January 20, 2005

Million Dollar Baby Reviews

What a stupid name for a movie. Oh well... be that as it may, the critics are LOVING Million Dollar Baby. I've gotta admit I'm a fan of Eastwood's films (for the most part) and I'm looking forward to catching this one on Saturday.

The reviews are coming in, and here's what some of the critics are saying:

"The film works on every level -- acting, direction and production -- as it tells its heartfelt story about human frailty and the power of redemption."
-- Paul Clinton, CNN

"The kind of movie where you sit very quietly in the theater and are drawn deeply into lives that you care very much about."

"Any doubt that Eastwood ranks among America's finest filmmakers should forever be dispelled thanks to this unexpectedly brilliant masterpiece. "
-- Edward Douglas, COMINGSOON.NET

"Eastwood deserves another Best Picture nomination. Here's a man who has finally put Dirty Harry to rest."
-- James Berardinelli, REELVIEWS

I love Unforgiven, I loved Mystic River... man... Eastwood is turning into one of my favorite filmmakers. Whoda thought?

Posted by John Campea at January 20, 2005 06:58 AM


I've only met one person that agrees, but I thought the last hour was deeply flawed.

Posted by: Tom Whitaker at January 20, 2005 08:07 AM

I've only met one person that agrees, but I thought the last hour was deeply flawed. Oh, and would anyone care to tell me what they took away from the ending of Mystic River? Because I'm not sure I liked the way I interpreted it..

Posted by: Tom Whitaker at January 20, 2005 08:07 AM

This film touched me deeply. As it was about acceptance, and redemption. I particularly liked the father-daughter relationship that Eastwood and Swank developed.

If you watch this movie thinking its a female Jake La Motta like "Raging Bull", then you will be disappointed because this film aint about that at all.

"I know where to get some home-made lemon pies boss!"

Posted by: Simone at January 20, 2005 08:27 AM

Know what? If it was a shitty movie, critics comments would not differ in the slightest coma. Kinda sad.

Posted by: Peter at January 20, 2005 12:24 PM

Why God? WHY DOES ANYONE THINK THAT EASTWOOD CAN DIRECT???????? Mystic River was shit. Bloodwork was shit. It's all shit!!! I love him as an actor but his movies that he directs just club you over the head with cliches!!

Posted by: Adam at January 20, 2005 05:24 PM

Hey Adam calm down a little bit. I guess with Clint it's a hit and miss thing. Sometimes he does a good one and then he doesnt. What do you think about "Unforgiven" though, did you think he deserved the Best Director for that movie because I think he did.

I have to agree though that this year, Scorsese was the better director, we shall see now if the Academy feels the same way.

Posted by: Simone at January 20, 2005 07:11 PM

help! i am a movie-ending moron. i often 'don't get' the last scenes of movies. that very last scene ... was that the boxer's mom working at the 'pie place'? did Clint get away with murder that easily or how does the pie place factor in?

Posted by: Jim at January 25, 2005 09:34 PM

Jim...I also thought that it was Maggie's mother serving Clint at the small cafe. In my world - Clint bought the small cafe with the savings (as he mentioned earlier in the movie) and he asks the mother to work there. The mother still affected by the harsh words spoken by Maggie and the guilt from her death agrees to in search for redemption. Thats my take anyway. My friend who saw the movie with me did not think that was the mother, however.

Posted by: James at January 27, 2005 11:05 AM

My husband & I thought the end was VERY clear ! You saw a woman (obviously his daughter) reading a letter (obviously from Morgan Freeman) inside the DINER ---which he had obviously BOUGHT for her, before leaving town forever. Anyone out there agree?

Posted by: Edwina at January 28, 2005 09:58 AM

In the end the boxer was a loser as was her trainer. She gave up on the challenge of life and he gave up on God. It wouldn't take long for the cops to catch him feeding his piehole and arrest him for murder. No wonder the liberals like the movie.

Posted by: gdrabik at March 7, 2005 08:16 AM

That shadowy figure working behind the counter in the diner in the very last scene? Maggie's mother. In an interview, filmmakers said the movie "turns on the final scene of the film", where everything has been, in its way, corrected. Thus far, although he lost his eye, Eddie gets his final fight, and Maggie first attains her dream of boxing, then receives the peace she needs in the end (from Frankie, who is fully cognizant that he will go to hell for his act, but is willing to do it anyway out of love for her). Frankie gains a daughter in Maggie (in effect replacing the one Eddie has been writing to throughout the film), and has bought the diner, its connection to Maggie giving him peace. Furthermore, Maggie's mother is behind the counter - her lack of employment

and unwillingness to work has been a point of contention throughout the film (This is responsible for her lack of gratitude for the house Maggie buys her, because it would put their welfare status at risk). By employing Maggie's mother and thereby making her responsible for herself, Frankie has mended Maggie's family, which, despite her rejection of them, is something the good-hearted Maggie would've wanted. Reparing Maggie's family gives Frankie the peace he cannot find with his own estranged family. A truly stunning film - despite tremendous pain and personal sacrifice, the three main characters are ultimately at peace with the hand they've been dealt.

Posted by: KB at March 28, 2005 05:34 PM