such a wonderful firm, i was wondering if it was possible for you to email me back with some information about Spiderman in general . I am hoping that this will help me with my studies.
thankyou very much-Charlotte(Pensby High School)

Posted by: charlotte aspinall at February 7, 2005 05:50 AM

Can we combine Spidey to X-MEN? anyway X-men movie really sucks.

Posted by: Maverick at February 8, 2005 10:09 PM

Spiderman 3 plot .. my ideas.

If anyone wants to read a cool plot, read below. I came up with it today, so I'm sure someone else is going to steal it and claim it as theres. But, whatever. [email protected] came up with it first.


For those that want the Hobgoblin to appear as Harry Osbourne:

This wont work because Harry is NOT the Hobgoblin. He *IS* the Green Goblin II, if you follow the comics.

Why would harry have to hunt The Kraven? That's more like Lex Luthor than it is Harry. Harry is insane, as proven at the end of Spiderman 2. If it is to follow the comics, he either has to become Green Goblin II and die or go into a mental institution for the entire movie and not to be heard from.

Hobgoblin is a COMPLETELY seperate entity from the Green Goblin. They don't even like each other.

The Lizard is set up for Spidey 3, IF Conners decides to attempt to regrow his arm.

"Eddie" or "eddie Brock" was mentioned in Spiderman 1 as one of the guys who couldn't get a clear shot of spiderman. That's why Peter was hired.

And let's not forget - setting up characters really doesn't mean much - we didn't know Doc Ock existed until 2.

I hope the plot is as follows:

Major Conflict - Protecting Mary Jane and Aunt May from those who know that Peter Parker is Spiderman. right now it's Harry. Noone else knows except the deceased Doc Ock and Green Goblin I.

Villian - Venom

How is he introduced? John Jameson, son of Jonah, who lost MJ to Peter Parker has no hard feelings towards MJ leaving him. Why? He's a boyscout and only wants MJ to be happy, so he lets it be.

He makes a trip to Mars. Finds an interesting material that changes shape easily. Brings it back (Note - in the comic book he goes to mars and finds a gem. He brings it back and this Gem causes him to become Man-Wolf when he sees the moon, with super human strength, agility, blah blah blah. It'd be a great twist to have him find a symbiote / alien instead of a gemstone. I don't want a warewolf in my Spiderman movie, thank you very much.)

So he brings this shape shifting material back to earth and has it analyzed. Who analyzes it? Why only the most wealthy businessman in town - Oscorp. Oscorp discovers it's really an Alien, and conducts experiments on it. It somehow escapes and touches Harry, clinging to his skin, turning it black. He manages to get it off. FInds a way to 'blast' it off of himself, but loses it.

Cross over to the introduction to Eddie Brock, photographer for the Daily Planet. He's doing a story on Sin Eater (this follows the comic story) who is commiting crimes around town. He finds someone who confesses to be the Sin Eater. Turns out, it's NOT the Sin-Eater, just a fake who is a compulsive liar. Spiderman captures the real Sin Eater and subsequently and inadvertently causes the firing of Eddie brock from the Daily Planet. This sets up Brocks Hatred of Spiderman.

Spiderman flying around town, has his outfit really torn to peices and says to himself what a pain it is to keep having to get a new outfit made. In his half destroyed outfit, but not revealing his face, he gets a tingly spidersense around oscorp, finds black symbiote. Doesn't know what to make of this ball just sitting there doing nothing, and why his sense is going off. Touches it.. and viola - instant black spidey outfit. He doesn't want it on him, and just "thinks" he wants it off of him and viola - it's off of him. He realizes he can control this thing with his brain. Cool.

Fights a bit with black costume. Does all types of cool sh!t. :)

Harry tells the cops he can prove that spiderman is really Peter Parker and the reason he's now in a black costume is because Spiderman 'STOLE' his 'alien' from mars. Martians? Harry must be CRAZY! Let's institutionalize him. Boom he's in jail, out of the way, set up for Spiderman 4 if you want, but please, no more goblins. He's in an insane institution, now.

Peter visits Harry in the institution. Harry tells him he is going to kill him when he comes out and that he shouldn't have come there. Harry asks peter why he stole his 'alien'. Peter puts two and two together and comes up with "oh shit". Peter now realizes that the black costume is really "alive". Walks out of institution, and "thinks" he wants it on, has it on.

Then he says to himself that he wants it off. Forever.

Alien disagrees, attaches to peter when he doesn't want it to, clings to him even though peter is "thinking" he wants it off. Brings symbiote to church tower (ala comic book) ooozes off of him and nearly kills both him and the alien.

Oozes down the side of the church tower, and into an alleyway. Gee, who happens to be walking by .. mr. Eddie Brock.

The union is formed, Venom is born. Alein teaches Eddie that peter parker is spiderman. Venom terrorizes Aunt May, MJ. Peter finds out, Eddie visits him (all coming straight out of Amazing Spiderman, by the way, not my creation) and alarms Peter.

Blah blah they fight, Harry is in the institution and now doesnt know what the hell is going on. Doesn't know who is spiderman and who isn't anymore. Going more isane. Great.

They eventually fight in the beach (like the comic) and Peter rips off his outfit and challenges the alien to "come back to him". Venom begins to lose control of the Alien .. alien is torn between two "lovers" (comic book says the alien fell in love with Peter and Bonded with Brock as well. One for love, one for hatred.)

End movie.


of course, the details of the love story and all that crap will be added so it's palatable for a wider audience, but I think this synopsis is pretty awesome.

Posted by: SpideyFan at February 18, 2005 09:23 PM

mine was much better u waste, and charlotte is your woman

Posted by: yessem at March 2, 2005 03:24 PM

u ediots u r mad very bad but Spider Man is the BEST

Posted by: Sumiyyah at March 21, 2005 07:48 AM

X-men wasn't that good but 2 was a big improvement.. The two Spiderman's were very good, lets just hope they don't fade out like the Batman movies

Posted by: Ray at March 21, 2005 09:55 AM

i have heard that the villain for Spidey 3 is the sand man, who can turn into (YOU GUESSED IT) sand, or an near invincible rock hard form! this could be a load of rubbish to throw us all off finding out about the real plot, it was published in a proper film mag (in the rumour section)
just thought you'd all like to know

Posted by: jon at April 28, 2005 01:31 PM

what about charnge

Posted by: KOEL at June 20, 2005 09:51 PM

When is venom going to appear in a spidey film???? Green goblin sucks. It would be interesting to see venom in a movie!!!!!!!!!!!


Posted by: Demian at September 11, 2005 07:28 PM

Venom should appear soon, KOEL its spelled CARNAGE, and when it comes to Spider-Man and saying the Green Goblin sucks is like saying that Lex Luthor sucks in Superman, same with saying the Joker sucks in Batman. Sure there are better villians and cooler villians in them worlds, but there is always one main villian that will always haunt the hero of the story, and that villian is always the biggest rival, biggest threat, biggest annoyance, toughest and most of the time smartest enemy.

In the Spider-Man stories the Goblin may have died in both the comics and movie, but it creates a curse worse than Spideys own powers, its like 2 burdens for the price of one and then having the destruction from both burdens fall into place like a crazy puzzle and create more burdens. Harry Osbourne suffers the most from the curse, and even after Harry dies the curse is still not lifted from effecting Spider-Mans life and work. It goes Green Goblin, Green Goblin 2, then someone finds Norman Osbournes diaries and artillary and makes sure they wont make the same mistakes he made, and the Hobgoblin is born and it goes through like 4 different people who were framed plus two people who were the actual goblin, and it doesn't stop there either, because the real Hobgoblin makes a deal with a demon and thus the Demogoblin is born.

The cool thing is that in one of the Spider-Girl stories the Green Goblin comes back again!

So Demian, I know people have their own opinions and feelings but come on, back up why you think the Green Goblin sucks, because I like the Green Goblin but have trouble seeing the side of "thinking he sucks" and i'd like to know from your point of view just why the Green Goblin sucks..........

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at September 11, 2005 10:27 PM

VENOM is the best of the best. i think they should realy put Venom in one of the up-coming movies bechause it would bring more viewers and fans chause VENOM rocks around the clock 24-7 dudes. PS! i will commit a sueside if they wont put VENOM in one of the next movies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And i dont mind if there will be CARNAGE too :)...

Posted by: Taavi at September 17, 2005 12:55 PM

Venom is awsome, but story wise there are better villians, but if they do have Venom in the movie, it will put a smile on my face. Carnage will not be in this movie, unless the story has time for Kletus Kassidy. Even then we probably won't see hime until the end of the 5th movie or start of the 6th.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at September 18, 2005 10:41 AM

Spiderman marrys mj and has a daughter who develops powers on her 13th b-day(not following da sucky commic)she discovers her abilitys after being heled hostage by venom after she finds out da identity of her father she acedently unleashed a large amount of strength and beet venom up she was then fully awair of what was going on, shortly her father(spiderman)came to the rescue but realised she had every thing under controll she quickly went and hugged her farther and explained everything that happend then he realized they had another spidy in the family but this time it's spidergirl!

Posted by: ELENI at October 7, 2005 11:09 AM


Posted by: ELENI at October 7, 2005 11:14 AM

I would like to see the franchise go into Spider-Girl after like the 4th movie or so. It would be cool if the same actors would return as well, the possibilities are endless when thinking of story and placement in time!

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at October 8, 2005 12:16 AM

Wow. Lots of talk on this one. Here's my take. i hope the villain will be-venom(just like every other fanboy). Another goblin would deter to many audiences, considering that they just had green goblin in the original. Sandman would be stupid.That villain sucks. however, from all the buzz i've been hearing, the most logical would be either venom or lizard. i liked SpideyFan's plot. it really sticks to the comics(unlike that buttwipe of a movie,spiderman 2). The lovey dovey stuff should be underplayed. WAY TOO MUCH in #2. now that mary jane is back with peter, he's not going to be tormented so much. i don't think they should have more than two villains. Harry should be in this a lot,maybe a setup for him being a new goblin in #4. X-Men rocks! So does X2. To yessem, that was flat out funny. You should pitch it to Comedy central or the Wayans brothers.

Posted by: Brian at October 8, 2005 02:42 PM