January 06, 2005

New Stills From War of the Worlds and Devil's Rejects

"Now, it could be argued I am crazy for putting movies by Steven Spielberg and Rob Zombie in the same post, but my counter-argument is a simple one:

I am a frickin' genius, don't question me, in fact don;t even look at me, freakshow.


While breezing through IGN Filmforce today, I saw that there were a handful of screenshots from two movies that are very high on Miles's "must see" list, and although this paltry collection of stills did not warrant full fledged posts of their own, I decided that combined they made for a paragraph or two of marginal interest at best.

So, check out the War of the Worlds shots here and the Devil's Rejects stills here.

And, if that gets your interest going in these films, check out their official sites!

War of the Worlds

Devil's Rejects

Posted by miles at January 6, 2005 10:37 AM