January 08, 2005

Samuel Jackson Nails It Right On The Head

samjackson.jpgAt the risk of repeating myself (but when has that ever stopped me?) I hate it when singers get lead acting roles. I won't go too much into that because I've posted my frustration about it about a dozen times on The Movie Blog (and I probably will again in the future).

Anyway, I floated by FilmRot as I was reading through some of my favorite sites, and noticed this post on how Samuel Jackson was approached about appearing in the upcoming 50 Cent movie (which I posted about here). Jackson's response embodies why he is the coolest man in Hollywood (that and the fact that he's a Jedi).

"Hollywood people tend to think that because one is successful in one aspect of entertainment they can bring them into this particular world and make a success out of them. They ask people like me to be in a film with those people that they are kind of headlining and your name ends up behind them.

"If you do that, it sanctions the fact that these people come into this world and you think they are worthy of you sharing your time on screen with them. I don't particularly think that. A month or so ago, someone called me about the 50 Cent movie and I'm like, 'What are you calling me for?' I don't even need to read that because that's not something I want to do."

"I like listening to 50 Cent and I can groove to his music but I don't want to groove to him on screen, just yet. Maybe if he does five movies and he shows some talent.

F'ing Eh Samuel! Tell whoever had the bright idea of giving 50 Cent a leading role to cork it their ear. He's not worthy of sharing a screen with you... and it's a total joke that someone thought of it in the first place. If 50 Cent (or any other singer with aspirations of being an actor) wants to be a star on the big screen... then fine. Take a few years of acting lessons, hook up with a theatre group, learn the craft... THEN see if you can get in a flick. Until then, leave the art of acting to the actors.

Posted by John Campea at January 8, 2005 09:35 AM

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I admire Mr. Jackson's honesty.

Posted by: Simone at January 8, 2005 10:02 AM

Why don't more singers follow the Mark Wahlberg and LL Cool J method- go for bit or supporting roles and then work your way into bigger parts as you prove yourself.

Posted by: Ben at January 8, 2005 10:24 AM

Another reason why Mr.Jackson is great.

Posted by: thesecretsafe at January 8, 2005 10:27 AM

Heehee, I thought you were going to pick that one up John!

Posted by: Richard at January 8, 2005 11:03 AM

Now if he would stop showing up in crap like XXX2.

Posted by: Bombadil at January 9, 2005 08:14 PM

50 cent better come up with something good. I hear mumbling in his music and speech, so I wonder why anyone would wanna sit and watch a rap guy mumble for 90 minutes. I agree with what Ben said. Thats the way to go.

Posted by: Anthony at January 10, 2005 11:01 AM

and this is coming from the guy who's starring in a new movie with ashanti. how noble.

Posted by: tj at January 10, 2005 03:58 PM

Wow, it's people like you guys (almost everyone posted here!) that make it so hard for anyone in this world to catch a break. John Campea, I'm ashamed with you for using Star Wars anywhere in your post, it shows the foundation of your ignorance. Lucas, my "friend" is the king of Hollywood because he took a chance on a few nobodies...thus years later allowing him to be in the same social sphere as Samuel. And besides the film industry is all based on money anyways...on both sides of the Samuel/50 acting spectrum. Everyone should take a deep breath and remember...it should be about art, simply creating films that pass on an inspirational energy. Like American Graffiti did, so may this film capture the angst and driving energy of a generation. So if you don't like my friends, simply save your money for the next cheap "summer hit" filled with posh actors/actress'.

Posted by: J.J.A. at January 24, 2005 01:27 AM

J.J.A. Missed a very important thing in his rant above.

Yes, most of the actors in Star Wars were unknows. BUT THEY WERE ACTORS!!!! NOT SINGERS! They had all been acting for YEARS. Just because they weren't well known doesn't mean they weren't REAL actors. Just because they hadn't had a big movie deal yet doesn't mean they weren't actors.

Lucas ALWAYS used actors. Real actors. Not famous ones all the time... but actors nonetheless.

Posted by: John Campea at January 24, 2005 02:02 AM

John Campea I must thank you for that correction...but I simply ask: If money were to be taken out of the equation would it matter? I mean Samuel didn’t protest acting along side Ashanti in Coach Carter, does this mean that he sanctions the fact that [she] came into this world and that he thinks [she] is worthy…to share his time on screen? Who draws the artistic line between Acting and singing? I could imagine being young and rich like 50 cent or even Ashanti; once you're there why wouldn’t you dabble in anything you want? Doesn’t money grant anyone or any message a podium to present from now days anyways? I mean there are much greater travesties occurring in entertainment today i.e. any reality program. The point I’m trying to make here is how amusing your post was: “…Tell whoever had the bright idea of giving 50 Cent a leading role to cork it their ear. He's not worthy of sharing a screen with you...and it's a total joke that someone thought of it in the first place.” What I meant to say in my previous rant is that I disagree with you. The movie is loosely based on 50’s life hence his leading role and the person pulling the cork out of his ear is JIM SHERIDAN. So for the sake of debate; if you had implied that Samuel did not agree with the “thug life” image 50 portrays I would have agreed. But to say that 50 cent is not worthy of a leading roll is a little blind to what really goes on in Hollywood – making money, money, and more money. If 50 didn’t have it then this topic wouldn’t exist meaning that he wouldn’t have the connections that are allowing him to prance over the Mark Wahlberg approach to Acting.

Posted by: J.J.A. at January 25, 2005 03:34 PM

Ashanti isn't the lead in the movie. She has a supporting role to Jackson. Getting a role has nothing to do with having money. Nothing at all. It's about studio heads thinking that mis name might make money. History shows that they are dead wrong.

Posted by: John Campea at January 25, 2005 03:52 PM

I agree with J.J.A.

Posted by: Matthew at January 25, 2005 05:07 PM

Oh really Matthew? You agree with J.J.A.? Wow... that's surprising. Really, I'm honestly shocked that you would agree with him... ESPECIALLY SINCE YOU ARE HIM. You see Matthew/J.J.A., I can see your IP address when you post a comment.

Seriously, posting comments with different names is a really sad sad sad way to make it look like you know what you're talking about.

This site is all about talking, and debating, and sharing differing ideas... but what you just did is sad.

Perhaps you can get a few other of your alter egos to post agreeing comments too. Will that make you feel better?

Posted by: John Campea at January 25, 2005 05:25 PM

I agree with John.

Posted by: Jeff at January 28, 2005 06:16 PM

I'm sorry to everyone that I posed as myself and then tried to defend myself as two different people...something must be wrong with me! Who does that? I must now climb the steep hill of establishing my credanility and pride once more...

Posted by: Justin at January 30, 2005 02:04 AM

Like I said John Hates rap. He hates Chris rock, and 50 cent. He talks so much trash on the internet. He uses what sam jackson says to try to pin one person against the other. I cant stand it either when rappers make movies but that is only because the movie isnt quality. Now 8 mile was pretty decent. If all movies were like that then It would be okay, or something like Boyz in da hood. But since you got the wack master p films with talentless thugs it just becomes too much.

But again, what about other people in movies besides rappers. John you just dont get american culture go watch you winnipeg team on ice or something, if they still play.

Posted by: gifted one at February 24, 2005 12:45 AM

I guess there is no big deal about all this as I see no reason why Jackson can't feature in this film.I mean not until he gets to see 50 performing in 5 movies at least he too started somewhere and somehow.

Posted by: Taiwo Dosunmu at March 22, 2005 03:48 AM

Can anyone tell me the title of the rap video that Samuel jackson was in recently?

he sits in a black car


Posted by: Jeff at May 21, 2005 09:51 PM

it's simple, Money might be able to get you connections, connections could get 50 cent a leading roll on the big screen, but money can't get you a "a list actor" to star with. even 50 cent should know this, just like he did with his music, he's gotta do the same with film, "pay your dues". just like sam said, "5 movies".

Posted by: Taxanon [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 12, 2005 02:33 PM