January 06, 2005

Michael Biehn Should Have Been A Mega-Star

biehn2.jpgThere are some actors out there who for one reason or another just either don't get the credit they deserve, or don't get a chance to show off their stuff. Michael Biehn sorta falls into both of those categories.

The man was fantastic as Kyle Reese in The Terminator. A performance that for some reason was lost in all the Arnold hopla of the era. That's a damn shame, because in my eyes, as perfect as Arnold was for that role, Biehn carried that movie all the way. He was just fantastic in it.

Fast forward to Aliens, and once again Biehn is relegated to something of a supporting role, and yet still totally owned the screen when he was in a shot. He seems to carry a real quiet power about him that I've always respected, and it came across in The Abyss, The Rock and especially in Tombstone when he played Johnny Ringo (probably his best performance in my opinion).

Alas, Biehn's star never really took off. Always relegated to the supporting roles (aside from Navy Seals). It's too bad.

Ok, I know it's a bit late for this, but I've always thought (like for the last 10 years) that Biehn was BORN to play Cyclops in an X-Men film. Oh well... our loss.

Posted by John Campea at January 6, 2005 05:27 PM


I whole heartedly agree! I do not know what happened to his show on NBC Hawaii, it was great too. He would have made a great Cyclops much better than the Ken Doll they have playing him now.

BTW I love your blog and you are one of the first things I read with my coffee in the morning.

Posted by: Jennifer at January 6, 2005 06:06 PM

I agree so much with you! Michael Biehn is one of my favorite actors... but you are right, don't know why he hasn't been given the credit he should had... hope he was luckier with his tv shows since the last two have been cancelled pretty soon... A pity since the one this year looked better than the other one about treasure hunters... I like him in Terminator, Aliens and Tombstone... well in most of his works, included a series called The Magnificent Seven. He has also been involved in some projects everybody should forget, but it's good at least you remember him in the blog! ;)

Posted by: Chloe at January 6, 2005 07:49 PM

A couple things you may have missed John:

1) Michael Biehn probably had the most screen time in The Terminator, (even though only Mr. Schwartzenegger got top billing). So he does have a starring role besides "navy seals".

2) A mention to Mr. Sean Bean should have been in order, because he is currently in the same category, except that he is 10x the actor that Biehn ever was.

Personally, I think that Biehn is only a hair above Mark Hamill in the acting department (Read: Not very good, but in a couple iconic films). Regarding Tombstone, Biehn's only real contribution (in my opinion) was to make Val Kilmer look really good in that showdown with Doc Holliday.

Biehn had exactly the career he was capable of...talentwise.


Posted by: Kurt at January 6, 2005 11:01 PM

...and especially in Tombstone when he played Johnny Ringo...

Preach it, brother!

(But, you must admit, it ultimately turned out that he was no daisy.)

Posted by: tom at January 6, 2005 11:28 PM

Hey Kurt.

I guess it's a matter of billing. In terminator, I think Biehn was the backbone of the film. He just made it work for me. he got more screen time... but ultimately it's considered Arnlod's film. Too bad.

If you use the "search" bar on the side, you'll see I've actually done a couple of posts on Sean Bean and how seriously underrated he is... so i agree with you... but personally, I put Biehn in the same category.

I have a different opinion than you as far as Biehn's talent goes. I think he's one of those actors that (like a good hockey player) makes the others around him better (even in the sucky projects he's been in). So there ya go.

Posted by: John Campea at January 6, 2005 11:54 PM

He would have been perfect as Cyclops. As much as I like Famke, she seemed too old to be with Marsden.

Posted by: G at January 7, 2005 02:10 AM

Actually, years and years ago, there was an issue of Wizard Magazine that dream-cast the X-Men movie. Biehn was their first choice for Cyclops, even way back then. Of course, they also wanted Mike Dorn for Bishop, Glen Danzig for Wolverine, and, uh, Clint Eastwood for Cable.

Posted by: Matt Lynch at January 7, 2005 02:35 AM

Hey, don't blame Hollywood for Biehn's career fall?
He snorted his career away all those years he was doing drugs!!!
It happens all the time, actors career first hits big and he can't take the pressure and crashes.
I am a fan of his and now that he has gotten his life together hopefully he will make a better comeback!!!

Posted by: jason presti at January 7, 2005 06:52 AM

I've been thinking htis for years! It's wierd to see it as a story on this site, but like others I agree very much with the view that Biehn has been seriously underused by Holloywood. But was it by his own choice? Or...was it a bad agent?

Whatever the reason, I thought after The Terminator I would be seeing the actor in many action roles. I was disappointed I never did. Although not a great actor, Biehn always played his characters with an edge of sympathy. Even his role in The Abyss wasn't a straightforward bad guy role.

Biehn was always watchable and isn't that what being a movie star should be about?

Posted by: Richard Neal at January 7, 2005 07:03 AM

What is hopla? Sounds like one of them there George W. words.

Posted by: rick still at January 13, 2005 08:38 PM

Michael is better looking than Brad whats-his-name. Michael conveys a wry vulnerability even when playing roles like Johnny Ringo. From everything I've read on fan sites, etc... about Michael Biehn, he didn't play the Hollywood "games" such as appearing at hot night spots with various gorgeous women, he doesn't attend the Oscars or other high-profile events. In other words, the papparazzi doesn't find his life exciting enough to follow him around waiting for some scandalous (and, for the pappi, lucrative) behavior. Michael is low-profile. I noticed that when he attends premieres and such, he dresses plainly -- a plain shirt with a collar that he hasn't even bothered to straighten out so that it will look good with the sportcoat. When interviewed, he's very low-key, praises his fellow actors, and doesn't use the opportunity to promote political agenda. Why isn't he as big a name as some of his fellow actors? Those of us who appeciate his acting performances and, yes, really appreciate looking at him, know that this straight-forward man is not a gameplayer.

Posted by: gigi at June 18, 2005 10:17 AM