January 26, 2005

Miami Vice script details

miamivice2.jpgOver at Film Rotation MediaMelt (his Mum actually christened him that) has some news of the Miami Vice movie, and he quotes a story from Latino Review about the script. What struck me is that El Mayimbe seems surprised that the story is taking a turn away from the cheesy television series to a more gritty and realistic movie.

For me though, that's no surprise. As soon as Michael Mann was announced you just knew what was coming. I've always been a fan of Mann, he just has a great visual style and that was so clearly shown in Manhunter which was just an amazingly underated movie.

...the first draft of Miami Vice reads like a police manual. Full of prose and detail.

Is how it is described, and that just reeks of Mann to be honest (how many Mann puns are in here?). Now, big warning, feel free to go and read the whole story in Latino Review, but be very aware that it does contain spoilers. Thanks for the warning Melt, I'm not going near it. Full story link.

Posted by at January 26, 2005 04:20 AM


Miami Vice was not cheesy when it ran on NBC. It was considered gritty and realistic, like most of Mann's project's are. It seems cheesy now because of the outdated fashion trends and the lackluster careers of Phillip Michael Thomas and Don Johnson post Vice. This is definitely a project that I'm looking forward to!
Alter Ego Comics

Posted by: Marc at January 26, 2005 08:08 AM