January 20, 2005

Shaun Of The Dead Comic

ShaunComic.jpgIt's no secret around here how much I loved Shaun of the Dead. I'm still amazed that more of you didn't get out to the theater when it was playing to catch it. Oh well... there's always DVD I guess (make sure you get it).

Well, it looks like the team behind Shaun of the Dead are now focusing some creative energy to getting a comic out. The good folks over at CHUD offer us this:

Rich Johnston’s groovy dirt-dishing comic industry column, has already scrounged up some concept artwork capturing Shaun and comrades in four-color fury. No real details on the publisher or when we’ll actually get to grab the finished product from our favorite comic retailers, and Johnston will only say it’s “by Horacio Domingues (Lazarus Jack), commissioned as a sample for a publisher pursuing the comics gig.” Not a bad likeness, although I don’t recall Ed having Hulk-sized trousers in the film.
I haven't bought a lot of comics since the end of the Age Of Apocalypse series in the X-Men... but I think I'll have to grab this one.

Posted by John Campea at January 20, 2005 07:14 AM


SOTD rules, I saw it at the Cinema (being a huge fan of Spaced, Simon Peggs other stroke of genius) and i've seen it on dvd countless times already, Awesome film!

Posted by: Thindave at January 20, 2005 08:16 AM

Helllllllllll yeaaaahhhhh....

I only saw Spaced because of this site....My eyes have been opened!!!

Shaun was absolutely brilliant....Here's to the comic!

Posted by: CrzyDJM at January 20, 2005 05:29 PM