January 10, 2005

Rick Gervais get's lucky with big stars, The Simpsons and MI:3

RickyGervais.jpegRicky Gervais rocks. It's official 'cause we just said it here. Not only is he funny, he's also really funny. The Office is more fun than really laughing about the losers at your own work, and his stand up show is some of the most hilarious stuff I've seen in a long time. So it was with great joy that I heard of his two next steps.

From Reuters, Coming Soon and the UK newspaper the Daily Mirror, it appears that he may be getting a small part in MI:3 courtesy of J. J. Abrams who also pulled him in to cameo in his Alias series.

Gervais, who played hapless boss David Brent, said: "I was delighted to be asked, who wouldn't?"

The 43-year-old, who yesterday also finished writing a script for The Simpsons, explained: "I know the director well and he said, 'Do you want a part?'. I just replied, 'Yeah, that will be great'."

However, don't get too excited, it's not finalised yet. Perhaps he's asking too little money! (See previous article)

"I greatly admire the director Jeffrey Abrams and Tom Cruise is the greatest film star of our generation. It should be fun."

I love that, he just says it so off handedly, should be fun! Yeah Gervais! Should be bags of fun being on a top movie set beside one of the top actors of our time!

So, in case you missed that, not only is he lined up in MI:3, but he's also just finished writing an episode for The Simpsons. Oh, and his next project is due soon, a series called Extras, based on that very type of actor. Not just him in it though and a horde of TV actors, oh no:

"Titantic" star Kate Winslet is to appear in comedian Ricky Gervais's follow-up to cult sitcom "The Office", The Sun has reported

Actor Jude Law will also star in the sitcom "Extras", which is set in the world of bit-part movie players and sees Gervais playing ageing film extra Andy Millman.

Gervais really has hit the big time hasn't he, and damn fine job too.

"It's great to have Kate Winslet and Jude Law on board as we have so few British people who have made it big in Hollywood, but these are two who have," Gervais told The Sun.

"In 'Extras' Jude and Kate play twisted versions of themselves," Gervais added.

Posted by at January 10, 2005 05:32 PM