January 09, 2005

Marvel tells of Hulk 2 changes

hulk2.jpgI wonder sometimes where the ideas are in Hollywood and just how they come about. Have you seen those Orange Mobile cinema adverts in the UK, where a panel of Orange Sales guys listen to a move star pitch their latest idea? They string them along and twist their vision into a story about mobile phones, texting, video messaging, anything that is something far removed from the actual pitch they came in with. They are funny, and is one of the reasons for going to the cinema, really they're that good, I've been in with the whole audience laughing at them.

So when you hear a story like this from Film Rotation (originally from Total Film Magazine through Super Hero Hype), you wonder if it isn't actually too far removed from the real thing.

An interview with Avi Arad over at Marvel Films gave the following wonderful insight into the next Hulk movie:

"In the next movie, Hulk 2, the Hulk will be smaller. If you make him 15-feet tall, there's no human connection there.....Right now we are still developing the sequel. I think the key thing is to come up with the right story."

The article also says we are promised, 'less angst and a lot more Hulk smashing,' and that Bruce Banner will become more comfortable with his big green side.

Okay, so let's analyse that for a moment. We're going to end up with a character who, in human form, likes to change into this human sized green bodybuilder type and smash and destroy things in a huge rage with no care for people or property? To me that doesn't sound like it can go anywhere, what's going to be there to associate with the character? Is the plot just going to end up being defeat the baddie by turning into big green thing and destroying everything?

The angst of battling with the creature was one of the best facets of the story, the creature is one part of the human character repressed and hidden through ages of evolution and is the embodiment of a desire and release that the human just does not want to be. Yet he's now comfortable with the fact he turns into this creature that is a danger to all around him?

I don't get it. Oh, and they're right over at FilmRot too, a short arsed Hulk just isn't the answer, angst, turmoil and huge creature. That's the Hulk.

Posted by at January 9, 2005 05:27 PM


I'd like to comment first on the Orange adverts before a movie screening, I do find it hilarious, my favorite being the one with Alan Cumming. The latest one with Patrick Sawyze was cheessy though but still cute.

Back to the Hulk 2, "less angst but more smashing", how can that even be? And following on from Richard's viewpoint how can that be some hero, a hero oblivious to the destruction his power might cause?

Posted by: Simone at January 9, 2005 05:35 PM

As a fan of the excellent (if slow at times) original hulk movie. That worked only because of the human elements in the film (Nolte, Bana, Connelley and surprisingly Elliot)....when it all went to special effects, the film suffered (especially the electro-transmutation man Nolte turns into at the end).
It seems because the movie didn't perform up to expectations (Ang Lee as box-office gold coming off of Crouching Tiger), it's time to dumb down the whole affair and pander to the masses. It's a shame really...but there really isn't much of a sequel to "The Hulk" there is not much area for the character to grow anyway...

I'm sure there will be no Ang Lee the second time around, which is reason enough not to see it.


P.S. The panel effects and such really made the Hulk feel like a comic come to life...But I believe the overall look of Sin City will be the best comic book evocation to date...That movie looks like Live Action Frank Miller.

Posted by: Kurt at January 9, 2005 08:40 PM

P.P.S. Dunno about the Orange adverts, but anything has got to be better than the "Piracy is a Crime" PSAs that run in front of movies at the local theatres in Canada.


Posted by: Kurt at January 9, 2005 08:42 PM

What if Avi Arad is lying about this script? What if they have a totally different script all ready to go and they are leading us on with this fake premise. Don't believe it yet, it mabhe all lies...

Posted by: Anthony at January 10, 2005 04:23 PM

Being comfortable with becoming the Hulk doesn't mean he LIKES to turn into the Hulk. And less angst doesn't mean NO angst. Bruce coming to terms with him being the Hulk is one of the many issues that have been tackled many times before in the comics. And I think there could be a lot of really good stories that can come from that...and he'll STILL be the Hulk.

Posted by: Gerry at January 10, 2005 09:04 PM

They will make this film a stinker. It will blow worst than the FF flick in the early 90's. "The Hulk" movie kicked ass and now it the sequel will suck monkey balls.

Booooooo Hollywood

Posted by: Darnell at January 11, 2005 02:06 AM

You know I beleive that it is a good idea to make him smaller because the way the hulk looked, he was as tall as a 2 or 3 storie house and thats not what the hulk was. I grew up on the hulk and he is my fav character still. The hulk comming to terms with himself has always been in the story and I think thats how it should be but also the hulk did have baddies that he did have to defeat like the abomination which is a result of Bruce Banner's accident. The hulk isnt just an angry bastard whos soul purpose in life is to destroy the world. Yes he has a temper problem and does destroy lots of stuff but you can only go so far with just smashing and bashing, you have to realize hes still a human under all that green skin. so i totally agree on putting the hulk at a more humane level, but not take away from his angry, destructive counter part. And in the first movie he said he liked being the hulk, he did not like being chased by the army though. Just because hes the hulk doesnt mean he doesnt care for people. Note how technically he didnt kill anyone in the movie and he always calmed down when Betty Ross was involved. I think you all are analyzing this rumor way too much and let hollywood make an awesome movie. I got an idea, lets see you all write a movie script and see how good it is!

Posted by: Seth Gustafson at July 13, 2005 03:16 PM