January 25, 2005

New Constantine pictures online

ConstantinePic.jpgIf nothing else, Constantine looks cool. After I saw the trailer I was worried that it was going to be very similar to Matrix, it did have a lot of that feel to it and Keanu Reeves certainly didn't do anything to alleviate that feeling.

So however it turns out, it's interesting to see the latest shots that Movieweb have. I've linked to the hi-res photos, but select the link at the bottom of the page to allow you to choose the lower resolution.

The more effects laden shots look quite cool, and the cast shots are looking stylish enough without any great feeling of "It's Matrix" leaping out at me. I'll keep hoping.

Posted by Richard Brunton at January 25, 2005 08:12 AM


I think this movie likes like a combination between Matrix and Devil's Advocate or something. I think Mr. Keanu may have gotten himself tied up with some type-casting. I will save my final judgement til I see it, which I know I will because my husband is a huge Matrix fan...

Posted by: Meagan at January 26, 2005 11:56 AM

I thought that the movie was really good. Considering I'm not a huge "Matrix" fan, though I've seen all three movies, I thought that this movie wasn't too much like the "Matrix" but I base my opinions and biases mostly on storylines. I don't care what everyone thinks, Keanu Reeves is one of the better actors that I have seen. He deserves more credit than he is given.

Posted by: Myss at February 21, 2005 12:01 PM

I saw the movie this weekend and i loved it. i thought the story line was awsome, followed with his christ-o-shotgun which i made the name up for. but all in all it was great and even though it seemed to have the creepiness of the matrix but never showed anything of it. prolly because its was a different director but all in all this movie was amazing and i love it

Posted by: carolino at February 22, 2005 01:55 PM

I loved this movie! Although comic book based movies seem to be all the rage in Hollywood (are they running out of fresh material?)Constantine wasn't what I was expecting. Keanu Reeves played his part very well, even if he was a bit of a jerk in the beginning. It had its funny moments (I won't say any of them for fear of spoiling the movie), and it also had a few moments that were truly poignant. (again, not revealing for fear of being a spoiler) Personally, I would like to know why the original comic book chose the name Constantine. Names always have significance in literature, so what's the significance of Constantine?

Posted by: Isilien at March 2, 2005 07:22 PM

Constantine was thought to be the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity. During the most famous battle of his entire lifetime against Maxentius, an angel of the Lord came to him and showed him an image of Christ's cross and told him, "In hoc signo vinces." (Literally, In this sign will you conquer). He then brought Christianity to Rome. A lot of this is thought to have been PR and that Constantine died pagan, or was maybe posthumously baptized. Who knows for sure??

His mother, Helen (rarely parted from his side in religious ikonography) supposidly brough a part of the cross back to Rome with her after her trip to Jerusalem.

There are also those newer books, a series, by those two guys who I've never read...My sister did and told me that Constantine was supposed to have been the devil in them. I don't know what that is all about, though.

Posted by: Eleni at April 22, 2005 03:24 PM