January 26, 2005

More A Scanner Darkly pictures and some jobs

ScannerMontage.jpgWow, if only I had changed my entire career early on in my life and chosen to be a Graphic Artist, studied and learned, then moved into Graphic Novels, I would be applying for this. However, I took the route of Hygiene and now I'm a toilet cleaner Consultant. If I had changed my entire life, I would now be applying for a job with the team who are making A Scanner Darkly.

Film Rotation carry the story from the Austin Chronicle who talk with the film makers about the process of making the movie and also provide a couple more stills. This movie looks lush. The stills also show some of the actors in character, and for this kind of movie that means a lot more than normal.

Animator Mike Layne talks about the process and the attractiveness of working with Robert Downey Jr.:

"With A Scanner Darkly, we're trying to be much more cohesive, because we've got A-list actors and those guys need to be recognizable. If you've got somebody like Robert Downey Jr., who is made of elastic – there is nothing on him that is stationary at any time – capturing all of his expressions and doing justice to someone that great an actor is a real challenge. It's interesting to see him in particular, because you never really notice how much goes into acting until you see a guy who is going into the scene that way and you see every little nuance that goes into each little piece of his performance. It's incredibly complex and detailed, and we've really got to capture that in the animation."

So, what's all this about a job? Well to cut to the chase, and do the wind up a huge injustice:

Flat Black Films is seeking fine artists and illustrators to do animation on the Richard Linklater feature A Scanner Darkly. Applicants need to be highly skilled in line drawing, particularly of the human face. Whereas our previous feature, Waking Life, aspired to a painting aesthetic, A Scanner Darkly aims to look more like a finely detailed, well-drawn comic book or graphic novel. Experience with computer animation such as Flash is a plus but not required. If you are willing to work as a local hire in Austin...

...go read the story to find out the full details and to get fully wound up about this and check out the application details, it's a fantastic opportunity if you have the talent.

Posted by Richard Brunton at January 26, 2005 04:27 AM


That new picture looks really cool.
I really like the different texture stuff begining to happen on the console.
The 3 original shots they released I couldnt get into because of the rotoscope/photoshop look which i think is sorta played out.
This new picture presents some possibilities within the context of a graphic novel style that had I not considered.

Posted by: thesecretsafe at January 26, 2005 07:41 AM

This may shape up to be the best PKD adaptation yet. Although Blade Runner was a great film, it doesn't have a lot of the things that I liked about the book Do androids dream of electric sheep?. I see them as separate entities rather than being the same story.

The weird thing that I've noticed about the major PKD adaptations is that they tend feature only one big actor (Ford, Afflec, Cruise, Schwarzenegger) and they've been done by big-name directors (Lee, Spielberg, Scott). I don't know if that really means anything, and there are exceptions in some of the other movies based off his work, but it's refreshing to see the movie with an ensemble cast, and a more artistic director. I think the animation style is really going to help capture the "look" of the novel. I've got Waking Life coming in the mail soon, so I'll be a bit more certain on that soon.

This is one of the many movies that I'm really looking forward to this year.

Posted by: It's Seitz at January 26, 2005 08:21 PM

Okay ya sold me on this movie already but what I really want to know is when they're going to do a movie about Philip K. Dick's life? I would see that movie every day it was out. I read some of his essay's and his biography and oh boy this guy was out there. People might get overwhelmed by some of the philosophy but he lived his life. A movie based on one of his stories comes out every other year. Hollywood owes it to PKD to make a movie about his life.

Posted by: Alfredo at January 26, 2005 08:46 PM

I just finished the novel after having heard of news of its adaptation. It'll definitely be interesting to see how it's pulled off, especially the scramble suits. Now that I've seen the monitoring equipment in one of the new photos (complete with disheveled Arctor shots), I'm more excited about the movie than ever.

The drug trip sequences ought to be damn bizarre too. I'm anticipating that they're gonna be a little more than inspired by Waking Life in that aspect.

Posted by: evergreen at January 26, 2005 09:16 PM

there is a documentary called The Gospel According to Philip K. Dick.Its really interesting to hear about his life but the film itself leaves much to be desired.

Posted by: thesecretsafe at January 27, 2005 02:50 AM

A lame ass documnetary isn't enough I want a full length flim with A-list stars and an A-list director. They could interveiw his friends and family and give them wirting credits as a way of giving back. Well... my be that last part won't happen but a movie should still happen.

Posted by: Alfredo at January 27, 2005 07:27 PM

By artistic standards...this movie will kick a whole lot of ass!!!

Posted by: Justin at February 2, 2005 04:00 AM

Trailer's out for the movie...


Looks really good.

Posted by: evergreen at February 20, 2005 03:16 AM

Oh, that is nice Evergreen, thanks for the heads up. Might be worth putting that in its own post tomorrow.

Posted by: Richard at February 20, 2005 06:06 AM

It's out Rich, John posted it today.

Posted by: Simone at February 23, 2005 11:24 AM