January 06, 2005

New promotional images for Star Wars Episode III

StarWarsIII-Duel.jpgDum dum dum dum de dum dum de dum...I'm kinda getting ramped up with all this Star Wars excitement too, maybe not as much as FanBoy John, but I can feel the anticipation growing. Probably what sparked this off the most was the following announcement through Coming Soon:

French site SithClan has posted 22 new promotional images that will be used in the campaign for Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith.

Woo! 22 images! Well I tried SithClan and none of the links worked, so let me spare you that trial. Instead, just go straight to this site and see what you think.

Some of them do look cool, the General does look very menacing, although for me Vader didn't. There's something about him that just doesn't look as imposing as he did way back then. Still, Yoda and Skywalker look pretty mean, in fact I'd go as far to say Skywalker looks positively livid!

Okay, joking aside these are probably the best promotional items I've seen to date for getting me excited about the movie. The trailer didn't really, but these sure do. There are images of characters I have known for a long time and have just met, and now I'm dying to see their journey completed.

Posted by at January 6, 2005 12:56 PM


Wow! And I was getting ready to put a portfolio together with Star Wars stuff but was lacking high-res images to use. This will help a bunch!

Get 'em before they dissappear!

Posted by: trysop at January 6, 2005 01:19 PM

Awesome images, thanks for sharing!

Where's John, has he seen these yet? *giggles*

Posted by: Simone at January 6, 2005 01:28 PM

Vader! There is something wrong with him... it seems that he is doing those awkward jedi/ninja/free-flowing cape style poses which the old Vader didn't do.

And it does look like a teenager is inside the suit and doing the poses (or modeled for the painting).

Still, i'm looking forward to watch that movie, irregardless of I and II which sucked so bad.

Posted by: Kevinn at January 7, 2005 12:54 AM

How can Vadar look younger? How does a Helmet age? This is just plain stupid! Even the Storm Troppers dont look as menacing as previously (The Storm Troppers were my favourite Star Wars characters).I have still to see Episode II, but im going to wait until I read reviews of Episode III. If they are good, then I will watch II then III.

Posted by: David Terry at January 7, 2005 03:25 AM

Yeah, I'm with you on the Vader pics. I think I'd rather we saw less of him... a bit of mystery adds to the sense of menace.

Instead we have him bouncing around like he's on a photo shoot for a teenage girl's magazine.

"Right, Vader darling, ready for the shoot hun? Now give me evil. Yes! How about a leap... perfect. Think: you're going to destroy the Jedi. Love it! Now give me death... you're rocking baby".

Posted by: John at January 7, 2005 04:17 AM

Oh John, you had me laughing there. Perfect description!

Posted by: Richard at January 7, 2005 04:19 AM

I think these characters look great.
I am crossing my fingers hoping what they do on screen doesn't totaly blow chunks of pop corn out my nose in a chowder of anger.
Thats right I said Chowder of Anger.
I may skip the pop corn and hold my breath.

Posted by: thesecretsafe at January 8, 2005 10:17 AM

Chowder of Anger?

Can I use that term in future thesecretsafe?

Posted by: Simone at January 8, 2005 10:49 AM


Posted by: thesecretsafe at January 9, 2005 08:19 AM


Posted by: sam hicks at January 20, 2005 12:44 AM

I don't know why George Lucas had to go and be such an egomaniac, and try and direct these new Star Wars films. It's not the fims that suck, it's his direction that sucks. George Lucas has never been a great director. He was just fortunate enough in the original Star Wars trilogy to have a cast that had great chemistry.

Something that the cast of these new films is seriously lacking. Not to mention personality. This Natalie Portman sucks! She has about as much charisma as a wet, top ramen noodle. And Samuel L Jackson. You expect us to believe that this is one of the greatest Jedis ever? Please, I'd believe Gary Coleman over this schmuck anyday. Just that line in Attack of the Clones had me rolling " This party's over" with that Pulp Fiction face, LOL! Oh God, could it get nay worse? We shall see.

The original cast also had things to act against. They had real sets. These new actors film entirely against blue screen...WOW, talk about fun...YAWN. But this is precisely why the actors are so bad in the new ones. They have NOTHING to act against. It is ALL fake. And quite honestly, it looks fake. In Attack of the clones, the battle scene looked so fake. It looked like a cartoon. Might as well have been one.

George Lucas has become a fat, lazy, rich slob. He taken away any realness from his trilogy by relying so heavily on cgi, and digital. And in the process, he has removed the magic from his vision, not added to it.

Let us hope that if he does decide to do 7.8,9 he will gracefully bow out, and give them to someone with actual talent. Either someone younger, or someone who has talent, say Spielberg. Even better, Why doesn't he just give it to Irvin Kirschner the man who directed the greatest Star Wars of all, The Empire Strikes Back. He may be older. But you know what? TALENT IS TALENT. God I hope George lucas is surfing one day and sees this...WAKE UP!

Posted by: Tyler at January 21, 2005 02:20 PM

I completely agree with Tyler. Natalie Portman sucks. She is not a good actress -- maybe she was okay in her first couple of movies, but if so then she spent all of her talent on them and has nothing left. Plus she is not nearly as hot as her reputation. Cute, on a good day, but not really all that hot. There are girls at my college who are much much hotter. Her acting as Amidala is so dry and phony and exceedingly uninteresting. The whole cast stinks, but she is the worst. Too bad Lucas didn't pick a truly beautiful and talented actress like Liv Tyler to be Queen.

Posted by: Sam at March 20, 2005 05:39 PM

And Liv Tyler can actually act?

No offense but I also like Liv Tyler, but to compare her acting to Portman? Get real guys.

Anyway, that's your opinion, since you hate Portman I am sure you will not like Episode III, why bother watching the movie eh?

Posted by: Simone at March 20, 2005 05:57 PM

This movie sucked ass. I think it may have been one of the worst of the franchise. Get over the shit special effects from the 70's (see matix for real special effects) and all you are left with is a crappy movie, worthless actors and a dried up shriveled old man with some washed up useless suposide vision of some shitty future.

All you star wars fanaics out there who waited in line to see it... Come to my house ... I just took as shit in the toilet that was more interesting, and I will let you in for free to see it.

Posted by: MediaIcon at May 20, 2005 09:47 PM

This movie sucked ass. I think it may have been one of the worst of the franchise. Get over the shit special effects from the 70's (see matix for real special effects) and all you are left with is a crappy movie, worthless actors and a dried up shriveled old man with some washed up useless suposide vision of some shitty future.

All you star wars fanaics out there who waited in line to see it... Come to my house ... I just took a shit in the toilet that was more interesting, and I will let you in for free to see it.

Posted by: MediaIcon at May 20, 2005 09:54 PM

It´s just great. The film has such greatness that, I think, the director has a small part on it. The actors and the effects are fantastic. Heyden, something like that, the actor that plays Anakin, is more mature and his work was trully intense. Star Wars Episode III just rule the galaxy....huhuhu

Posted by: Subhuman Being at May 28, 2005 01:21 PM

Hey Medialcon, your arguments are oh so intelligent, you will convince us easily.

Glad you enjoyed it Subhuman Being! *winks*

Posted by: Simone at May 28, 2005 01:36 PM

Since you asked, Simone, I have not bothered and will not bother to see Episode III. I used to be a SW fan, but at this point I refuse to give Lucas any more money.
And Liv Tyler is not a great actress, but she is often quite good, and I have never seen her anywhere near as bad as Portman in SW.

Posted by: Sam at June 6, 2005 06:02 PM

I think the original Star Wars trilogy is pretty cool. However, the new trilogy (Episode 1,2,3) does not really impress me too much.

Actually, I would prefer to see Star Trek IX: Insurrection than any of these 3 movies. It at least has got some genuine acting.

-Rick Hardslab

Posted by: Rick Hardslab at June 7, 2005 10:59 PM