January 25, 2005

RingoStarr to be Stan Lee's first celebrity Superhero?

RingoStarr.jpgOkay something really weird is going on here. We've just had the madness of Crispin Glover's new movie trailer, well now madness from the previously sane Stan Lee.

CNN is reporting that Lee has developed the first Superhero developed on a celebrity. You'll recall we talked about this in a previous post but none of us could really understand what it was all about, well we do now, unfortunately.

The former Beatles drummer has undertaken a joint venture with Stan Lee's POW! Entertainment to develop a multimedia franchise in which Starr will play a superpowered animated version of himself.

The Starr-Lee project initially will be launched as a 60- or 90-minute DVD, but POW! and Starr's entertainment company, Rocca Bella, plan to explore TV, feature film and other avenues.

Eh? Now when we posted this story names like George Clooney and Brad Pitt were banded around, not Ringo Starr! The voice of Thomas the Tank Engine? Yes, 'fraid so!

Ringo says of the project:

"(The action) will be set around a band. They'll be their own characters. It'll be a very strange All-Starr Band."

Starr called Lee "a great creator. (This project) wasn't anything I was looking for. But he had this idea of a musical superhero -- what I like to think of as a reluctant superhero. . . . I'll zoom in to save the world, or a damsel in distress, or a small village. Who knows where he'll go?"

I'm beating my head against the keyboard as I type.

Posted by Richard Brunton at January 25, 2005 06:39 PM


One word for this:


Posted by: Franklin at January 26, 2005 01:46 AM

This shows you how out of touch/old Stan Lee is now. I think a comic book featuring one of Eminem's personnas, or one based on The Darkness, would have more appeal.

But Ringo Starr? RINGO STARR?? Maybe if the comic book focused on the Fab Four in their youth and was based on Yellow Submarine. But RINGO??

The only good thing I can say is that at least Stan knows Ringo is cooler than Paul.


Posted by: Mark at January 26, 2005 02:03 AM

Listen, Ringo Starr wants Peace and Love for the world, and I think it's great that he can spread that message through a new medium, and hopefully one that a younger generation can embrace. Let's all wait to 'til view it before we say, 'screw it'.
~PEACE & LOVE, 'Mitch

Posted by: Mitch at January 27, 2005 02:54 PM

Didn't Stan the Man try this a few years back with NSYNC or the Backstreet Boys or somebody for a web-based strip? I don't think that ever got off the ground, thank god.

Posted by: Vic at February 1, 2005 08:29 PM